Muscles Of The Face Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Muscles Of The Face?
The muscles of the face are a group of extraordinary muscles that allow us to express our emotions, from joy and excitement to sadness and anger. They give shape and movement to the face, allowing it to convey so much more than mere words can say.The human face has 43 different muscle groups, all working together in complex ways to achieve facial expressions. The main categories of these muscles are: orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus major/minor, levator labii superioris/inferioris alaeque nasi, risorius and depressor anguli oris. Orbicularis Oculi is made up of two concentric circles located around both eyes and it contracts when we close them tightly or squint. This muscle also helps with blinking movements. Zygomaticus Major/Minor is located at the corner of the mouth; working together they create a smile by pulling up on both sides of the lips towards our cheeks as well as elevating them slightly higher on one side for asymmetrical smiles. Levator Labii Superioris Alaque Nasi works along with Zygomaticus Major/Minor but its main purpose is to raise your upper lip while Nasalis flaring your nostrils outwardly when you’re angry or scared. Risorius is a large flat muscle found just beneath the corners of your mouth which causes stretching during hearty laughs or grins while Depressor Anguli Oris pulls down on each corner creating frowns and other sad facial expressions. These muscular systems work together harmoniously in order for us to communicate effectively through body language as well as being able to accurately read others’ feelings just based off their non-verbal behavior alone. Without these specialized tissues controlling how we look emotionally, our lives would be drastically different.