Out Of My Comfort Zone Essay Example
Out Of My Comfort Zone Essay Example

Out Of My Comfort Zone Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1005 words)
  • Published: May 2, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Back in 2003, I and a group of fellow classmates came together to establish an Activism group. Our objective was to tackle a range of issues, with particular emphasis on enhancing school funding, particularly for the C.

F. E (Campaign for Fiscal Equity) is a lawsuit aimed at requiring N. Y state to provide $9.2 billion in crucial capital funding to public schools.

Being part of this group, I had the duty to arrange focus groups and offer information to both the facility and students. These responsibilities challenged me to step outside my comfort zone. Prior to heading to Albany, New York, I felt an unprecedented level of nervousness. Not only was I preparing for the unfamiliarity of leaving home and staying in a hotel room, but also venturing into new experiences that hadn't even crossed my mind before. Moreover, all these underta


kings would be done with unknown individuals in an unfamiliar location. While on the bus, thoughts about the other activists and what awaited us on this journey consumed my mind.

Feeling scared and unsure, being alone on the bus evoked fear and anxiety. It is natural to feel these emotions when faced with unfamiliar situations. However, in this instance, my anxiety was justified as it required me to step outside of my comfort zone and leave behind my safety net.

Venturing out of my comfort zone meant breaking away from routine and exploring an unknown world. This involved meeting new people, trying new activities, engaging with city representatives, promoting voter registration, and even wearing the same clothes multiple days in a row! Despite the discomfort, it provided an opportunity to temporarily escape Brooklyn and make the mos

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of unfamiliar surroundings.

Leaving my comfort zone and loved ones behind, I embarked on a new adventure in Albany. As the bus stopped, a wave of silence consumed me, emphasizing the reality of the unknown. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces, landscapes, and activities, I confronted the stillness of this foreign city. Without the luxuries of home - video games, television, and hot showers - I questioned the effectiveness of this experience and my own ability to succeed.

During that brief period, I gained extensive knowledge about the functioning of my state government and gained insights into school funding. Our group worked together harmoniously, complementing each other's strengths. We all learned from each other and surpassed expectations through collaborative efforts and individual contributions. Additionally, I had the opportunity to explore the enchanting city of Albany. Throughout the experience, we learned, debated, laughed, and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Upon entering the bright blue sky, my anxieties vanished as I ventured beyond my usual "safety net" and "comfort zone." Instead, I found tranquility in this new environment while accompanied by my teacher, who was also an activist. Together, we delved into the complexities of the state's political system and effectively influenced school funding policies through our advocacy for the C.F.E case, resulting in millions of dollars being obtained for our schools.

While visiting Harvard University, my activist group engaged with professors to learn about school funding and the persisting problem of school segregation. It was during this visit that I had the honor of meeting Gary Orfield, the author of Dismantling Desegregation: The Quiet Reversal of Brown V. Board of Education - a book that deeply influenced me. Orfield's book

inspired me to step outside my comfort zone and get involved. Within Dismantling Desegregation, Orfield documents the subsequent legal cases that ensued after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

After reading this book, I had a conversation with my social studies teacher regarding the significance of responding to the nullification of the initial decision made by the Board of Education. In turn, my teacher enlightened me about additional injustices taking place within our school system and acquainted me with activist groups committed to addressing them. Although it was a gradual process, eventually progress was achieved. We commenced advocating for change during our freshman year and persisted until our senior year in high school.

Even though I had already graduated and wasn't directly benefiting from it, I am deeply moved by the opportunity to help children in my community receive fair school funding. This came about when we received funding for our school and used the remaining money to establish scholarships for our peers who couldn't afford college.

In 2007, multiple activist groups collaborated, resulting in a favorable ruling from the Supreme Court of New York. This ruling led to an increase in funding for public schools in NYC.

Currently, I possess a limitless perspective that pushes me beyond my comfort zone. With this newfound mindset, I have increased confidence in myself and believe that I can accomplish any goal I set my mind on.

My involvement in politics, government, and public speaking has given me a newfound appreciation for individuals in these fields. At the same time, I have developed a greater respect for the environment and the comforts it provides today. I have also learned not to

let negative events affect me greatly and minimize their impact on my mindset. Stepping out of my comfort zone has taught me to embrace new challenges instead of avoiding them. Confronting our fears is crucial for personal development. Furthermore, I now understand that sticking to comfort and security can hinder personal growth. It is important to consider what is truly right for us rather than relying solely on safety measures when making decisions.

Many individuals are trapped in their own limited reality and fail to acknowledge the incredible world beyond their comfort zones. It is crucial for everyone to step out of these zones and discover this marvelous world. From my personal experience, I have encountered people from different nations on my journey, which has provided me with a well-rounded perspective on life. Meeting new individuals constantly excites me as I learn from these interactions. Engaging in activist movements has expanded my wisdom and public understanding, and I aspire to further develop in the future.

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