The Need To Consider Action Research Sociology Essay Example
I agree with many qualitative research workers, that ontological and epistemic premises presuppose all rational enterprises and frame research ( Lapum, 2009 ) . Theoretical and philosophical premises are paramount to, as I would reason, the 'authentic ' behavior of research, because findings are ever constituted in portion from and should be assessed with respects to a model ( Silverman, 2010 ) . Recognition of the premises of a survey foreword what research workers accept as cognition. Additionally, theoretical foundations provide a lens through which research workers view phenomena and engage with analysis. In drumhead and as a footing for the lineation of this assessment paper, methodological analysiss are grounded in ontological and epistemic placement or some sort of philosophical stance, which lays foundations for determinations about methods of enquiry.
The footing for methodological considerations: My research doctrine
In the systematic liter
...ature reappraisal I already explained why I am post-modernist qualitative research worker. I have positioned myself in the context: whether qualitative research can or can non be generalized by integrating of its findings, which means in other words, whether the specificity of constructs which arise from qualitative research are movable across scenes. I have agreed, as a post-modernist qualitative research worker, that practicians continue for 'some clip ' to run upon some shared societal significances, acknowledging that these alteration over clip and hold context-specificity. Therefore, I included qualitative surveies in synthesis used to build the literature reappraisal.
However, the outlined research methodological analysis ( in the research methodological analysis assessment paper ) farther refined my research doctrine which is one of a post-modernist qualitative research worker, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner. The 'narrative an
interpretative interactionist ' utilizes 'active ' and narrative interviews. The object of apprehension and theorizing is the dialogical procedure of communicating, which means histories of societal life are jointly constructed by conversation ( Schwandt, 2001 ) . In other words, I believe that the interactions between research worker and participant flow in both waies. For illustration, in interviews the diction of my inquiries and remarks affect the replies I get from the participants ( Mishler, 1986 ) . Besides, the responses of the participants affect my undermentioned remarks and inquiries. Therefore, I am 'in ' the procedure of informations aggregation but I am non an interventionist who wants to alter a certain procedure in the organisation of the participants and outside the interview.
This besides fits into the premises of my literature reappraisal where I have applied thematic analysis in order to synthesise the results of quantitative and qualitative research alternatively of merely sing the input informations these surveies have used prior to their findings/ results. I have been actively engaged in the procedure of thematic analysis ( designation of outstanding subjects, summarizing of the findings under thematic headers, development of higher order classs ) guided by my thoughts and prior defined classs. The same will use in the information analysis of my DBA-thesis - I am 'in ' the procedure of informations analysis. In drumhead, I am an embedded component of informations aggregation and reading.
Based on my research doctrine and research inquiries ( see illustration in footnote1 in the appendix ) , the research methods shall research the complex dimensions of Sino-German teamwork and its success factors, which influence the effectivity ( as defined in
the literature reappraisal ) of Sino-German teamwork, how they are characterized and how they unfold in the narratives of squad members of Sino-German squads. This will put the land for a ulterior treatment that involves an rating of the theoretical model which emerged out of the literature reappraisal. Comparisons and alterations of it will be based on what and how success factors emerged inductively in the participants narratives ( for the theoretical model please see Figure 2 in the appendix ) .
Sing 'action research ' based on my research doctrine
'Action research ' , in contrast to my outlined research doctrine, would give me an expressed function to be a portion of a alteration procedure ( MacIsaac, 1996 ) . This would inform my actions every bit good as those of the participants. 'Action research ' is typically carried out as portion of an effort to work out jobs by leting the research worker to go a participant in the action, and the procedure of alteration itself becomes the topic of research ( Checkland, 1981 ) . For 'action research ' to be successful, the human activity system being investigated must be contributing to information sharing and acquisition. This would intend that I am, as an action research worker, non entirely in garnering informations for the research, the other participants are besides responsible for informations aggregation. The value of 'action research ' is in sharing the information collected and its analysis. The participants would portion their informations with me as the research workers and I would portion theories and cognition with the participants. This sharing so feeds into a learning procedure in which I, as the
research worker, modify my theories and the other participants modify their perceptual experiences and ways of working. Argyris and Smith ( 1982 ) define 'action research ' to be an enquiry into how people design and implement action in relation to each other. They province that because 'action research ' is, as seen by many bookmans, a scientific discipline of pattern. In a similar manner, Zuber-Skerritt ( 1991, p.10 ) defines the pattern of 'action research ' by saying that `` action research is a peculiar manner of critically larning about events in this universe in order to alter them. It combines theory and pattern into a critical procedure... action research is an experimental, systematic and critical procedure which involves people working together to better composite, debatable state of affairss '' .
