Baby Massage Essay Example
Baby Massage Essay Example

Baby Massage Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (312 words)
  • Published: August 25, 2016
  • Type: Article
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Massage has many positive effects on the body. It stimulates blood circulation and the lymphatic system, improving nutrient transportation and waste elimination. Additionally, it enhances the immune, nervous, digestive, and respiratory systems. It also improves muscle tone, flexibility, body awareness, and coordination. Furthermore, massage can be especially beneficial for specific skin conditions when combined with aromatherapy.

Baby massage offers benefits for both the baby being massaged and the parent performing it, as it provides multiple advantages. Touch serves as a crucial form of communication, particularly for infants. A parent's touch is nurturing and has been demonstrated to affect a child's temperament. Infants who are frequently held tend to be more tranquil and relaxed, whereas those who receive less physical contact often experience increased anxiety.

Receiving a massage from their parent, rather


than a therapist, is the ideal option for a baby. This is because it strengthens the parent-child bond and allows the parent to express their genuine nurturing abilities without worry, as long as they have learned proper massage techniques from a qualified professional.

Massage for babies can be started from birth, but it is recommended to wait until they are 6-8 weeks old and have been checked by their General Practitioner (G.P.) as a safety precaution. Premature infants or those with specific health issues should always obtain medical consent.

Benefits for Baby

  • Bonding is enhanced
  • Improved rest and sleep
  • Improved body awareness and co-ordination
  • Improved muscle tone and joint mobility
  • Stimulation of bod
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  • Can help reduce; Colic and wind, Constipation, Nappy rash, Dry skin, eczema and cradle cap, Coughs and colds.
  • Benefits for Parents

    • Enhances bonding
    • Fun and enjoyable
    • Gives confidence when handling baby
    • Gives permission to touch
    • Helps with understanding verbal and non-verbal communication
    • Can help with post natal depression
    • If breastfeeding Lactation is promoted through stimulation of hormones
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