We've found 217 Dermatology tests

AP Human Geography Chest And Back Geology History of Asia Social Studies
Tectonic Plates – Flashcards 33 terms
Patrick Marsh avatar
Patrick Marsh
33 terms
Anatomy Chest And Back Nursing Pharmacology Primary Health Care
Hematologic Drugs. Electrolytes – Flashcards 125 terms
Patsy Brent avatar
Patsy Brent
125 terms
Chest And Back Elastin And Collagen Physiology Weightlifting
Medical Self Assessment Exam 3 – Flashcards 130 terms
Martha Hill avatar
Martha Hill
130 terms
Chest And Back End Stage Renal Disease West Nile Virus
RHIA -ch 8- ICD-10-CM/PCS coding – Flashcards 456 terms
Clarence Louder avatar
Clarence Louder
456 terms
Anatomy Chest And Back Emergency Medical Responder
(Chapter 1) The World’s Best-Selling Medicine – Flashcards 12 terms
Darryl Wooten avatar
Darryl Wooten
12 terms
Check For Breathing Chest And Back Emergency Medicine Good Samaritan Law
CPR/First Aid HOSA (2013) – Flashcards 184 terms
Tiffany Hanchett avatar
Tiffany Hanchett
184 terms
Chest And Back Stars
Learn Your Pokèmon! / Pokèdex – Flashcards 27 terms
Marta Browning avatar
Marta Browning
27 terms
Chest And Back History of Asia Social Studies
paper towns- main characters 24 terms
Sarah Adrian avatar
Sarah Adrian
24 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Dermatology Squamous Cell Carcinoma
First Aid 2016 Rapid Review – Key Associations – Flashcards 132 terms
Robert May avatar
Robert May
132 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Nutrition Skin Squamous Cell Carcinoma Surgery
Skin Cancer (non-melanomas) – Flashcards 126 terms
Keisha White avatar
Keisha White
126 terms
Medical Terminology Small Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma White Blood Cells
Module 16 Oncology – Flashcards 52 terms
Jill Lopez avatar
Jill Lopez
52 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Hormone Replacement Therapy Men And Women Oncology Pharmaceutical Sciences Squamous Cell Carcinoma
KINE-292 Chapter 12 – Flashcards 82 terms
Keisha White avatar
Keisha White
82 terms
Allied Health Professionals Regional Lymph Nodes Squamous Cell Carcinoma
CTR Practice Exam 1 – Flashcards 246 terms
Roy Johnson avatar
Roy Johnson
246 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Graduate From College Oncology Prostate Specific Antigen Sociology of Aging Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Health 312 Chapter 13 &14 – Flashcards 120 terms
Michael Seabolt avatar
Michael Seabolt
120 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Iron Deficiency Anemia North America Primary Care Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Extra and Intra Oral Exam – Flashcards 76 terms
Roy Johnson avatar
Roy Johnson
76 terms
Advanced Pathophysiology Infection Nausea And Vomiting Pathophysiology Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Gould’s Pathophisiology: Chapter 8,9,16,19. – Flashcards 65 terms
Misty Porter avatar
Misty Porter
65 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Pathology Pathophysiology Squamous Cell Carcinoma United States
melanoma ABCDE, Skin cancer – Flashcards 11 terms
Robert Carter avatar
Robert Carter
11 terms
Nervous Tissue Pathology Squamous Cell Carcinoma
AAMI Intro to Pathology: Unit 5 – Flashcards 58 terms
Kevin Stewart avatar
Kevin Stewart
58 terms
Oncology Public Health Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Oropharyngeal Cancer – Flashcards 41 terms
Trina Garrison avatar
Trina Garrison
41 terms
Gynecology Human Papilloma Virus Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Ob/gyn 1, Chapter 41 part 1 (week 6) – Flashcards 69 terms
Richard Molina avatar
Richard Molina
69 terms
Anatomy Oncology Squamous Cell Carcinoma
VIN, Cervical Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Ovarian Cancer – Flashcards 48 terms
Kevin Stewart avatar
Kevin Stewart
48 terms
Basal Cell Carcinoma Oncology Pathology Pathophysiology Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Chapter 2: Neoplastic Skin Disorders (Seborrheic Keratosis) and (Skin Cancer) – Flashcards 24 terms
James Storer avatar
James Storer
24 terms
Dr. Van Offer is a medical doctor with an idea about how to improve his dermatology patients care. He would like to perform a study. What type of study should he consider?
