Progress Report Summaries: Flowers for Algernon Essay Example
When he doesn't get the concept the lady takes the pictures away and is angry towards him -Burt Selene takes Charlie to the psychology laboratory on the 4th floor in the Beckman University where he starts by playing puzzles and games -When faced with a paper maze, Charlie can't figure out how to trace a line with his pencil from start to finish without crossing the nines that are there already -On the 5th floor Burt tries to clarify the maze by bringing Charlie to an animal experimental laboratory -He brings out a mouse named Allergen and makes him go through a box maze Like the one on Charlie's paper -Burt gets Charlie to race against the mouse except this time Charlie uses a wooden box too where he gets shocked by the tracing suck If he goes the wrong wa
...y -Allergen beats Charlie ten times but he eventually learns how to slowly finish the maze Progress report 5 -Proof Murmur and Dry Strauss find Charlie's mother and sister Norma in Brooklyn who vive permission for Charlie to undergo the operation -Charlie hears a conversation between the two men about his operation -Proof Harold Murmur is worried that Charlie will get sick from the Jump from his low IQ to one that is much higher -Dry Strauss tells him that most retarded adults are hostile, uncooperative, dull and apathetic but Charlie has a good nature and is eager to learn -Proof Murmur explains that Charlie will be the first human to ever have his intelligence Increased by surgery because of his tremendous motivation -Charlie believes that Burt and Dry Strauss are on his side
ND Proof Murmur Is against the experiment -Proof Murmur explains the dangers of the experiment: nothing physical: either it works temporarily and leaves him worse than -Charlie gets prepared for the operation; people from the college and the medical school come to wish him luck -He wants to be smart so he'll be able to find his family and have friends like a normal person Progress report 7 -Charlie has bandages on his eyes for 3 days -Burt takes Charlie's vital signs and tells him the purpose of writing the reports is so that the doctors can study the changes going on in his mind -His nurse Hilled tells IM to pray to God for the sins that Proof Murmur and Dry Strauss have done to him for they shouldn't have tampered with his mind.
She believes it is against God's will - Hilled gets sent to the maternity ward instead and they replace her with Lucille -Miss Kantian explains to Charlie that he won't be instantly smart; the operation Just made it so that the information will stick in his mind unlike before -Charlie is disappointed because he thought he would wake up intelligent Progress report 8 -Charlie is out of the hospital and continues trying to beat Algerian in the maze race thou success -He goes to lunch with Burt at the college and overhears people talking about politics, art and religion -Burt introduces Charlie to some of the students. When they give him weird looks, Charlie tries to explain that he will be smart soon but Burt interrupts him and says he's Just cleaning the psych department. He tells Charlie that his
experiment is a secret -Charlie has to return to the lab for 2 hours every day after work to complete more tests.
He gets paid with money from the Welfare foundation for doing so -At work, Joe Carp Frank Reilly and
Gimpy make fun of Charlie, but he doesn't understand their intentions and laughs with them -Professor Murmur and Dry Strauss give Charlie a TV that he has to keep on while he sleeps that speaks and projects images and will provoke dreams and memories from him -Charlie complains that the TV keeps him up at night and he's tired the next day at work. He recalls the first time he went to the college and how he got there -Charlie starts going to therapy sessions with Dry Strauss. He lies on a couch and talks about his new found memories and how they make him feel -Dry Strauss aches him about the subconscious and conscious mind -Joe and Frank invite Charlie to a bar after work but make a fool of him getting him to perform embarrassing dances. After getting him drunk, the two leave him there by himself - Charlie finally beats Algerian in the maze race.
He remembers more about his sister- making fun of him for wanting to be a painter when he was younger -Miss Kantian starts to read Robinson Crusoe with Charlie and teaches him how to spell Progress report 9 -Charlie starts a new position at the bakery working by the dough mixer -He was eased into using the machine by the co workers when Gimpy wasn't around for an April fools Joke -Gimpy and Mr.
Donned can't
believe their eyes when they see that Charlie works the machine better than the old worker, Oliver -Charlie has a memory about when his little sister was born: he went to her crib in the night to pick her up when she was crying to make her stop but his mom saw it as him trying to hurt her so she hit him -He learns about punctuation and his spelling is coming along fast -Joe Carp and Frank Reilly invite Charlie to a party.
Here they force him to dance with a Oman, Ellen, while tripping him and everyone watches in a circle, laughing -They make fun of him again when Ellen offers him a wax apple and Charlie tries to eat it - says he is reading very fast- Charlie says he can close his eyes and the page comes back like a picture -He remembers once being on a delivery and getting attacked by a group of boys -Dry Strauss tells him that his intellectual growth is going to outstrip his emotional growth -Charlie goes to therapy twice a week. This is important to uncover mysteries about his past -His IQ is now up to 100. Proof Murmur expects it to attain ore than double of 70, his original IQ -He has a dream where he can no longer read or write so he asks Gimpy to write his progress reports. Miss Kantian rips them apart and the Proof and Dry beat him up for writing "dirty words". The papers turn into valentines with blood on them -Charlie remembers being at grade school with Miss Kantian- Harriet.
All the boys were in love
with her -He plans to give her his gold locket as a valentine and asks his friend Hemi to write her a sweet message. He leaves the package at her door after school -The next day, Harriet doesn't wear the locket. Her two older brothers beat him up in the schoolyard for writing her a dirty note -Charlie undergoes another Rorschach test. He gets angry towards Burt when he believes that he is making fun of him and that he had explained the test differently the first time. He throws the inkblot cards on the table and walks out -The Professor and Burt chase after him and convince him to listen to the recording of the first test.
When he hears his childish answers, he stops his anger fit -Charlie suddenly wants to keep his progress reports private because he feels weird having people read his personal feelings Progress report 10 Charlie figures out a way to increase production speed and profits by setting up the mixing machines differently. He is given another raise -Everyone seems to be frightened of the new Charlie -Charlie remembers the bad horrible treatment that he received from his coworkers; he finally realizes they were never his friends -He remembers when Gimpy wanted to teach him to make rolls and how the words "learn" and "teach" frightened him; his mother hitting him usually followed these words -Charlie asks out Miss Kantian (Alice) to a movie to celebrate his raise -Dry Strauss and Proof Murmur agree to let
Charlie keep some progress reports private so he can write about more personal affairs -Charlie realizes that even though Strauss and Murmur are
intelligent, they are still flawed and childish. He comes to this realization while over hearing their argument over whether they should present their findings on Charlie at a convention or not. -Charlie is able to discuss Shakespeare and God with other students from the college. He understands religion for the first time -He has a flashback to when he was younger. He remembers his father trying to force his mom to accept his retardation ND his parents beating him for having an accidental bowel movement in his pants - He remembers their names; Matt and Rose Progress report 1 1 -Charlie takes Alice to the movies and confesses his attraction to her over dinner.
She tells him it would be inappropriate for them to develop a relationship because of the experiment -He is upset that of all the books he has been reading that none of them offer emotional advice for his situation -He has a memory of finding Normal's panties in the laundry basket, full of menstrual blood -Charlie finds out that Gimpy has been stealing from the bakery by undercharging customers for favors. He has a hard time -Strauss says he has a moral obligation to tell but Murmur believes that he should not get involved -Murmur refers to Charlie's old retarded self as an "inanimate object". This angers Charlie who believes that Murmur doesn't understand him -Lice's advice to Charlie is to make his own decision from within; this teaches him that he is capable to make moral Judgments -Charlie confronts Gimpy and gives him a chance to fix what he is doing before he tells Mr..
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