Sms Bus Ticket Reservation Essay Example
Sms Bus Ticket Reservation Essay Example

Sms Bus Ticket Reservation Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1179 words)
  • Published: April 7, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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There are lots of methodology approaches in order to develop a project. For this project, the methodology used is the concept of the System Development Life Cycle, which is a framework for describing the phases involved in developing and maintaining the system. The methodology that is going to be used for developing this project is summarized in the flow chart below. Data Collection In this phase, the appropriate title has been chosen for this project. It is decided to develop a hotel UiTM reservation system using SMS. In order to achieve the aim of this project the objectives, scope and significance were defined.

Outline descriptions of the project and how it will be used in the organization have be made. The information about reservations in Hotel UiTM gets by interviewing the hotel staff. Besides that, some research about cu


stomer wants and needs have to be done for hotel reservation service. After defining the objectives, scope, significance and problem description, it is starting to collect information and explore deeper about the topic of this project. The articles and journals regarding this topic are reviewed. All the information is from the library and surfing through the Internet.

Data Analysis

Data analysis involved a few steps, where one of them is reviewing all the collected data and analyzing the customer’s needs. Then it is start to define the technique that will be used for this project. Hardware and software requirements also must be defined at this stage. Based on the information obtained from the data collection, some analysis has been made to know how the project will be implemented. It is a crucial part because from this analysis we can defin

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user requirements for this project before it can proceed with the implementation phase.


After analyzing all the requirements that are needed for this project, it was decided that there are two techniques involved. The first approach is the development of a web-based application for hotel reservation system. Dreamweaver MX is used as a web application tool to create a database-driven website. For the server-side, PHP-Hypertext Preprocessor is used for scripting language and MySQL as the database. Second approach is developing the SMS application to enable customers to make a reservation using SMS.

The information received on the mobile phone will transferred to the hotel reservation system. The system will then respond to the customers for approval. For the process of sending and receiving SMS, Microsoft Visual Basic will be used to develop software that enables the data from the database to be captured and send to the customer’s mobile phone. Hardware Requirement In terms of hardware, this project needs a personal computer that runs the Microsoft Windows XP platform as a web server, a mobile phone with an infrared application and an infrared adapter.

At this phase, system architecture of how the project will work is designed. This process is involved both in client-side and server-side. The architecture for this project can be described as a three-tier architecture that includes a database, hotel reservation system, and the user who access the system. First, user as a client tier can make a reservation by sending SMS to the hotel’s system. The hotel’s system will act as an application tier. Then the data save on the database that acts as a data tier and hotel’s staff can reply the SMS

message to the user as approval for the application and information that is required.

The detail description about the workflow was described in chapter 2. Before the process of sending and receiving SMS can be done, the phone has to be attached to the computer and make sure it can communicate to each other. In order to connect them, Nokia data cable is used. Apart from that, the web-based application will also be taken into consideration. We have to determine what should be included into the hotel reservation system. It is important to design the architecture to make sure the SMS message can work with the hotel reservation system. Create Interface and Coding

After the entire requirements needed are identified and the system architecture has been designed, the phase of creating interfaces and coding for the hotel’s system started. This project will be separated into three main tasks: o Create the database using MySQL in order to keep the data from the system.  Create the interface for thehotel’s system using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. o Write a coding using HTML and PHP scripting language for the hotel’s system and for send SMS from the mobile phone is using Microsoft Visual Basic. Create Database using MySQL The database consists of five tables.

The website is basically to introduce the hotel to the public and advertise the new services provide by the hotel, which is the SMS services for reservation. There are six interfaces that consist of homepage, accommodation, facilities, location, services, and reservation. Write a coding The reservation system and hotel UiTM website are using PHP-Hypertext Preprocessor scripting language. This system needs to be linked to the database in MySQL

using SQL query on PHP script. Meanwhile, for the hotel website, it is using HTML and PHP script for some pages. Microsoft Visual Basic is used for develop a software called SMS Alert that enable the data in the database to be captured and then send the SMS message to the customer’s mobile phone. Implementation and Testing As stated in the literature, most of the implementation applies the Open Source products. The first step that will be implemented is to develop the web server by using Apache webserver. The next step is to develop the contents for hotel reservation system using SMS technology.

However, before the system can be implemented, the connection between and the webserver and mobile phone have to be test using the Nokia Data Cable. Then the SMS Alert software that has been developed using Microsoft Visual Basic must be installed in the system. When all the requirement needed to send SMS message has been prepared, then this service can be tested whether it can work or not. The testing can done by sending a message to the mobile phone that is connected to the server. If the message received, then the staff will read the message and then take action by check the availability room regarding to the request.

Then the staff will reply the message with appropriate information that is required to the customer. The SMS Alert will capture data from the database before it can be sent to the customer. When the entire process is successful, it can be said that this project is also successful. Conclusion Through this chapter, it was explained deeply on how the project were developed, how

to configure the certain applications, the requirement of hardware and software for both sender and receiver, what are the programming language and so on. The success in developing this project will encourage us to make a study for the next chapter. It is hoped that this methodology would be a milestone to complete this thesis successfully.

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