The Yoido Full Gospel Church Theology Religion Essay Example
The Yoido Full Gospel Church Theology Religion Essay Example

The Yoido Full Gospel Church Theology Religion Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2062 words)
  • Published: October 29, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Rev.Dr.David Yonggi Cho, the initiation and senior pastor of the largest mega-church in the universe, has been a highly influential leader in church growth both in Korea and globally. This essay examines the factors behind the remarkable growth of Yoido Full Gospel Church (YFGC) and explores how its effectiveness in evangelism and missions could have been enhanced. The analysis of Cho's church growth model is based on six distinct features, evaluated from missiological perspectives - both theological and practical. The information used for this evaluation is primarily sourced from published literature, including Cho's own writings, as well as reports from YFGC leaders documented in Hong's portrayals of Cho's leadership style. Cho's identity as a disciple of Christ is evident in his ministry, which reflects Christ's life of service to others. His minis


try exhibits qualities such as obedience, humility, love, and prayer. He utilizes the gifts of his congregation to advance God's kingdom and build up his body. Cho employs his abilities with humility, recognizing that they should not hinder his Christian maturity. The primary focus of his ministry is on obedience, humility, love, and prayer, ensuring that his mission is clear to non-believers. He continuously strives for success in his ministry.In his ministry, these rules serve as a gauge to measure the growth and progress of the individuals he is mentoring. As an Obedience Leader, I believe that this leader genuinely desired to obey God and that his emotions led him to believe he was right. However, the Christian life is based on obedience to God's Word, not on following one's emotions. Paul instructed us to be innocent when it comes to evil, but matur

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in understanding these matters. "Childlike faith" does not excuse ignorance. Paul repeatedly emphasized that he did not want us to be ignorant. Without a thorough knowledge of God's Word, a follower is risking their future on emotions, hopes, and opinions instead of anchoring it in God's will and the factual aspects of their faith. While most Christians have the desire to obey God's Word, wanting alone is not enough as it often relies on emotions that can fluctuate. The follower must willfully choose to obey God's Word. It appears evident that Cho has utilized his gifts with a truly spiritual motive, driven by the desire to glorify God rather than seeking self-glory. He has also exhibited his leadership in a deeply spiritual manner, serving humbly for the benefit of his fellow pastors and church members rather than seeking dominance and personal gain for himself and his family.Although Cho does not explicitly identify himself as a charismatic leader, his church members perceive him as being both religious and charismatic, believing that he speaks God's words as a chosen servant. According to a study conducted by Hong in 1998, members of YFGC rate Cho as more charismatic than members of other Korean churches, including those of other mega-churches. Cho also teaches his associates and trainees about leading with love and not exerting excessive control over their members. The leader's authority is not based on their position or manipulation but rather on love. In the case of YFGC, they follow Cho because they believe he genuinely loves them and is open about his mistakes, asking for prayers when necessary. Cho believes that all authority in Christianity should be

based on love, just as God's authority over us is. He emphasizes the importance of not becoming dependent on cell leaders or any other authority figure, as this goes against personal independence and individual responsibility, which he believes is from the Devil. According to Cho, God did not create us to be puppets controlled by others. Furthermore, Cho teaches his followers to love one another.An individual cannot love God, himself, or others unless they accept God's complete forgiveness and, based on that, forgive themselves, forgive others, and accept the forgiveness of others. It is important for disciples to make their identity evident through their love for one another. Understanding and experiencing forgiveness and community are crucial for maintaining a strong and consistent love for fellow believers.

Religious instruction is founded upon an individual's spiritual discipline. This discipline serves as an outward expression of one's commitment to developing a unified and well-suited character for the long term. Reverend Cho, like many Korean pastors, has lived a life of self-denial and hard work, possibly surpassing them. The dedication of religious leaders lies in their commitment to serving people and helping them grow in their talents and service.

Cho believes that love is the most powerful motivator in life. Love can free people from stress and anxiety and contribute to their physical well-being. In his sermons, Cho aims to introduce Jesus and support people in achieving success in life. He does not seek to be superficial but rather to turn his platform into a counseling room, meeting the needs of his audience and uplifting and inspiring them.Cho's understanding of his role as a prayer leader is centered around the importance

of being passionate about one's mission in life. He believes that leaders should speak enthusiastically about their dreams and goals, and fully immerse themselves in analyzing, discussing, and learning about them. Cho himself is dedicated to prayer and believing in achieving his goals, taking confident action to ensure that others share his passion.

Cho also values intimate communion with the Holy Spirit, which he sees as his "senior spouse" in ministry. He teaches his leaders the significance of this relationship, emphasizing the habit of starting each day early with at least an hour spent with God before doing anything else. He regularly takes extended retreats, sometimes at Prayer Mountain, and incorporates praying and dreaming in tongues into 60% of his prayer times.

