Both are form of communication. We should know its effects, advantages and disadvantages. Rhea growing need of computers and cellophanes A. What is a computer and cellophane? 1 .
A Computer is a programmable machine. It is a device that accepts information. Amounts of communications. It is an electronic machine that can deal and store with large information. It is usually used for Internet or Live 2.
A Cellophane is a device that can make and receive calls and messages Nerve into a through REF spectrum. You are. It is a type of phone which does not need wires to connect telephone system.
Cell phones communicate with nearby cell towers waves, a form of energy located on the electromagnetic B. Computers and cellophanes are two major gadgets that are widely used by people.
1 . Computers are usually used in e
...ducation. It is usually used in surfing the internet. E-mails or live conversations. 2. Cellophanes are used in order to communicate with the people around them.
Usually used for vocal communications. It allows access to the internet too. Risk and abusive effects in our lives 1 . Obsession turns out into addiction says the Psychologists.
It involves a behavioral failure to resist an impulse and not a physical dependence upon some sort of substance. 3. The positive benefits derived from the pleasure of the addiction need to be Neighed against the negative effects it may have on the rest of a person's life.
B. Bad effects in using computers and cellophanes in our lives 1. Computers and Cellophanes have Radiation. 2.
Health effects that causes many illness in our health. Health and social issues that caused in our lives A.
Health problems may cause in using computers and cellophanes too much 1 . Eye Problems caused by abusive time of using these things. .
Bad Posture caused by using it for a long time. 3. Radiation that may cause cancer, or may affect the brain and memory which cause ill effects. B. Social issues caused by using cellophanes and computers .
Social issues surrounding the increase use of computers and the internet. 2. Addiction of children or the effects of computers on children. 3. Mobile phones causes in attention blindness or loss of focus and accidents.
Conclusion People can use computers and cellophanes in effective and positive ways but in the same way, it still have its own negative and abusive effects.
Introduction every age nowadays. Both are form of communication. Information and communication are two of the most important thing that a people needs. Both of hem have a lot of similarities like it can connect to other people through communicating.
PC's and cell phones are both electronically powered devices, though cell phones require a charged internal battery while desk PC's remain plugged into a "all outlet during use. Many modern cell phones have Internet capabilities, one of the primary functions of a PC. Both devices also have illuminated screens which display digital information.
Both of them has a radiation, it is an energetic waves travel through a medium or space. It can actually affect our eyes through long time usage of each devices due to its radiation. Both of them has made our lives a lot more easier and convenient.
Both devices can facilitate contact of emergency services. Mobile phones and computers are used virtually everywhere. While some
effects of cellophanes have been positive and there are also negative effects associated with their use. It is nice to know more about these kind of things for it is becoming a useful thing in our lives and almost everyone has it.
We need to be aware devices have changed the modern lives of many.
They are essential tools that helps our daily life. In almost every way, computers and cellophanes are a very beneficial electronic device to have. II. The growing need of computers and cellophanes Originally the computer was a Job title. It was used to describe those human beings whose Job it was to perform the repetitive calculations required to compute such things as navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for astronomical almanacs. A Computer is a programmable machine.
It is a device that accepts information.
It is an electronic machine that can deal and store with large amounts of information. It is usually used for Internet or Live communications. It can be instructed to perform a variety of individual functions. It can give us everything we need for Just an easy way. It is a device that accepts a lot of information.
A computer can simply be defined as a machine which takes instructions and perform computations and operations. There are two types of personal computers, desktops and laptops. Laptops are portable. Larger desktops remain stationary, for the most part, and may be used by multiple members of a household.
These commanded instructions are known as programs and computers execute these programs to do an operation.
At a time, a set of instructions can be given to a computer to perform several operations. There
are different types of computers nowadays. Depending on their usage and service application they can be classified in various categories. A mobile phone is a device that can make and receive calls and messages wherever Ho are. It is a type of phone which does not need wires to connect into a telephone system.
