- New media is represented numerically, with ones and zeros
- New media is modular, that is, it has individual elements that maintain their independence even when they are combined Into larger objects
- The processes Involved In creating, manipulating, and assessing the media are able to be automated
- New media is variable, or able to exist in nearly infinite versions
- New media is increasingly able to translate into differing file formats
The Information can even be transmitted between technological devices to another, ex. mobile phone to computer. Define the advantages and disadvantages of new media marketing Advantages Disadvantages New media Is represented numerically, and It Is modular, automated, variable and transferable to differing file formats and able to be custo
...mized. Data is accessible in real time New media permeates all aspects of consumers' lives in western society Creates additional opportunities In sport such as websites and mobile digital rights.
New media marketing in sport allows sport marketers to communicate with sport consumers in innovative ways. It is crucial to recognize that consumers are more receptive to communication from fellow consumers. Additionally, new media marketing is an integral part of the sport marketing framework as it enables the promotion and sale of other sport-related products and services.
New media technology revolutionizes sport marketing by offering innovative and interactive ways to communicate with consumers. The advantages of using new media platforms include rapid and direct communication, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to personalize messages for specific target audiences.
The key
principles of new media marketing include customization, modularity, sticky branding, networked communication, immunization, and permission. Customization involves offering personalized products and targeted communication. Modularity refers to the flexibility and scalability of new media marketing strategies. Sticky branding aims to create compelling ideas linked to the brand image. Networked communication focuses on consumer-to-consumer interaction. Immunization refers to the ability of new media marketing to cut through clutter and deliver messages with high velocity and smooth transfer. Permission emphasizes obtaining consumer consent and gaining targeted exposure.
Overall, new media marketing allows sport marketers to build cult brands, establish brand identity, and foster tribal belonging among consumers.
The use of new media technology gives marketers precise insights into consumers' behaviors and preferences, enabling them to create more personalized marketing strategies that meet individual customers' needs. Developing strong customer relationships is essential to achieving this level of customization. For instance, Nikkei allows customers to design their own customized footwear, fulfilling their desire for unique products that reflect their personal identity and give them a sense of control.
Modularity Communication is vital for being fast, responsive, simple, and flexible. It is important for communication to be fast so that a larger number of consumers can come into contact with it before it becomes irrelevant. Responses should be easy to demand and transfer. Sticky Branding refers to a branding image that remains in the consumer's memory. Social networking sites are becoming increasingly useful for sport marketers as they allow interactive communication between sport organizations, players, and other fans. Networked Communication involves using media to facilitate communication among consumers, encouraging them to talk to each other about products rather than relying solely on marketers' communications.
New media platforms allow marketers to facilitate communication between consumers in an interactive way. The current trends in new media sports marketing concentrate on activities that bring consumers together, such as online communities, blogs, forums, and message boards. New media acts as a central point for consumer interaction and commercial transactions, offering personalized experiences and promoting word-of-mouth marketing. Is consumer-to-consumer marketing more effective than business-to-consumer marketing? For instance, viral marketing is a type of networked communication that utilizes new media technologies to disseminate marketing messages from one consumer to another, similar to a virus.
New media sport marketing encourages rapid communication and aims to motivate people to share a marketing message with their personal contact network. Additionally, it helps sport consumers feel included in virtual groups, fulfilling their psychological need for belonging. The introduction of online gaming for Oxbow and Palpitation contributes to this approach.
New media marketing fulfills the need to 'belong' and helps develop identity. It includes strategies that make sport consumers feel 'included' in virtual groups. Permission interruption marketing, such as Internet banner advertising, appears without the consumer's permission and can lead to resistance. This type of marketing involves one-way communication from the marketer to the consumer. In contrast, new media sports marketing is based on the idea of 'permission.' It uses new media to communicate with consumers who have given their permission to receive customized messages, often through email, mobile, and PDA devices.
Ordinarily, customers will subscribe to receive such messages. One example is blue jacking, which employs Bluetooth to connect with nearby customers without their consent. However, this can have negative consequences for organizations, as some customers may become irritated. When utilizing
new media technology to market directly to customers, there is a balancing act between reaching customers and showing respect. In summary, sports organizations must first establish contact with customers by presenting compelling ideas that capture their attention. Additionally, they should utilize modular features to ensure quick, flexible, and seamless communication. Once contact is made, customers may respond to tailored offerings and engage in conversation using the networked and interactive capabilities of the platform.
The following are the steps involved in engaging consumers with new media marketing:
- Community
- Converts
- Contact
- Conversation
- Connection
- Content
There are five broad categories of new media technologies:
- Internet-driven platforms
- Mobile communications
- Upgraded conventional technologies
- Hardware
Software Internet-driven platforms Bolos and social networking sites, email, web video, bedposts, websites, pop-ups, virtual worlds. The use of Youth, for ex: The NIL provides content for the Youth immunity. Providing daily highlights and off ice footage. The NFG has negotiated revenue sharing partnerships with Youth, which allows them to show advertisements in conjunction with the video content Mobile Communications Bluetooth, mobile phones, Pads, wireless, SMS, multimedia messaging service.