In 'action research ' , the research worker has a remit for action and 'action research ' may be used to back up the research worker in an active experimentation procedure ( Mumford, 2001 ) . In this sense harmonizing to Zuber-Skerritt ( 1991 ) my 'action research ' would hold the undermentioned four chief elements: program, act, observe and reflect. This manner of utilizing 'action research ' would affect a rhythm in which my observations and contemplations feed into abstract conceptualizations and some really concrete experiences which together would inform my active experimentation procedure. This rhythm is non a simple, consecutive procedure but one in which I, as the research worker, may be cycling between the phases for many times ( see figure 3 ) .
Figure 3. Cycles of 'action research ' based on MacIsaac ( 1996 ) .
'Action research ' may besides
be employed to back up engagement in job resolution and 'decision doing ' procedures ( Mumford, 2001 ) . Avison and Wood-Harper ( 1990 ) argue that a major subject in 'action research ' is that practicians should take part in the analysis, design and execution procedure and contribute at least every bit much as the research workers in any 'decision devising ' . Avison and Wood-Harper ( 1990 ) even argue farther by stating that there is therefore synergism between the research workers and practicians in which the research workers build up theories and modify them on the footing of practical experience and the practicians use and modify the research workers ' thoughts for work outing 'real universe jobs ' . In this manner, both argue that, 'action research ' is peculiarly effectual in easing job work outing mechanisms, group acquisition, and 'managing ' a alteration procedure.
However, as I agree with Checkland ( 1981 ) , jobs with 'action research ' arise from the fact that it can non be entirely planned and directed down peculiar waies. Where a peculiar state of affairs does non show a job state of affairs that is perceived to necessitate alteration, 'action research ' will non be seen as adjustment. This is besides the instance for my research because I want to research the complex dimensions of Sino-German teamwork and its success factors, which influence the effectivity of Sino-German teamwork. The intent is non 'change ' but instead a undermentioned treatment that involves an rating of the theoretical model which emerged out of the literature reappraisal. Comparisons and alterations of it will be based on what and how
success factors emerged inductively in the participant 's narratives of their experience as being a member of a Sino-German working squad. I will 'collect ' these narratives through narrative interviews in that participants will be encouraged to state narratives telling experiences of Sino-German teamwork.
In this position, a more interpretative function of me, as the research worker, becomes evident. The function of a post-modernist qualitative research worker, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner, is to build accounts that account for the manner in which subjective significances are created and sustained in a peculiar scene. Qualitative research, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner, resembles 'action research ' in that the research worker may be considered to be a portion of the informations aggregation procedure ( 'in ' ) . While qualitative research, like 'action research ' , is non planned or directed down a peculiar way, the research worker develops an apprehension of societal procedures and how significances are formed and silent norms are shared. In this sense, the function of the more interpretative research worker is to construe non stipulate. In general footings, my function as a post-modernist qualitative research worker, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner, is non interventionist but phenomenological - where my primary aim is to acquire and understanding which is developed via attending to narratives because storytelling is a manner for persons to do sense of and convey significance to complex experiences of Sino-German teamwork that are locally and historically situated ( Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) .
Unlike the action research worker, I, as a post-modernist qualitative research worker, along a 'narrative and interpretative
interactionist ' manner, do non go a participant in action with an expressed alteration procedure and this is non the topic of my research. I collect my co-constructed informations and I am under no duty to portion this with the participants. Synergy between research and pattern may happen but as an inadvertent by-product or a affair of pick during the dialogical procedure of communicating in narrative interviews. The value of 'action research ' is in people working together to better complex debatable state of affairss whereas the value of post-modernist qualitative research, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner, is in supplying a deeper apprehension of the peculiar phenomenon for research workers and directors ( Polkinghorne, 1988 ) .
Sing narrative methodological analysis based on my research doctrine
Why narrative enquiry alternatively of 'scientific methods ' ?
