The widely accepted theory of evolution, which contradicts Biblical philosophy, holds significant importance from a theological perspective. Evolutionism includes the beliefs of both Atheistic/Agnostic Evolutionists (Development without God) and Theist Evolutionists (Development with God). Evolutionists reject the belief in God as the Creator and argue that everything, including life forms, developed accidentally and freely from matter. This worldview goes beyond materialism by specifically negating the existence of God. According to atheists, there is no planned Creator-God responsible for everything we see; they believe that only matter exists as reality. The theory of evolution aims to explain various aspects of our world, ranging from astronomy to chemistry to biology, proposing stages of development in our existence.
Despite considering themselves well-read and erudite individuals, evolutionists generally have limited knowledge of the Bible unless taught about it during
...their childhoods and tend to avoid discussions related to it. The concept of development encompasses genetic changes in biological populations over generations. Evolutionary processes drive diversity within species, individuals, and molecules like DNA and proteins. However, development relies on a theory used by scientists to explain natural phenomena.
Although there are indications supporting evolution, the data is insufficient to firmly establish it as an undeniable scientific truthThere are still many unanswered questions about the development process from simple cells to complex beings. The scientific hypothesis that one species can evolve into a more complex species has not been proven. Additionally, no known parent species has been identified as the origin of different species, particularly in regards to the proposed connection between humans and apes by evolutionists. While paleontology studies suggest the existence of ape-like individuals, there is no evidence of a share
ancient ancestor between humans and apes. According to Darwinism, similarities among living organisms imply a common ancestor; however, there is no scientific evidence supporting this claim or actual similarities between human and fish gills. The same lack of proof applies to birds and their supposed ancestors with teeth seen in extinct flying creatures believed by evolutionists. As a result, there is insufficient evidence for evolutionary transitions. Despite numerous fossil discoveries over time, the gaps between different groups of organisms have only become wider and undeniable. The concept of development lacks support from natural science because it is scientifically illogical to suggest that something can arise from nothing. Furthermore, declaring matter as eternal goes against scientific principles since "eternal" implies being beyond time and space which science operates within its constraints.The belief in evolution theory can be seen as a form of faith that extends beyond observable phenomena, entering the realm of matter itself. Evolutionists recognize certain attributes traditionally associated with God while believing that matter is the sole existing entity. Matter is perceived as a divine force responsible for creating intricate structures such as the universe and even the human body. At a biogenetic level, matter has the ability to generate life from non-life, essentially becoming its own deity. This perspective reverses the idea of humans being made in God's image, suggesting that God should be represented based on imagery derived from evolution. The theory of evolution can thus be seen as an act of devotion, elevating material things to a god-like status. However, this theory disregards knowledge that cannot be obtained through standard scientific procedures and fails to acknowledge God as the creator when
discussing origins and meanings.True scientists recognize the limitations of their field, unlike evolutionists who have a flawed understanding of humanity. According to evolutionists, humans are simply beings that evolved from a single cell originating from non-living matter. This perspective suggests that human existence is random and without purpose. Evolutionists also fail to acknowledge the presence of a human soul or spirit; instead, they view humans as objects devoid of individuality—devoid of self-discovery, self-awareness, self-consciousness, free will, emotions, and beliefs.
In contrast to this viewpoint, the Bible offers different perspectives on these matters. Creation and Evolution hold divergent views on life's origins. Creationism posits that God has existed since the beginning whereas Evolution argues for randomness as the starting point. Darwinian philosophy asserts that life develops through random processes involving mutations, gene recombination, duplication, and molecular movement—a contradiction to the Biblical belief in divine selection which states that life is not accidental.
The Bible teaches that every believer has been known beforehand and chosen by God even before the universe's creation—an outlook contradicted by evolution's portrayal of life as self-sufficient and governed by destiny with no room for God in both the universe and daily lives.The Bible supports the philosophy of Providence, stating that all things happen under God's authority and He continues to create (Genesis 45:7-8, Nehemiah 9:6, Esther 4:14, Psalm 104:30, 145:16, 147:9; Proverbs 16:9; Isaiah 45:1 ,7 ,46 :10 ; Matthew 6:26 ,10 :29 -31 , John5 :17 ,14 :16 -17 ,15 :26 ,16 :13 -15 ; Acts17 :26 ,18 :9 -11 Romans8 :9 -11 Colossians1 :17,andHebrews1:3). The Bible also mentions heaven and hell and depicts God as a Judge. According to the Bible, individuals
will receive a resurrected body leading them to either eternal life in heaven or condemnation in hell. However, the theory of evolution contradicts this biblical philosophy by suggesting that the physical cannot transition into an afterlife. The Bible provides evidence supporting its claims through various verses (Matthew 5:22, 29, 30,23:33,24:31;Romans8:23;1 Corinthians15:42-53;and2 Peter2
The Concordia Study Bible states that God's creative work was perfect and did not require any revisions or repetition. Thus, God rested to indicate its completion. Genesis 1 and I Corinthians also explain how different "kinds" were created by God, suggesting that transformations between these kinds are unnecessary or unacceptable. The Bible provides physical evidence supporting creation (Psalm19:1-6 ;Acts17 :24 -29), which contradicts ideas denying creation through development. If Darwinism were a reasonable hypothesis, atheists would have an excuse for going against Romans 1:20, which asserts that God's invisible qualities can be clearly seen through His creation. However, the Bible consistently mentions creation as a theme without addressing development. While this does not completely exclude development, it is likely that if it were present in the Bible, such an important concept like origins would have been addressed due to its theological implications. Creation is mentioned throughout the Bible with a total of 64 references across 18 different books. This contradicts naturalism and materialism, philosophical ideas that claim only nature exists and everything can be explained by matter alone while denying the existence of the soul. These ideas conflict with biblical teachings on creation and miraclesAccording to multiple biblical accounts (Genesis 2:7, Psalm 33:6,9, Psalm 148:5, 2 Corinthians 4:6, and Hebrews 11:3), God created man supernaturally rather than through natural processes. It is important to
