I Am Grateful for My Time in Louisville Essay Example
I Am Grateful for My Time in Louisville Essay Example

I Am Grateful for My Time in Louisville Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (495 words)
  • Published: June 28, 2022
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A goal without a plan is simply a wish, and I am not a wishful thinker. More so, I consider myself to be a person of practical approach. Thus, when I started my college endeavor, the University of Louisville was strategically the best option.

The institution granted me the financial scholarships I needed while also offering a nationally ranked nursing program with an extremely high first time NCLEX pass rate and phenomenal clinical work opportunities. Not to mention, being from the gloomy city of Pittsburgh, I was excited to move further south for a sprinkle of sunshine. It all seemed like the perfect fit. The school checked off just about everything I was looking for in a college. It wasn’t until my younger sister was diagnosed with a serious nervous system disorder that it


really hit me.

I was far from home… almost seven hours away to be exact. At this distance, even the thought of a weekend trip home to see my family was purely out of the question, and the obstacle tore at my heart strings to great lengths. Though I know I could be successful at the University of Louisville and receive an outstanding education, staying there would mean an additional three years of unbearable distance from those whom I love dearly; a distance I simply cannot rationalize. When applying to colleges during my senior year of high school, I was accepted to Ohio University, and for the longest time I resented myself for not choosing to attend OU in the first place. However, with that being said, I have come to the conclusion that I, in fact, do not regret my decision to

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attend the University of Louisville for my first year of college. I accept this past year with gratitude, and recognize my time in Louisville as an experience in which I have learned a great deal about myself and made life-long friends along the way.

U of L has allowed me to gain the confidence I needed to continue my educational journey with drive and passion. Knowledge is power, and education is inspiring. The combination lays a foundation for opportunity and growth. It is through transferring that I hope to have the opportunity to fully immerse myself in an educational program that I have admired for so long. I am eager to whole-heartedly take advantage of what Ohio University’s Nursing program has to offer, including but not limited to, the chance to pick up a minor and/or certificate as well as participate in international study abroad opportunities.

Now is the time to take my education to the next level at a more reasonable distance from home, and I sincerely believe Ohio University is the place where I will be able to thrive not only as a student, but also as an individual. As the great 18th century writer, Doctor Samuel Johnson, once said, “the next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it.”

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