Senior Legacy Essay Example
Senior Legacy Essay Example

Senior Legacy Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (577 words)
  • Published: September 25, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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During our second semester of your senior English you will read a book based on a true story called Tuesdays with Morris. This book is very inspirational and moving. This book is about a man named Morris Schwartz who is diagnosed with a disease called ALLS. One of his students comes every Tuesday and talks to him abut different things like love life and regrets. Eventually Morris can't hang on any longer and passes away. This book will really make you think about the things and cherish the little things no matter how little they are before there's gone.

Reading about other peoples ideas are great but writing about yours is even better. Wondering why? Because it's your time to shine and let people know you opinions and thoughts by jus


t using your voice but through words. These types of things teach us how to be human. In English you will read another novel called Frankincense. Stories teach us how to be human by telling us the real things in life. For instance in Frankincense a monster is made by Dry. Frankincense and it escapes. He (the monster) goes through life trying to fit in not be an outcast and help others. He basically has to teach himself how to be human and live.

According to "The Most Human Art: Ten reasons why we'll deed a good story' we are creatures of instinct. We learn how to behave. And that's what the monster had to do (Sanders). After reading you will do a project on it that involves you understanding of the book. A couple of essays you get to write and express you

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thoughts are: Everything I ever needed to know... , Money and Me, This I Believer and many more. When writing a paper, novel or story you should use adult level thinking. Use smart words that aren't to complicating but easy enough for people to understand. Put some feeling in your paper.

Let your audience the reader know exactly how you feel. It's your Senior Year. You have a lot of responsibilities. More than you think. Be mature about it. There are going to be some things you don't want to do but you're going to have to because guess what that's life and you're going to have to step up and deal with it. Everything isn't going to be easy. The best advice that I can give you is: 1. Do your work, it will defiantly pay off in the end. 2. Don't slack! Once you slack and stop doing your homework there's no going back. 3. Don't bite off more than you can chew. What that nearness is don't take on to many things all at once.

Start on thing finish it then go on to the next thing. And last but not least have fun and make the best of everything. You're only a senior in high school once. Senior English can be fun. All you need to do is apply yourself, do your work, and everything else will definitely run smoothly. Reading writing and adult thinking is all part of your English class. The reading is fun the writing is hard but an easy way to express your thoughts and feelings through words and the adult thinking will help you write amazing

essays. These three things will defiantly come in handy during your life as a senior.

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