interpret the Bible as presenting Adam as a real individual because Christians believe that Jesus' sacrificial redemption was necessary due to all humans inheriting a sinful nature from Adam. The biblical texts also describe Jesus as the "second Adam," highlighting the necessity of his redemptive sacrifice if we disregard Adam's existence and sin in the world. The Bible emphasizes the sequence of Creation, Fall, and Redemption. Initially, God created a universe that he deemed "very good." However, mankind's rebellion corrupted it and required salvation through Christ. This raises questions about whether God's creation was truly "very good" contrary to what Genesis 1:31 states. The tension between the Bible and evolution lies in the concept of the Fall - evolution denies man's sinful nature. While evolutionary theory has evolved over time, the Bible remains unchanged. Additionally, there is a difference in how morality is approached in evolutionary thinking compared to biblical teachings. Evolutionary thinking suggests that morality is determined by natural selection where only the fittest survive. On the other hand, according to the Bible moral truths are given by God (Exodus 20:1-17; Isaiah 5:20-21). This difference in perspective extends beyond just morality but also encompasses broader beliefs as wellEvolution is closely associated with secular humanism, which believes that humans are the ultimate source of significance and value. In contrast, the Bible emphasizes that God is the ultimate source of meaning and value, asserting a specific divine purpose for humans. However, evolution rejects this divine intent and suggests subjective or secular humanitarian purposes instead. This contradicts biblical teachings. Evolution also fails to provide a genuine purpose for life, leading to a lack of meaning and objective
moral values, in opposition to the worldview presented in the Bible. The Bible aligns itself with scientific inquiry by explaining the creation of the world - an aspect that evolution does not fully address. Materialism further connects with evolution and supports its ideas. Authorities have endorsed this relationship as well; Leon Trotsky saw Darwin's discovery as a significant victory, while Douglas Futuyma linked Darwin's theory with Marx's materialist theory. Stephen Jay Gould even claimed that Darwin consistently applied philistinism in his interpretation of nature. Materialist doctrine assumes matter as everything's basis, making belief in a supramaterial Creator impossible if everything consists of eternal matter.
Hence, it is imperative to question the validity of the materialist viewpoint by subjecting its claims to scientific testing. In earlier times (around the tenth century), there were philosophers who believed in a divine tree on the Moon's surface. This tree was thought to be responsible for the growth and falling of all living beings onto Earth like fruit. Some individuals found this belief appealing and embraced it. However, with humans having actually walked on the Moon in modern times (the twenty-first century), holding onto such a belief is no longer practical. Modern scientific methods can now be employed to investigate whether or not a tree could exist on the Moon. Consequently, we can scrutinize claims made by materialism regarding eternal matter and its ability to self-organize without any higher power involved in creating life.
Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that materialism has already been disproven through various means. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe originated from nothingness rather than pre-existing matter for eternity, contradicting materialistic principles. Furthermore, even evolution
theory, which proposes that matter organizes itself to give rise to different life forms, has encountered challenges and has been invalidated.
It should be emphasized that genuine scientific inquiry must remain unbiased towards any specific worldview ideology philosophy or religious perspective. Science and scientists ought to have freedom in following evidence wherever it may lead them.The text highlights that true science cannot be considered without acknowledging the influence of assumptions and biases in interpreting evidence. While scientists may strive for objectivity, this is particularly challenging when it comes to historical science. The only reliable source for understanding the origins of the universe, Earth, and life is God's firsthand account in the book of Genesis. Other perspectives are subjective and prone to flawed reasoning due to human opinions and ideas. Questions related to the discovery or evidence supporting God's creation of humans are not entirely relevant in historical science investigations. Experimental science, which includes principles like physics and genetic inheritance, is approached similarly by both creationists and evolutionists who base their interpretations on assumptions specific to their beliefs. Some edits propose classifying all living creatures such as dogs, cats, frogs, sea urchins, bees, birds, snakes, Portuguese man-of-war jellyfishes, rabbits,and humans under Animalia kingdom; however,this language lacks objectivity.According to the teachings of biblical creation (Gen 1:26-27), humans were created in God's image and are separate from animals. The language used in these teachings is supportive of evolution and the Intelligent Design Movement, which believes in human evolution from ape-like ancestors. It is important to note that there is no such thing as being "worldview neutral" because it itself is a worldview belief. Jesus also rejected the idea of
neutrality when he said "He who is not with Me is against Me." The author argues that presenting information as "unquestionable fact" can be seen as promoting doctrine, both in scientific and religious contexts. This raises questions about what she considers religious "facts," including whether they encompass beliefs like the virgin birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If one does not view these events as unquestionable facts, should they not be considered doctrines? The occurrence of these events in the New Testament is vital for Christianity's existence (1 Corinthians 15:14). Failing to affirm the authority of Genesis and the documented miracles of creation would lead to doubting its authority on all other matters.
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