Cell phones communicate with nearby cell towers through REF waves, a form of energy located on the electromagnetic spectrum.
It is a battery operated device that has a small kind of battery meaning a " low power " source. This is what has made hand held cellular phones possible. Since they have internal batteries which ay be charged from any wall outlet, they can be used practically anywhere. With a cell phone, you can communicate to anyone on the world from Just about anywhere. Ninth cellophane, you can actually do a lot of things like Store contact information, Make task or to-do lists, Keep track of appointments and set reminders , Use the built-in calculator for simple math, send and receive emails or messages or phone calls.
You can also get a lot of information depending on the phone model you have. Computers are usually used in education. It is usually used in surfing the internet. E-mails or live conversations.
It can actually make your work easier. It can give us a lot of information about anything we want to know. We can get more knowledge, These days every single person is known with the word-computer. We can find computers at everywhere around us. In fact, modern world will be incomplete without computers and their applications. It is important to make things easier.
align="justify">It is capable to do a lot of things like researching, communicating and a lot more. Computers minimizes the Nor time. The electromagnetic waves generated by cellophanes may have adverse long-term health consequences. The radiation from the waves may disrupt brain unction and contribute to diseases such as cancer. Used in order to communicate with the people around them. It is usually used for local communications.
It allows access to the internet too depending on how modern the model of the phone is. Cell phones are even used as a camera, a video recorder and even as a radio and MPH player all in one.
In emergency situations, our mobile phones are the ways wherein people can reach us and in the same way through those phones we can reach the necessary people or establishment too. There are cell phones that are not costly but would have nice features, and then there are the really expensive cell phones that would have everything you could wish for.
It is up to you on whether you would choose a phone that is basic giving you only the necessary features you need or a phone that is technologically advanced that gives you needed features and also extras that are great to have Just like a computer.
Obsession turns out into addiction says the Psychologists. Computer obsession can ruin your life. It can destruct or disturb you to any more important doing you need to do.
For example, computer games it can make you addicted to it by having fun. It is actually a waste of time. Cellophanes can also be an obsession when you pep on testing or calling non-stop, all
day and all night long. Obsession is also an addiction. Cellophane is an addiction when you keep on concentrating on it for how many hours in a day and without leaving it all day long.
You keep on thinking about {Our phone when it's not with you.
It is the first thing that you do when you actually Naked up in the morning, to check your phone. Both devices is an addiction because it can minimize boredom. Many therapists like Nancy Fagan and Dry.
Dennis B. Faction treat "computer addiction" as a disorder, other theorists claim that computer obsession is more like ethological gambling than a true addiction because it involves a behavioral failure to resist an impulse and not a physical dependence upon some sort of substance. Most heavy computer and cellophane users are aware of their own problem or know of other people who seem to display all the symptoms of an addicted personality.
Computer and cellophane addicts have a tendency to lose track of time when they're online. They can spend the entire day to do such a thing by having fun on it and they don't realize it.
They ignore their day-to-day responsibilities, all like any other type of addict. They may make our lives more convenient but they also come up with some certain disadvantages to our health and actions. The positive benefits derived from the pleasure of the addiction need to be Neighed against the negative effects it may have on the rest of a person's life.
The positives are access to more information through many sources in communicating and through the internet source.
Most people have no ability to distinguish good from
bad information. People can also be much more focused when they are on the computer. People can develop more information through the sources in each devices. He negative side is that they may have bad purposes in the usage of the computer and cellophanes. They can get information that are not meant to be taught or provides much inaccurate information. It can also distract many people on their time.
This is Eagleburger.
Computers and Cellophanes have Radiation. This radiation is having a demonstrably harmful effect on our health. When using a cell phone, it is often placed close to or against the head during use, which puts the radiation in direct contact with the tissue in the head.
When using the computer, the radiation is direct contact to your eyes. Most people uses the computer for more than 3 hours, by that radiation already hits you. And also, cellophanes are used for the whole day and it is has more radiation than the computer because the device is nearer to you when it is used.
