Wildebeest Hunt Essay Example
Wildebeest Hunt Essay Example

Wildebeest Hunt Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (426 words)
  • Published: October 6, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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It is an ideal moment to go hunting when the wind is softly blowing, the trees are swaying, and the grass is richly green, accompanied by the delightful fragrance of wild flowers.

On a spring evening, my cousins and I set out to the ‘Hawaan Forest’ to hunt a new species of wildebeest. These creatures resemble reindeer with their large horns, furry necks, and horse-like faces. Typically, lions are their predators while humans hunt them for their fur, skin, and useful horns for decoration. Our expedition was solely for exploring and learning about these animals. Though we arrived at the forest mid-day, we found the sun to be unexpectedly less bright today.

We disembarked from the jeep and found a serene forest without the usual sounds of snakes hissing or hounds and wolves howling. Instea


d, we heard only the peaceful chirping of birds and gentle rustling of leaves. As we pressed forward into the jungle, the dense foliage gave an eerie appearance. Nevertheless, we persisted until we reached a point where the forest divided into two sections.

Kendall gave us directions to divide into two groups, with three individuals on each side. On the right side of the woods, Logan, Kendall, and I proceeded. Being fearful of spiders and snakes, I opted to stay in the center where I felt more secure. We wandered for quite some time until we converged near a sizable tree.

As we gazed through the tree, captivated by its strange sounds, a breathtaking scene greeted us: a tranquil lake nestled in the heart of the woodland, surrounded by a herd of wild beasts. It felt as though we had been transporte

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into a vibrant new world brimming with life.

As we explored the thicket, a creature seemed to be running away from danger, producing an intense thumping sound. Despite being intrigued by this phenomenon, we continued our search and scoured every inch of the area as daylight faded. Eventually, we heard a mournful noise coming from within the undergrowth which led us to discover a wildebeest with an uncommon ailment.

The animal was incapacitated and defenseless, leaving it vulnerable to predators in the wilderness. In a group, we approached it cautiously, and I took the initiative to shoot it in the neck which led to everyone firing simultaneously. While I had mixed emotions of pity for the creature, the act itself was enjoyable.

My passion was hunting, and I eventually caught one creature. Moreover, I discovered a whole community of wildebeests around a lake in the middle of the Hawaan Forest.

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