Why I want to be a reporter Essay Example
Why I want to be a reporter Essay Example

Why I want to be a reporter Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (634 words)
  • Published: July 14, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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I do not remember exactly when this dream appeared and changed my previous dream. But the fact is, this is the most powerful dream that I have. A lot of questions that asked me why someone like me want to be a reporter. In addition, I am a graduated from vocational high school which focus obviously different with this dream so, people would just say that it is not my thing. Not to mention, the long-term deals with my parents who really questioned the prospects of success of becoming a reporter just made it harder to me.

They have the stereotype that being a reporter is the one who has income less balanced than busyness obtained. However, Bring a camera and record interesting events or be in front


of the camera and delivers the news which is not factual or directly from the scene, it's such a cool thing, but for me, not the prestige like that which is all I wanted from being a reporter. Lots of other things that I want rather than just look cool and have the privilege of the reporter, and these are the reasons why I wanted to be a reporter. Being a reporter certainly be pursued with a lot of deadlines and timing.

Besides can improve the discipline that I have, it can also be a good thing for me to be able to improve the mental that I have. Why? Due to a reporter schedule at least I can forge myself harder and harder every day with pursued deadlines news that must be written to the media. When mental matters has started t

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improve, then the second thing that I want is to improve my communication skills. In communicating I am still far away to be called as a good communicator. Therefore, by becoming a reporter I could train myself to have the ability to communicate well.

Surely, what is called communicate here is the skills of reporter to be communicate well with his/her interviewee. With many kinds of people met during the information gathering activities, will train me in thinking about the questions and a lot of talked and it surely will train my communication skills. A different point of view also make me believe that being a reporter is my thing, because being a reporter is one of the most challenging job in the world. Why? Because not all fun and convenient things it is covered by a reporter.

Sometimes a reporter had to risk his life in a place that is prone to conflict or even being in conflict. Professionalism and loyalty to the profession requires a reporter to dare in things like that. Surely something like this would improve my life, not just strengthen general mental, but the whole. The last reason may sound hypocritical, when a lot of reporter like it to travel for free while covered their news, but I can say that I am little bit different, not just enjoying the trip I also want to be more familiar with the culture and society. Not only the culture and people of Indonesia but also around the world.

How? By covering a variety of interesting stuff from all over the world of course. However, this kind of activity is

the most difficult to achieve by a reporter, because traveling activity by the reporter is only done by a senior reporter who knows how to adapt and communicate. So, I think from being a reporter I just not be able to give a factual news but by becoming a reporter I also could make myself be a better person for future in this profession, like improve the base skills of a reporter and learn a lot of things while myself enjoy the privileges and activities from being a reporter.

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