Not only that, it can also cause disturbance on time, fatigue, headache, infertility, hyperactivity. It can damage cells as well as the DNA.
Health effects that causes many illness in our health because of using computer and mobile phones for too long. The most common fear is cancer, but neurological problems tend to appear first like headache. Prolonged use of mobile phones should e avoided. The head set should be kept at a reasonable distance from our head. Studies have found that the majority of computer workers experience some eye or 'Sino symptoms.
Some symptoms are Lower back pain due to wrong posture.
Strain due to Glare from monitor because of its brightness. The frequent use of phones and computers is an unimaginable threat to human health. Every minute that you're using both devices can increase the probability of cancer.
IV. Health and social issues that caused in our lives Eye Problems caused by abusive time of using these things. One problem is the computer vision syndrome. It is a very real problem for many people who spend hours in front of a computer screen. Many computer users experience eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and other visual symptoms related to sustained use of the computer.
Same as using the cellophane, it can also make your eyes strain because of the number of hours being used and it is a direct contact to your eyes.
Bad Posture caused by using it for a long time. Back pain, neck pain, Pain In Wrists Fingers are some of the bad postures when using the computer and cellophanes. Enron chair when using the computer or a chair is not adjusted properly can result onto knee, buttocks and shoulder pain also. There are some correct ways or measurements in order for us to have the proper position on using both devices.
Pain in the wrists and fingers are commonly because of typing the keyboard and typing the keypad.
Radiation that may cause cancer, or may affect the brain and memory which will cause ill effects. Brain tumor is the most common type of cancer when using the cellophane because when you call for a long range of hours, it is direct to the ears and head. Social issues surrounding the increase use of computers and the internet.
Most people now already has a computer. It's like, life is not complete without it because it really do makes life a lot more easier.
Some application in using computer can make your time more valuable.
It is the short cut to any kind of work. Most people really needs the use of a computer because it has the application to anything you for them to save more time and efforts. Children can learn some things through the internet if there is no parental guidance. By that, children may occur too much addiction.
They cannot control themselves from using the computer. Children are exposed to computers at an early age and some children knows a lot more than their parents about computers. Some children who frequently use the computer may be at risk for developing vision problems.
It is abusive to children when they are left alone in using the computer.
Some children may forget there responsibilities like making their homework by using the computer for games. There are a lot of inappropriate stuffs in the internet that are not allowed for them Just like pornographic sites. A serious effect of computers on children is the possible exposure to adult that are beyond understanding. That's NH children really needs parental guidance. Mobile phones causes in attention blindness or loss of focus and accidents. Testing may cause loss of focus.
It is a complicated way to focus on that kind of matter.
Also, when you're driving and you're using your cellophane at the same time {o might lose your focus on driving. Using a hand-held mobile phone while driving is a major distraction that brings risk of road traffic accidents.
You may risk your life for Just a blink. So you really need a lot of focus when using your cellophane.
You need to choose. Pay attention to what is more important when using it. CONCLUSION People can use computers and cellophanes in effective and positive ways but in the same way, it still have its own negative and abusive effects. Both devices has a role in our daily lives.
Whether in what category in our life, mobile phones and computer plays a big part in our life and it gives us a big impact. It's nice to be aware and not end up being ignorant of what may came later from the excessive usage of computers and cellophanes. Technology has had such an influential impact on the Nay we function in our personal and professional lives. Using computers are developmentally appropriate and can have skills and knowledge about it. We should always remember that we should limit the use of computers and cellophanes in order for us to prevent some negative effects.
We can always say that both of these devices really changed our lives into a simple matter.
The people would really improve some skills about short-cuts in life by using these two gadgets. They are similar in many Nays but some differences too. They are actually transforming the society in a much better way. In Just a simple clicks you can already do anything you want to do by Just relaxing yourself. Just like using computers, we can make or solve most of difficult things which are hardly completed without their hands.
Both of these devices has their own different abilities in order for it
to help our lives much more easier.
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