Narrative enquiry has been considered in assorted research Fieldss, including cross-cultural research, as an alternate manner of thought and acquisition, which is a manner of apprehension, forming and pass oning experience as narratives lived and told ( Heo, 2004 ; Riessman, 2002 ) . Experience in my DBA survey does non merely intend personally encountered happenings or events by people but instead the apprehension that experience is lingual ( Allen & A ; Cloyes, 2005 ) and conceptualized as manner of speaking ( Allen & A ; Cloyes, 2005 ) . Narrative enquiry is an alternate because it is concerned with a manner of knowing, which is different from traditional methods of so called 'scientific cognizing ' as it is non regarded as 'objective ' and it does non concentrate on generalisation of findings ( Silverman, 2010 ; Clandinin &
A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . 'Objective cognition ' tends to be associated with 'scientific methods ' that logically seek to infer from theory, 'objectively step ' and so retroflex methods to seek confirmation or disproof ( Lapum, 2009 ) . Such cognition is based on inactive, ahistorical and non-contextual standards, which are hard to interpret into people 's lives and teamwork pattern, which is surely socially located. Understanding this societal position can add insight and offers an option and more meaningful lens for understanding. I assume, when analyzing phenomenon associated with human experience, constructs of worlds and peoples ' ways of existences are non as nonsubjective nor absolute ( Lapum, 2009 ) . Bruner ( 1996 ) , one of the first research workers of modern cognitive psychological science, states clearly that such 'scientific methods ' are frequently unable to depict the evidences by which ordinary people make sense of their and other 's actions. This means that 'scientific methods ' which involve human experiences may handle participants as independent/ non-reflective objects in the manner that they ignore `` their ability to reflect on job state of affairss, and act on these contemplations in an mutualist manner '' ( Robson, 1993, p. 60 ) . Sino-German teamwork can be such a 'problem ' and the squad members ' contemplations may assist to reply the research inquiries of the DBA-thesis that represent the identified factors, which may act upon the effectivity of transnational teamwork and may merely be influenced by human existences whether as an person or group ( see literature reappraisal, pp. 37-40 ) . Therefore, the 'narrative enquiry ' is chosen, because storytelling
is a manner for persons to do sense of and convey significance to complex experiences that are locally and historically situated. This non merely helps the narrator but besides provides a deeper apprehension of the peculiar phenomenon for me as a research worker ( Polkinghorne, 1988 ) .
In sum-up for the refusion of 'scientific methods ' , narrative enquiry tends less to happen a cosmopolitan truth than acquiring the reseacher 's apprehension which is developed via attending to narratives ( Silverman, 2010 ; Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . However, narrative enquiry still aims to understand worlds but attendant cognition are representations and narratives of that world. In other words, narrative enquiry accesses an 'experiential knowing ' . The reader is asked to 'feel ' the truth ( Bochner, 1997 ) and engages in the narrative on degrees of morality, emotion and aesthetics, beside on an rational degree. 'Nuanced ways of cognizing ' on these different degrees ( morality, emotion, e.g. ) are 'accessible ' through narrative enquiry. These assorted ways of knowing may be able to stand for the knowing that is enclosed in people 's societal lives ( Bryman & A ; Bell, 2007 ; Heo, 2004 ) and the beginning of this enquiry.
Why narrative enquiry for narratives?
Within the enquiry field, we live out narratives in our experiences, tell narratives of those experiences, and modify them by reciting and live overing them ( Heo, 2004 ; Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . In other words, people describe their universe through narratives ( Silverman, 2010 ) and narrative enquiry as a research method allows participants to state these ain narratives,
give voice to their experiences and the significances they have drawn from these ( Foster, McAllister, & A ; O'Brien, 2006 ) . In this survey participants will state their narratives about Sino-German teamwork experiences and draw significances from these, which may include a word picture and certain flowering of success factors, which influence the effectivity of Sino-German teamwork ( which is the research focal point ) . A narrative may be seen as the closest a individual can come to see as either they or others tell it ( Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 1994 ) and this of import because my DBA-thesis is interested in the experience of Sino-German squads ' members with all its aspects in order to supply a deeper apprehension of the peculiar phenomenon. Narratives are besides considered portion of 1 's personal individuality and of one 's civilization ( Gudmundsdottir, 1991 ) . This means that a narrative allows us to interpret who we are, and in footings of civilization, it gives integrity to shared beliefs ( Gudmundsdottir, 1991 ) .
