Cause And Effect Relationship Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Cause And Effect Relationship?
Cause and effect relationships refer to the way in which one event or circumstance leads to, or causes, another event or circumstance. These relationships are a common part of everyday life and can be found everywhere from scientific studies, to business decisions, to politics. Causes and effects can exist on a small scale such as in an individual’s decision making process or on a large scale such as global warming. On an individual level, cause and effect relationships may influence our daily activities such as sleeping late leading to feeling sluggish the next day at work. On a larger scale, global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels like coal and natural gas which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere trapping heat energy leading to rising temperatures all over the world. The most important aspect of understanding cause and effect relationships is recognizing that every action has consequences, either intended or unintended. For example if someone chooses not to exercise they may experience weight gain whereas exercising regularly could lead them to having more energy throughout their day. Cause and effect relationships help us understand how our actions today will affect our lives tomorrow so it’s important for us to stay informed about these types of connections in order make better choices for ourselves both now and in the future.