This assignment describes my own Professional Development Plan (PDP) for the first six months of my nurse registration. Following a PDP will show my commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), otherwise known as PREP (CPD). PREP stands for Post-Registration Education and Practice and is a set of Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) standards and guidance that help nurses give the best possible care (NMC PREP Handbook 2006 p3); part of which is a commitment to CPD.
CPD is a process of learning activities designed for individuals to reach their full otential, so they provide the highest possible standards of patients care (NMC PREP Handbook 2006 p9). By following a PDP I will develop my knowledge, understanding and skills in a structured way so that I can apply them with confidence in my future nursing practice. As a f
...inal year student nurse I am aware that after qualification I will still have much to learn about my profession.
According to Smith & Bickford (2004 p174) professional development of a nurse is a structured approach with planned opportunities for learning. This approach enables the nurse to identify gaps in their knowledge, and n turn expand their knowledge through regular education and training for safer practice. The UKCC (2001 p43) document fitness for practice and purpose states that entrants into nursing must be prepared for life long learning and continual professional development as their career takes on an ever changing world.
Chosen Area For my professional development skill I have chosen to focus on 'Intravenous Drug Administration'. I chose this because Intravenous ('V) therapy is commonly used in the nursing profession (Hyde 2002 p42) According t
the Anonymised NHS Trust 2007-2008 p7) most patients who are admitted to hospital receive IV Therapy at some stage of their treatment, especially in acute nursing care (Workman 2000). Nurses play an important role in the delivery of IV therapy, so suitably trained nurses will often be required to give IV therapy during the course of their nursing career.
IV therapy is used because it is fast acting, works effectively and if there are any side effects then the treatment can be stopped instantly (Hopkins 1999 p13); (Mallett; Dougherty 2000 P822). During my clinical placements I have witnessed IV therapy being administered to atients who require prescribed analgesia, antibiotics or anti-emetics as well as observing patients' reactions to the treatment. IV therapy can be very effective (Hyde 2002 p42) but it also carries the greatest risk of any administration route.
Amoore & Adamson (2003 p45) maintain that the safe administration of IV therapy requires the nurse to be skilled and knowledgeable in the use of the equipment, and to prevent any adverse incidents nurses must have up-to-date knowledge of the associated work within my level of understanding and competence, under the direct supervision of a registered nurse (NMC guide for students 2006 p4). Nurses "must have the knowledge and skills for safe and effective practice when working without direct supervtston" (NMC The code 2007 P7). The Royal college of Nursing (RCN 2003 P7) states that IV therapy is a central part ofa nurse's professional practice.
I realise that as a final year student I am not authorised to give IV therapy without supervision, so as a newly registered nurse this is an ideal opportunity to
learn about IV therapy. I am using the SMART Framework to assist me in setting realistic measurable goals (Hurst ; Ramlall 2005 p4 cited in HSHS Self-Assessment).
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time related. Specific I will undertake the appropriate training concerning infusion devices, knowledge of drug administration, aseptic techniques, the management and careful assessment of the condition of the patient's during the infusion.
I will follow the IV drug administration policy and guidelines to develop my understanding of the requirements and to achieve my objectives. To gain competence I will complete the relevant training package (Anonymised NHS Trust 2007-2008), attend integrated IV drug administration study days, and follow a period of supervised practice from a olleague with experience in IV therapy who will be a role model and mentor (NMC The code 2007).
I will research the relevant Journals and learn about the drugs commonly used with IV Therapy in my clinical area and I will follow the NMC The code (2007), the NMC standards for medicines management (2007) coupled with the trust policies and procedures. I will reflect on my knowledge and understanding by reviewing the training package (Anonymised NHS Trust 2007-2008) and by checking my understanding with my mentor and other experienced staff. The single specific goal that I have set for myself s to be able to safely, legally and competently administer IV drugs.
My measures of success will be the completion of the training package (Anonymised NHS Trust 2007-2008). I will continue to undertake a self-assessment process through clinical feedbacks to promote my personal and professional growth right through to competency (Orest 1995 cited in Gopee 2000).
demonstrate that I have met my goal I will successfully complete the relevant training package (Anonymised NHS Trust 2007-2008), which will be signed off by an appointed mentor.
Achievable, Realistic and Time related I realise that starting work in a new Job, I will need time to familiarise myself with the new ward environment (Bick 2000 p44). I also realise that there are barriers that may hinder my progress; for example there may be staff shortages that create difficulty for colleagues to spare the time to assist me and they may have to be spent doing supervisor or mentor, and there may be times when I will not be able to attend to study days due to staff shortage.
As a newly qualified nurse I will give myself three months of the six months time period to actively meet my goal.
I will allow the other three months to overcome these barriers. Within six months as a newly qualified nurse I expect to be practicing IV administration drugs competently and safely without supervision. I am aware that this would not be the end of my learning in this area as I understand that knowledge and skills continually need practicing and updating as required by the NMC The Code (2007)
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