Can be used to distribute information using either a push or pull strategy.
Push: Sending unsolicited communications to consumers, through SMS for example.
Pull: Providing free information, such as game updates and news
headlines that the customer has given permission to receive.
Mobile phone coupons mean that sporting leagues, events, and retailers can offer exclusive promotions to consumers who have given their permission to receive regular deals.
SMS Success factors:
- Content should be short and eye-catching
- Timing should minimize the risk of annoying consumers
- Customization means the more targeted the message is to the consumers, the more permission they give, which minimizes the spam problem for consumers.
Mobile communications have advanced to the point where they can deliver personalized content and streaming broadcasts. For example, BBC Sport now offers their website content through all mobile technologies, giving consumers the ability to access stories about their favorite sports anytime and anywhere. Additionally, traditional technologies like televisions, radios, and video recorders have been upgraded with technological advancements. Digital television broadcasts now allow viewers to record live programming. These upgrades also offer increased interactivity and customization. For instance, during the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, BBC utilized an upgraded TV platform to provide interactive coverage. This resulted in over 6 million digital TV viewers in the UK tuning into BBC through the use of the 'red button' on their remote, granting them access to an interactive portal.
Over 2000 hours of additional and exclusive television footage has been provided. Digital data enhances the sport viewing experience by offering greater flexibility, allowing events to be watched over the Internet. As the Internet becomes more efficient, people can watch sporting events on the go through their preferred device. Viewers can choose specific camera angles or replays at their convenience. It also allows for the creation of new statistics related to the event and enables real-time
interaction such as gaming.
New technology in hardware has led to the development of pocket PC prototypes that can access and replay almost every sporting moment ever broadcasted. An Apple pod and Nikkei partnership allows communication between pod Anna and Nikkei running shoes. This feature provides workout-based voice feedback, giving progress reports on time, distance, and pace. Software enables the operation of physical equipment. Virtual reality software is a promising way to revolutionize the way spectators view sports in the future.
One way for sport enterprises to enhance their revenues is by becoming an international property, as highlighted in the Nikkei + pod sport kit. The kit includes a software that facilitates network communication with other runners globally. This enables runners to challenge each other in virtual races. In order to secure a stable niche in the market, it is crucial to explore future possibilities and anticipate potential risks. Furthermore, the advancement in camera technology has paved the way for athletes to wear lens-equipped cameras, allowing viewers to see the game from their TV screens and providing them with multiple angle choices and replays.
Dangers: Sport organizations must have the right tools to ensure that their relationships with fans bridge the gap between commerce and community. Careful management of customer input into products and services.
Section 3: Sport Marketing Opportunities. Identify the key marketing activities required to identify sport marketing opportunities. The sport-marketing framework includes analyzing conditions in both the external and internal marketplaces. This includes competitors' activities, technology, legal restrictions, and economic climate as well as the organization's strengths, weaknesses, SWOT analysis, competitor analysis, mission, vision, objectives, performance measures, and stakeholders. Market research is used for analyzing
the market and its consumers to develop a sport marketing strategy.
Making key decisions about the strategic direction of the sport marketing program and establishing the strategy within boundaries of objectives and performance measures. Determining specific tactics including how to distinguish the sport product or service in the market, who the target audience will be, and what marketing mix decisions will be employed to implement the strategy. Planning the sport marketing mix and putting the plan into action.
Conducting a macro and micro environmental analysis refers to examining both the larger context and specific factors that can impact a sport organization. In the macro analysis, the political environment plays a role in attracting major events to cities while the economic environment provides a broad overview of national economic issues that can affect a sport organization. For instance, consumer spending patterns can vary depending on the state of the economy. In the micro analysis, factors such as consumer income levels and legal environment, including legislation and regulations set by government and sport associations, come into play as they influence consumers' spending habits on sport products or services.
Governments set rules for broadcasters to cover sports events, like the requirement for a Saturday 3 pm kick-off time. The International Olympic Committee offers instructions on conducting Olympic competitions. The Anti-doping agency enforces regulations on substances athletes can use and penalties for breaking the rules. In terms of technology, email has revolutionized communication and medical advancements have improved sports medicine.
Web streaming has revolutionized the accessibility of sports globally. The social environment, regional culture, and societal tendencies play a significant role in determining the value placed on different sports. Take Cricket, for instance,
embraced in England, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, and the West Indies. However, individuals from other nations often find the game to be tedious and lacking action.
