Towards A Theology Of Original Sin Theology Religion Essay Example
Alfred Vanneste's article discusses the concept of original wickedness and its divinity, focusing on three key points. Firstly, he delves into its early development during the Pelagius contention. Secondly, he explores Augustine's belief in the presence of original wickedness in infants, prompting a reconsideration of its meaning in today's context. Finally, Vanneste asserts that original wickedness is humanity's desperate need for salvation through Christ, resulting from Adam's fall and inherited by every individual.
Different theologians offer varying perspectives on original wickedness. A.Hulsbosch views it as cosmic immaturity while P.Schooneberg sees it as merely a situation. On the other hand, Alszeghy and Flick describe it as a dynamic incapacity that makes avoiding sin impossible for individuals. However, Vanneste along with theologians like A.Hulsbosch and Henri Rondet argue that the essence of original wickedness is fu
...ndamentally linked to Christology and soteriology.
According to Dr.Roque D'Souza's Theological Anthropology notes (page 33), it is believed that original wickedness is necessary for every person's salvation through Christ. The pelagian contention caused great upheaval in western Christianity, leading to the development of Protestantism and Jansenism. It raised questions about the significance of Christ in the lives of Christians by arguing that since humans are inherently good and capable of living according to the law, they have no need for Christ.Pelagius rejected the necessity of Grace, infant baptism, and the reality of original sin. However, the council of Carthage in canon 4 disagreed with Pelagius on infant baptism and emphasized its importance. St.Paul, in his writings in Romans 5:12-21, explains the origin of sin. In this passage, Paul not only speaks of Adam's sin but also refers to individual sins, stating that all human
have sinned. Augustine repeatedly emphasized that original sin exists in children and they need salvation through Christ. Therefore, the fundamental belief in Christianity that Jesus is the savior establishes the basis for the concept of original sin. This allows for a philosophy of original sin without relying on mythology.Teaching children about original sin clarifies that adults cannot attain salvation solely through their natural goodness as Pelagius claimed.Thus, the grace of Christ is essential for all individuals entering the world.According to Alfred Vanneste, as a child grows into a moral adult they will inevitably commit sins.This applies to every person,suggesting that all adults and even pre-adults are essentially sinners.As everyone is a sinner,the grace of Christ is necessary.Being born in original sin implies that from when individuals become human beings (adults),they have been sinnersAlfred acknowledges the paradox in asserting that all humans freely choose to sin, but he emphasizes this to highlight the universal fact that all people sin and therefore need Jesus Christ as their savior. In conclusion, the author further explains that all individuals are in the same situation with regard to God and can only be saved through Christ alone. The philosophy of original wickedness in Christian philosophy emphasizes the significance of Christ for all of humanity. It portrays sexual desire as secondary and views original wickedness as a purely theological matter that should be treated accordingly. The question of what happens to babies who die without baptism remains unanswered, as we do not know how a child's humanity relates to God without His salvific will. The concept of Limbo is deemed unacceptable as it merely reflects the eschatological disorder caused by the
lack of original righteousness. Every person is created for Christ, who came to free them from their sinful condition. Thus, salvation is necessary in the context of original wickedness. Critically evaluating Alfred Vanneste's article on "toward a divinity of original wickedness," it provides insightful perspectives that clarify doubts regarding original wickedness.However, there are some loopholes that require clarification and understanding.
(Source: Adapted from Theological Anthropology notes by Dr.Roque D'Souza, page 33)Alfred highlights a positive aspect that original wickedness is necessary for salvation in Christ. This shift from an Adam-centered perspective to a Christ-centered one resolves uncertainties and questions about original wickedness. Therefore, the philosophy of wickedness conveys the fundamental motivation and essential message of the need for Christ. I agree with this standpoint as we often neglect focusing on Christ being Jesus, which should be our primary focus. Alfred has a clear viewpoint on original sin in babies, stating that when they become moral adults, they will inevitably sin freely. This applies to both sinful adults and evildoers who are pre-adults. The fate of children who die before baptism raises uncertainty as their humanity's relation to God remains unknown. Thus, the answer solely relies on God's salvific will. As mentioned earlier in my critical evaluation, the article presents some loopholes that raise questions such as discussing sin in spiritually immature babies where sin is understood as a free act.Furthermore, the question arises as to how the absence of grace can be considered sinful if it is not personally willed by the individual, especially when referring to babies who are deemed to have no grace. One may even ponder whether these infants, who have yet to embrace
the Christian faith, are truly in a state of wickedness. Moreover, their innermost desires and choice to follow Christ and seek baptism remain uncertain. The perplexity deepens when considering 1 Corinthians 8:6, which asserts that everything is brought into existence by God through Christ. This notion contradicts the concept of original sin and creates difficulty for human understanding. It is equally confounding how two parents who have undergone baptism can transmit this so-called original sin while lacking possession of it themselves.
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