Narrative enquiry has been studied through assorted attacks ( Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . For illustration, Clandinin and Connelly ( 2000 ) used narrative enquiry as a research method to understand instructor 's cognition and to heighten learning abilities. Clandinin and Connelly ( 2000 ) believe that experience is described narratively and they therefore conclude that experience should be studied narratively. Nunkoosing ( 2005, p. 699 ) , who wrote approximately qualitative wellness research, agrees by stating that the best method to understand a individual 's experience `` is to enable the individual to narrate that
experience '' . Accourding to Clandinin and Connelly ( 2000 ) narrative enquiry attempts to entree the deepness alternatively of the comprehensiveness of cognizing. In general, in narrative enquiry ( as a sort of qualitative research ) deepness of experiences is accessed with careful attending to detail, context and nuanced ways of cognizing which parallel the knowing that is embedded in societal lives. This attack of a narrative enquiry leads to a higher deepness of 'data ' which narratives contain, because it elicits intangibility and implicitly with lucidity and therefore enables the research worker to understand why a peculiar narrative is told and why in a certain manner. Told narratives which relate experiences implicitly enclose tacit cognition ( Conle, 1999, 1996 ) . For illustration by roll uping people 's narratives and analyzing them, for illustration sing their nature and literary construction, profoundly concealed premises of the narrator can be recognized ( Duff & A ; Bell, 2002 ) . The research worker tries to entree such tacit cognition which the narrators may non show explicitly by themselves ( Duff & A ; Bell, 2002 ) . Such cognition is so profoundly embedded that is inexplicit and frequently about unaccessible for the research worker through other agencies ( Polyani, 1983 ) . Stories offer one manner to entree some of this silent cognition ( Conle, 1999, 1996 ) . This is peculiarly of import for my DBA research undertaking of the success factors which influence the effectivity of one specific sort of transnational teamwork because some success factors of it emerged in the systematic literature reappraisal as being inexplicit.
Additionally, narrative enquiry does non merely prosecute
in the participant narrative, Frank ( 1998 ) argues that narrative is a mutual and moral relationship to be entered into and non merely a au naturel method but alternatively a procedure of 'resonance ' . This is reflected in the intent of the proposed and selected narrative enquiry, which is to intensify the apprehension of Sino-German teamwork, with the focal point on a negotiated building of a model which may include factors which may positively act upon the effectivity of Sino-German teamwork ( effectiveness every bit defined in the literature reappraisal ) , so as to enable farther thought and storytelling by ask foring others into the narrative. This procedure can be described as 'resonance ' that involves sharing in one individual 's narrative and at the same clip sharing your ain narrative of Sino-German teamwork experience ( Conle, 1996 ) . My ain narrative is shaped by my past experience as being a member of Sino-German working squads. This means that resonance `` is a manner of seeing one experience in footings of another '' ( Conle, 1996, p. 299 ) or more specifically, for this research undertaking, in footings of my ain narrative as member of Sino-German working squads ( and subsequently after publication of my survey, of the reader 's narrative ) . Questions in head of the research worker ( and subsequently of the reader ) like `` Does the narrative told affect you? '' or `` Does it oblige you to reconsider your Sino-German teamwork pattern? '' are illustrations for 'resonance ' . Beyond 'resonance ' impressions and communalities will be shared with the reseacher. The purpose of this
procedure is non generalising the narratives to one narrative of effectual Sino-German teamwork pattern, for illustration in the signifier of a decreased templet, which was done in some narrative inquires in wellness attention research but deepen the apprehension of how Sino-German teamwork is conducted successfully in footings of squad effectivity ( effectiveness every bit defined in the literature reappraisal ) , for illustration by using the method 'narrative emplotment ' ( see research methodological analysis appraisal ) which focuses on a lingual and historical scrutiny of how a narrative unfolds and why it unfolds in a certain manner. If generalisation ( through a templet for illustration ) was to be done, the 'reduced narrative ' may miss in context and temporalty which are both cardinal dogmas of this narrative enquiry ( Conle, 1999 ) . However, although storytelling is comparative to historical and local situatedness, I would reason that the ways in which narratives unfold can be compared with other narratives and generalized in footings of these procedures and literary constructions which is line with my research doctrine.