Physical environment refers to the distinct geographical characteristics of a particular area, including its climate and available infrastructure. This includes factors such as snow for snow sports and water for water sports in certain countries. In the case of golf courses, the presence of water sources is necessary for its maintenance. The micro external environment of the sports industry encompasses various elements such as the public, media, finance, staff/members, commercial entities, government and leagues. Within the sports industry, the competitive sport sector specifically pertains to the sporting shoe sector.
There are numerous manufacturers and sellers vying for the attention of the same consumers due to various reasons. Competitors may possess weaknesses that can be taken advantage of, or they may have strengths that could pose a threat or serve as valuable lessons. The nature of competition evolves over time. There is direct competition, which occurs between sellers who offer similar products or services - for example, Aids and Nikkei, which are comparable enough to be substituted between companies. Then there is secondary competition, where products fulfill similar needs but in a different manner - for instance, choosing to attend a basketball game instead of a rugby match when the consumer's need is entertainment rather than the specific sport experience. Indirect competition involves sellers who offer different products and services that either meet similar consumer needs or prompt consumers to seek satisfaction in different ways. This includes forms of entertainment besides sports, such as movies, music concerts, and restaurants.
There are
various options for consumers to utilize their free time. One important aspect is conducting a competitor analysis, which involves evaluating the strategies, strengths, vulnerabilities, and resources of competitors. This analysis should consider elements such as geographic scope, mission and vision, objectives, market share and position, strategy, resources, target market, marketing mix approach, and the five forces analysis that influences competition within the sport industry. Performing this analysis is crucial in identifying potential future opportunities and threats. Notably, the intensity of rivalry among industry competitors is higher when organizations provide similar products or services.
The competition between Nikkei and Aids college football teams and English football teams extends to various aspects such as media exposure, corporate sponsorship, player acquisition, and coaching staff. Additionally, organizations in this industry face the constant possibility of new competitors entering the market, offering substitute products. These new entrants could include sports facilities, leisure and recreation centers, events, sport apparel companies, and equipment manufacturers. The intensity of rivalry among industry competitors is directly proportional to the threat posed by new entrants.
The bargaining power of buyers, which includes individuals, groups, and organizations, refers to the influence they have in pressuring suppliers to lower the costs of sport games. In the case of media broadcasters, when their bargaining power is low, they must pay a significant amount of money to secure broadcasting rights for an event. Conversely, when their bargaining power is high, the costs for these rights decrease. Therefore, the level of rivalry among industry competitors increases as the bargaining power of buyers becomes greater.
The bargaining power of suppliers refers to when suppliers of raw materials attempt to improve their bargaining power by threatening
to raise prices or withdraw their products or services. This can be compared to sport players, who can be seen as suppliers of talent. For example, in 2004, there was a threat of strikes from professional sport players in hockey, which ultimately resulted in the cancellation of the season.
To understand an organization, it is important to analyze its purpose, aims, and goals, as well as the needs of its stakeholders. There are four tools that can be used to analyze an organization. Firstly, the mission statement identifies the purpose of the organization, including why it was established and what services and products it provides to whom. It should be a concise statement that declares the intentions of the organization. Secondly, the vision statement outlines the organization's vision for the future, typically covering a period of 3-5 years. It expresses the medium to long-term goals that the organization wants to achieve within a given time frame. Lastly, organizational objectives serve as stepping-stones towards achieving the overall goals of the organization.
Targets that need to be reached to achieve the vision are like achievable stepping stones. For example, if a club finishes last, they cannot expect to finish in the top 3 the following year. Objectives for sports clubs can include on-field performance, youth development, finances, facilities, marketing, and human resources. These objectives help sport marketers determine where to focus their efforts in order to align with the overall goals of the organization. A stakeholder analysis is necessary to identify every person with an interest in the organization. The sport marketer cannot satisfy every stakeholder's needs and has to consider the bargaining power of each stakeholder in relation
to their affiliation with the sport organization. Only after completing this analysis can a strategic direction be determined. The marketing strategy can also be influenced by the beliefs, values, and expectations of influential stakeholders.
Market research involves learning about the marketplace and consumers' desires and expectations, and using that information to create an effective marketing plan. There are five applications of market research: gathering specific information about the market, identifying customers and their wants, utilizing the marketing mix 4P's, and conducting two different types of research - quantitative and qualitative.
Quantitative research involves gathering numerical data from a diverse and large sample of people through surveys or questionnaires. This method is suitable when a sport organization already has some knowledge about its customers. For example, if a sport organization knows the four main reasons why customers use their services, they can use this method to gather brief responses.
Qualitative research involves gathering non-numerical information through in-depth interviews with a narrow and relatively small group of consumers.
In addition to market research, the sport marketing framework includes developing a sport marketing strategy in the second stage. This involves setting marketing objectives as the realistic goals that a sport organization can achieve through its marketing strategy.
It is crucial not to underestimate the importance of having clear direction to follow when it comes to marketing objectives.
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