This level of dedication extends beyond Cho's personal life to his family time, diet, exercise routine, and even his approach to learning foreign languages. By setting such an example, he is able to inspire and teach his followers to have similar spiritual experiences. When members experience this for themselves, it strengthens their perception of Cho's personal charm and deepens their loyalty to his ministry, ultimately contributing to CG (unifying factor).Christian Foundations for Enhancing Servant Leadership for Universal application The dynamics of Cho Discipleship Cho asserts that a church should care for and address the tangible needs of individuals. He questions why people would attend a Christian church that does not address their needs or calls from their hearts (1981: 157). It does not bother him if the YFGC is associated with individuals facing challenges, illness, and poverty. In Korea, the educated individuals typically attend the Methodist Church, and the affluent attend the Presbyterian

Church. However, the Yoido Full Gospel Church welcomes all the underprivileged and destitute (1996a: 46). According to Cho, the church should align itself with the needs of the people. He believes that the New Testament church, despite lacking intellectuals and financial resources, was able to change history because it was able to meet the needs of humanity at its most desperate hour (1984: 136). The act of ministering to one another is crucial. In the early days, Cho would frequently interrogate men with a barrage of questions about ministry. His eagerness to serve others and meet the needs of a suffering world overshadowed his concern for the spiritual well-being of his followers. He simply assumed that they were flourishing in their personal lives.The interpretation of Jesus' instructions has varied, ranging from idealistic morals to legalistic commands. However, no matter how others interpret His teachings, an examination of Jesus' life clearly shows that He expected His followers to practice what He taught. The discipleship experience of Christ's involvement in people's lives should be reproduced in others. To effectively pass on a godly character to others, a follower of Christ must understand and strive for God's standard of excellence. The manner in which a Cho adherent speaks is a reliable indicator of their spiritual health as it reflects their character. A Christian who lacks control over their tongue is at great risk, as the tongue can corrupt the entire person, ignite a destructive course in life, and be set on fire by hell itself (James 3:6). An unrestrained tongue demonstrates pride through self-praise and incites moral depravity through inappropriate stories, negative attitudes, or racial slurs. It hypocritically

blesses while promoting immorality. It is crucial for the adherent to refrain from such behavior and to avoid fraudulent speech ("Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit"). Additionally, the adherent must serve the Church with excellence. Merely participating in Bible studies is not enough; the adherent must be well-prepared and carry out these activities in an outstanding manner. At the YFGC, the entire church functions around the cell system, which serves as the foundation and primary program of the church.All sections and activities aim to improve the functioning of the cell system. While the physical church building serves as a preparation center, most of the church's ministry happens outside of it. The church extends to houses, apartments, offices, and factories. The worship service is a time for celebration together, but the true ministries occur in the cell groups. Even if the church building is destroyed or the minister is replaced, the strength of the church lies in its cell groups. In terms of discipleship, the method itself is the message. In Korea, thousands of ghetto children attend Bible clubs every week. It has been found that these children learn more by observing their Bible teachers show love and care for others than by simply listening to Bible stories. This highlights the importance of emulating Christ's method of developing people. By closely studying Christ's strategy, one can see that developing a person into a devoted follower requires a two-fold approach. First, there is an emphasis on becoming like Christ. Then comes practical training over an extended period of time. If either component is missing, true discipleship cannot occur. The discipleship model followed

by Cho emphasizes that becoming a disciple begins with being a role model. Character is observed and absorbed rather than directly taught. The disciples had to first follow Jesus before He could train them to become "fishers of men."They were able to make disciples, not just because they knew Christ, but because they had become like Him. They could model what others should become. This same principle applies spiritually. Only a disciple (dead to self) can make disciples (reproduce). It is important to note that Christ's command to make disciples was given to His disciples. This is why their character must be Christ-like before they can reproduce themselves in others. We reproduce in both good and evil ways. If a carnal Christian trains another person, worldliness will be the result of their relationship. Cho sees lay people in his church as potential partners, capable teachers, and active ministers. Lay people are the most effective resource for evangelism. In their everyday lives, lay people are the ones who proclaim and share the message of salvation to the world: to their families, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. The lay individuals, especially the leaders, are seen as the foundation, the pillars, the owners, and the true workers of the church. Cho, the other ministers, and the pastoral staff are there to support, assist, and facilitate the lay people in becoming better leaders. The lay leaders are "the front line soldiers." The ministers' role is "to provide nourishment so that they may fight better." In conclusion, when Jesus was confident that His men had been trained, He entrusted them with God's work on Earth and empowered them to make disciples

everywhere.Before Christ was crucified, He prayed to the Father, focusing on developing work forces rather than just performing miracles or prophesying the Gospel. After considering Cho's opinion on the ideal church, it can be said that church growth is simply a "byproduct." When the church truly becomes one with the Holy Spirit, fostering an intimate Communion with Him; when it becomes a praying and fourth-dimensional church; when it attends to the needs of the people; when it becomes a vessel for spiritual, material, and health blessings; and when it prioritizes laypeople and a cell-system-centered approach, the church will undoubtedly experience growth.

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