Why narrative enquiry for Sino-German teamwork?
As already articulated in the systematic literature reappraisal, research on transnational teamwork is concerned with a complex phenomenon because that specific sort of teamwork is itself frequently complex and non-linear. Such complex phenomena can be messy and they can be elusive and obscure when researchered ( Law, 2004 ) . One portion of the complexness is caused by the increased coaction in transnational squads, aimed at easing squad member interaction in an attempt to advance successful undertaking completion. Additionally, transnational squads have really specific facilitators and barriers to their success, which represent the
complexness directors are confronting ( see literature reappraisal ) . For research workers and directors seeking to manage the complexnesss of phenomena it can be upseting ( Law, 2004 ) and hence the methodological analysis in this survey involves narrative enquiry because narrative enquiry is a methodological analysis that allows the complexness to be 'tackled ' and at the same clip leting the research worker to understand it ( Etherington, 2004 ) . In this narrative enquiry complexness is 'collected ' via the result of narrative which is complex and expresses `` itself by pulling together descriptions of provinces of personal businesss contained in single sentences into a peculiar type of discourse '' ( Polkinghorne, 1988, p. 36 ) .
To 'tackle ' the complexness besides reflects that as a phenomena it can non needfully be reduced to a definite and cosmopolitan set of criterions and patterns ( Law, 2004 ) . Peoples construct a sense of significance, drawing together dimensions of this complexness by stating narratives ( Lapum, 2009 ) . In my DBA survey assorted forms of emplotment in squad members ' narrations of Sino-German teamwork will be examined in order to heighten understanding sing its success factors which influence squad effectivity, while the complexnesss of the Sino-German teamwork will be acknowledged and enacted.
Narrative enquiry is a turning and presently frequently used methodological analysis in different countries of scientific discipline ( Etherington, 2004 ) . It has an orientation to narratives and storytelling which is the focal point of the whole research procedure ( Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . Stories 'open ' a particular manner to the penetrations of squad member
's experiences and they offer `` a image of existent people in existent state of affairss, fighting with existent jobs '' ( Noddings & A ; Witherell, 1991, p. 180 ) . In other words, narrative enquiry enables the research worker to understand experience and the people 's lives is in focal point ( Duff & A ; Bell, 2002 ) . By conveying narrative enquiry into direction research, we can break understand squad member 's experiences and see ways to better Sino-German teamwork. Team members ' experiences of transnational teamwork have been explored before, through chiefly through quantitative research, but a narrative attack is absent from the literature. In add-on, the systematic literature reappraisal showed that much research on transnational teamwork looked at results and disregarded the impact the of experience itself by utilizing quantitative research. By utilizing narrative enquiry the DBA survey will be a alone part to research. Using a narrative attack to understand the participants ' experiences can besides be seen to get the better of some of the restrictions of traditional psychological and sociological attacks.
Familiar procedure
A narrative enquiry is suited for geographic expeditions of experiences and significances ( Riessmann, 2002 ; Conle, 1999 ) . In my DBA survey apprehension of Sino-German squads ' members ' experiences can be reached through the relation and active hearing of narratives. The procedure of storytelling is found in people 's life when they make intending out of their experiences and do sense of their lives ( Bruner 2002 ; Clandinin & A ; Connelly, 2000 ) . Storytelling gives persons opportunities to understand others ' narration in a societal context and to clear
up their ain thought ( Heo, 2004 ) . The people 's relation of narratives facilitates the relating of experiences utilizing societal forms and patterns of communicating and this is learned early in life ( Heo, 2004 ) . As mentioned before, narratives are besides considered portion of 1 's personal individuality and of one 's civilization ( Gudmundsdottir, 1991 ) . This means that a narrative allows us to interpret who we are, and in footings of civilization, it gives integrity to shared beliefs ( Gudmundsdottir, 1991 ) . Broader, narratives can been seen as a common human 'arc ' because persons and their 'identity ' may be constructed by the narratives they tell of themselves and their lives. Even out of the context of this survey linguistic communication and text may be the footing of cognition of society, sing everything to incorporate a celebrated re-presentation.