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/ps300-research-methods/
The nurse is presenting an in-service to a group of nurses who will be working in a dermatology clinic. One participant asks the nurse about a bacterial skin infection that she has seen in children. Which of the following disorders is the nurse most likely referring to? a) Impetigo b) Miliaria rubra c) Seborrheic dermatitis d) Candidiasis
a)Impetigo Explanation: Impetigo is a superficial bacterial skin infection.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-24-nursing-care-of-the-child-with-an-integumentary-disorder/
The nurse is presenting an in-service to a group of nurses who will be working in a dermatology clinic. One participant asks the nurse about a bacterial skin infection that she has seen in children. Which of the following disorders is the nurse most likely referring to? a) Candidiasis b) Seborrheic dermatitis c) Impetigo d) Miliaria rubra
c)Impetigo Explanation: Impetigo is a superficial bacterial skin infection.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-24-nursing-care-of-the-child-with-an-integumentary-disorder/
Chapter 5 | Dermatology | Integumentary System
A brief Introduction to Dermatology
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/medical-terminology-chapter-5-dermatology/
A patient in the dermatology clinic is scheduled for removal of a 15-mm multicolored and irregular mole from the upper back. The nurse should prepare the patient for which type of biopsy? a. Shave biopsy b. Punch biopsy c. Incisional biopsy d. Excisional biopsy
ANS: C An incisional biopsy would remove the entire mole and the tissue borders. The appearance of the mole indicates that it may be malignant. A shave biopsy would not remove the entire mole. The mole is too large to be removed with punch biopsy. Excisional biopsies are done for smaller lesions and where a good cosmetic effect is desired, such as on the face.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/med-surg-chapter-23-nursing-assessment-integumentary-system-practice-questions-exam-1/
1481. Health Maintenance/Dermatology Which of the following is considered a risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma? A. male gender B. inability to tan C. Japanese ethnicity D. brown-haired individuals
Explanations (u) A. Incidence of malignant melanoma is equal in males and females. (c) B. Inability to tan and propensity to burn are risk factors for developing malignant melanoma. (u) C. Malignant melanomas are most common in Caucasians and are rarely seen in the Japanese population. (u) D. Red hair and freckling is one of the major risk factors for malignant melanoma, not brown hair.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/11-dermatology-packrat-9-11-12-13-14-15-sb/
Health Maintenance/Dermatology A person with atopic dermatitis should be advised to Answers A. avoid cutaneous irritants. B. take hot water baths or showers. C. use a high potency glucocorticoid on skin after bathing. D. begin a prophylactic antibiotic.
Explanations (c) A. Avoidance of cutaneous irritants, such as wool and other rough clothing, is the cornerstone of therapy for atopic dermatitis. (u) B. Patients should bathe in warm, tepid water, not hot water. (u) C. Topical glucocorticoids of low or medium potency in a cream or ointment base should be used on the skin immediately after bathing. (u) D. Prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/11-dermatology-packrat-9-11-12-13-14-15-sb/
History & Physical/Dermatology A patient presents with a rash, characterized by red macules and edematous papules with a clearing center. This best describes which of the following? Answers A. erythema marginatum B. erythema multiforme C. varicella D. impetigo
Explanations (u) A. Erythema marginatum is associated with rheumatic fever and is characterized by macular to maculopapular lesions. A clearing center is not found in the rash. (c) B. Target lesions, also termed iris lesions, are characteristic of erythema multiforme. The rash may be recurrent but typically resolves over 3-6 weeks. (u) C. The rash of varicella typically has maculopapules, vesicles, and scabs in various stages of development. A clearing center is not found in the rash. (u) D. The lesions of impetigo are pustules that form a honey-colored crust after rupturing.
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/11-dermatology-packrat-9-11-12-13-14-15-sb/
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