Action Speak Louder Than Words Essay Example
Action Speak Louder Than Words Essay Example

Action Speak Louder Than Words Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (322 words)
  • Published: July 31, 2018
  • Type: Paper
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In my opinion, actions hold greater significance than mere words. When an individual takes action, those around them assess the outcome and attribute it to the person responsible. This can be seen clearly in the example of a politician embroiled in a political scandal. Even if the politician successfully demonstrates their innocence, most people will still link the scandal to their character, which could result in a decline in support during future elections.

The prevalence of false information in discussions has led society to rely more on actions rather than words. Actions are dependable and yield results, making them the most trustworthy evidence of trustworthiness. To exemplify this, I will share a personal experience where an action spoke louder than words. During a job search, I had to take part in selection tests fo


r a single position with ten candidates.

The test involved group dynamics, including a task where the applicant asked each candidate if they spoke English. All candidates confirmed that they did, but the applicant then continued to ask questions in Portuguese, our native language. After 30 minutes, the applicant left and did not come back. Ten minutes later, another woman approached us and spoke English. She informed us that the test would continue in room number 1546 on the 5th floor in about 5 minutes. She instructed those who understood her to leave the current room and go to the new room for further testing.

After the woman left the room, only 3 candidates went to room 1546 on the 5th floor. This example demonstrates how actions speak louder than words. Although all the candidates claimed to speak English, only

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of them truly understood that the test would continue in another room. In support of the idea that actions are more reliable than words, it is easier to determine a person's capability to understand topics discussed in an American university by analyzing their TOEFL exam results rather than relying solely on their self-claims.

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