Benazir Income Support Programme Research Proposal Essay Example
Benazir Income Support Programme Research Proposal Essay Example

Benazir Income Support Programme Research Proposal Essay Example

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The ongoing research is centered around the analysis of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and its impact on society, poverty alleviation/reduction, and Pakistan's economy. The researcher evaluates the primary organizational model of BISP and implements its structure, features, or components.

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was established by the Government of Pakistan in 2008-09 with an initial allocation of Rs. 34 billion, around US $425 million or 0.3% of the GDP. This makes it the third largest allocation in the overall budget. The main objective of this Programme is to assist individuals living in poverty by addressing the effects of inflation. Inflation rates averaged at approximately 10% from 2005 to 2007, while food inflation ranged between 13% and 15%.

In 2007-08, there was a significant increase in global and domestic oil prices and primary products, w


hich caused inflation. Consequently, people's purchasing power decreased by half, creating an urgent need for immediate relief for the impoverished sectors of society.

To tackle this problem, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was implemented. Its objective is to aid around 15% of the total population, comprising 40% of those living below the poverty line. The BISP offers a monthly payment of Rs.

The objective of BISP is to increase the household income from Rs. 5000 to Rs. 10000 per household, reflecting a 20% rise in income. The program aims to cover all four states including FATA, AJK, FANA, and ICT. In this context, a household consists of a husband, a married woman, and dependent children. There are various reasons supporting this perspective.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the role and structure of the Benazir Income Support Programme in Pakistan,

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as well as its impact on poverty reduction and economic improvement. The study will specifically analyze fund allocation, distribution, and their effects on poverty reduction, women's empowerment, and economic factors. Initially focused at a local level, the research has potential for expansion to other major cities. Ultimately, the primary goal of the Benazir Income Support Programme is to provide substantial assistance in alleviating hardships for individuals experiencing extreme poverty.

According to several former economic experts, the programme should be implemented in a transparent manner, without any political affiliations. It is estimated that around three million individuals will benefit from this programme. What sets it apart is its emphasis on providing aid to remote and underdeveloped regions where there are limited business and employment opportunities for the local population. The government has pledged to assist up to 33 percent of the population living below the poverty line through the Benazir Income Support Programme. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate whether or not the BISP has effectively decreased poverty.

The research aims to understand the authorization of adult females in relation to societal and economic factors. To gather information, tools such as interviews, questionnaires, and literature review will be utilized. Based on these findings, conclusions and analysis will be conducted to address our research objectives. Additionally, the economic context includes the BISP Cash Transportation, which complements other social protection instruments and services like healthcare.

Providing instruction, self-respect, and choice is beneficial in reducing transaction costs and providing greater value to recipients compared to in-kind support. This has both immediate effects on food security and long-lasting effects on poverty alleviation. In times of natural disasters or crises, the

Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) can serve as a method for delivering cash assistance in affected countries.

Scientific Aims

The primary objective of this research is to assess the efficacy of the Benazir income support programme (BISP) in reducing poverty and accomplishing its various goals, including women empowerment, economic stabilization, unemployment reduction, and addressing other economic impacts. BISP aligns with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of social and economic targets that countries aim to achieve by 2015.

The purpose of the BISP was to integrate women into society by providing financial assistance, health and accident insurance, and vocational training. The goal is to make recipients self-sufficient. The formulated hypothesis is as follows:

Null Hypothesis

The Benazir Income Support Programme fully commits to reducing poverty and empowering women in Pakistan.

Alternate Hypothesis

The Benazir Income Support Programme does not fully commit to reducing poverty and empowering women in Pakistan. The main objectives intended to be achieved by the end of this study include compensating low-income households for the decrease in purchasing power.

A hard currency grant of Rs. 2000/ every alternate month, with only one benefit allowed per household.

Empowering Women: Only female recipients are eligible: the female head of the household or an adult female member of the household can receive the grant. This program is not affiliated with any specific political party; it is for the people of Pakistan and is transparent in its operation.

The full universe and donor bureaus are collaborating and directing their offers to assist the households affected by bomb blasts, earthquakes, and displacement in the Swat region and Bajour bureau, among others, in order to reduce poverty relief.

It is important for assistance to be timely and impartial.

  • Assistance should be temporary to avoid creating dependence.
  • Assistance should not be too large to avoid loss of work incentives or inflation. It is crucial to carefully plan and implement aid programs.
  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation of aid programs are necessary.
  • Eligibility criteria should be predefined, transparent, easy to explain, and simple to administer.
  • Important linkages to previous studies and work accomplished by various researchers in the field are highlighted below.


    The methodology used in this research involves content analysis, which includes both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Content analysis is a method within the empirical social scientific tradition that has been developed to investigate patterns in our study. The two major techniques of content analysis are utilized.

    Depending on the analytical methods used, there are two types of content analysis: quantitative content analysis and qualitative content analysis. Quantitative analysis aims to quantify and demonstrate characteristics of a large number of media texts. On the other hand, qualitative analysis focuses on how often a variable is presented and how the amount can be conveyed in numbers, enabling precise reporting of results. In the quantitative research process, various tests would be applied, including regression analysis.

    Qualitative Content Analysis

    This type of content analysis includes a small amount of quantitative measurement and does not use standardization or mathematical methods. Its goal is to clarify quantitative data and understand the importance of the content.

    Steps of Content Analysis

    Survey Universe

    The survey universe definition involves setting boundaries for the content that will be analyzed.

    This study examines the key aspects of the Benazir income support programme, including its features, aims, constituents, and effects. An appropriate operational definition of the relevant population is required for this research.

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