Besides effectual directors in international companies may accomplish power through the narratives they tell and storytelling is a common ability in their field ( Gardner, 1995 ) . My research will besides take topographic point in international companies and hence storytelling is a ability besides found in Sino-German teamwork. Since storytelling is a familiar manner for persons and directors to speak about their experiences, a narrative enquiry is chosen as an appropriate methodological analysis for my research undertaking.
Decision: Main differences between 'action research ' and narrative enquiry
The first difference of 'action research ' , which I see, is that the importance given to praxis and of context licenses participatory ( MacIsaac, 1996 ) . The procedure begins with the development of inquiries, which may be answered by the aggregation
of informations. Action implies that each participant will be moving as the aggregator of informations, the analyst, and the translator of the consequences. 'Action research ' leads to a re-framing of a job ; so experiments are performed to convey about results that are subjected to farther analysis. Reflection-in-action recognizes that there is small or no separation of research from pattern, of cognizing and making ( Schon, 1983 ) . This methodological analysis consequences in larning by making developing capablenesss for monitoring, impact appraisal and rating by the 'action research ' research worker and participants.
Procedure attack
The 2nd difference, I recognize, is that 'action research ' is iterative and cyclical and is similar in nature to the numerical computer science technique known as 'successive estimate ' ( the thought is to shut in upon a concluding end or result by perennial loops ) . This characteristic enables procedure intercession through cognition sharing which may take to a deeper apprehension. 'Action research ' starts with the apprehension of a job, what in bend leads to an intercession program that includes action to present a societal alteration ( Dan MacIsaac, 1996 ) . During the action, pertinent observations are collected in assorted signifiers. ( see supervising the execution by 'observation ' in figure 3. ) After that the new interventional schemes are applied, and the cyclic procedure repetitions until a sufficient apprehension of ( or implementable solution for ) the job is achieved ( see 'reflection ' and 'revision ' in figure 3 ) .
Empowerment attack
A 3rd difference of 'action research ' , as I would reason, is the even higher grade of authorization given to all participants
( Oates, 2002 ) than in negotiated conversations of my narrative enquiry attack. One stipulation for 'action research ' is that there are no concealed controls of way by the research worker. All participants negotiate significance from the informations and contribute to the choice of intercession schemes ( Oates, 2002 ) - which in relation to intercession is a major difference. Therefore the demand for communicating between all participants is really of import. In other words, 'action research ' refers to utilizing rating logic and processes to assist people in plans and organisations learn to believe evaluatively. This is distinguishable from utilizing the substantial findings in a DBA-thesis like mine although narrative interviews may besides take to certain intercession on a different/ 'lower ' degree, because I believe that interactions, for illustration during a interview, between research worker and participant flow in both waies and this may take the participant to a new history of societal life. This is tantamount to the difference, as I would reason, between larning how to larn versus larning substantial cognition about something ( Friedman & A ; Rogers, 2009 ) . Learning how to believe evaluatively may be seen as larning how to larn. Although 'action research ' will be non applied in my DBA survey I believe that larning to believe and move evaluatively can hold an on-going impact, particularly when it is built into ongoing organisational development. By supplying a mechanism and procedure for clear uping values and ends, rating has an impact even before informations is collected.
My methodological pick
In my DBA research, the function of the research worker is considered to be a post-modernist qualitative research
worker, along a 'narrative and interpretative interactionist ' manner. However, because I am, as the research worker, non pull offing a alteration procedure, it is hard for me to experiment with different ways in which subjective significances may be created and sustained. For illustration, in sing how the linguistic communication skills in a Sino-German working squad supports communicating among participants I can non anticipate the participants fall ining linguistic communication classs to supply feedback on their experiences with the linguistic communication accomplishment impact/ understanding. Because I portion the experience of being a member of Sino-German working squads like the participants, I am able to depict how these linguistic communication accomplishments are used and concept accounts to account for why certain jobs arise. The procedure of work outing these jobs is non a corporate attempt. The value of reading over specification in my research enables the research worker to foreground outstanding characteristics of the phenomenon and depict the manner in which it works. Therefore narrative enquiry is chosen, from a post-modernist qualitative research worker side, as a multi-dimensional geographic expedition of experience affecting temporalty ( past, present, hereafter ) , interaction ( personal and societal, but non intercession ) , and location ( topographic point ) .
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