Have no time? Stuck with ideas? We have collected a lot of interesting and useful Psychological Trauma essay topics for you in one place to help you quickly and accurately complete your college assignment! Check out our essay examples on Psychological Trauma and you will surely find something to your liking!

A Critical Examination Of The Models Of Essay Example
2297 words 9 pages

Basically, theories offer a structure for interpreting the world and the phenomena and activities taking place in it. According to Fourie (2001), Claude Levi Strauss believed that all theories have a single underlying logic, as stated by Baron & Byrne (2003). Opposing theories can often be reduced to binary oppositions, which create meaning when paired. […]

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Mental Disorder Model Psychological Trauma
Outline for Dissociative Disorder Essay Example
765 words 3 pages

Conditions that lead to disturbances or failures in memory, identity, perception, and consciousness are classified as Dissociative Disorders. Individuals who habitually detach from reality through unhealthy methods, such as repressing memories or adopting alternate personas, may exhibit one of three types of dissociative disorders: dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder and During the third stage of […]

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Database Mental Disorder Psychological Trauma Psychotherapy
Factors Affecting Cognitive Development Essay Example
1908 words 7 pages

The future development and maintenance of the world is in the hands of the children at present. These children will grow up to be our politicians, doctors and accountants. However these very prestigious positions aren’t just handed out like ice cream. Only a selective group of people possess the qualities to achieve these occupations, mainly […]

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Child Child Development Development Psychological Trauma
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Social Injustice Essay Example
864 words 4 pages

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe chronic mental illness associated with psychiatric distress, social maladjustment, poor quality of life, and medical comorbidity. Yet, for the past twenty years it has been a controversial mental illness diagnosis not only due to its subjectivity but also, because of factors that have increased its prevalence and sudden […]

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Compensation Disease Mental Disorder Psychological Trauma
Lence Lazoroski Mary Essay Example
1763 words 7 pages

After being in the water, Mary’s friends noticed bleeding on the side of her head where she had hit the pool. She was taken to the hospital and given PET scans which showed that there was bruising and hemorrhaging on her frontal lobe tissues. Due to other suspected injuries, Mary was put on precautionary life […]

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Disorders Psychological Trauma Traumatic Brain Injury
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay Example
283 words 2 pages

The article “Post-traumatic stress disorder” was accessed through Student Resources in Context on the web on November 13, 2013. It was published in 2007 by Gale’s World of Health source. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition that impacts individuals who have experienced a significant traumatic event. It is characterized by distressing memories or […]

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Abnormal Psychology College Positive Psychology Psychological Trauma
Essay about Psychology Short
965 words 4 pages

As per Bylaws 1.1, the American Psychological Association (APA) is committed to advancing psychology as a science that caters to people’s education, interest, health, and welfare. The organization endeavors to enhance the promotion of psychology and its subfields; improve psychological research techniques and conditions; establish benchmarks for psychologists’ education, accomplishment, ethics, and conduct alongside those […]

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Health Psychological Trauma Psychology Research
Social Discrimination Argumentative Essay Example
736 words 3 pages

A modern prejudice that has the potential to cause widespread harm is the social discrimination against Blacks. Social discrimination against Blacks has been shown to exist in virtually every major public walk of life, including the restaurant industry, housing rentals and sales, automotive sales, higher education, job hiring systems, the criminal justice system, and the […]

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Discrimination Psychological Trauma Racism
Adjustment Disorder Essay Example
1634 words 6 pages

During the 19th century, they view that a person who build up such symptoms after stressful events is believed to be influenced by genetic or familial weakness of the nervous system, but this theory is rejected by some of the psychosocial theorist, and instead suggest that the unconscious psychological processes contributes to the stress response […]

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Disorders Major Depressive Disorder Mental Disorder Psychological Trauma Symptom
Cyber-Stalking Essay Example
1046 words 4 pages

Stalking is a problem thathas been receiving more attention in the last ten years. The definition of stalking has been changing under the influence of the media or through personal acknowledged of victims who face the harassment of a stalker , is described as the behaviour of those who pursue, two or more times, a […]

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Criminology Psychological Trauma Sexual Offence Social Issues Society
The different concepts of ill health Essay Example
1459 words 6 pages

For this assignment I will be using the following case study which was provided on the Assignment briefing sheet: ”Jason is Afro-Caribbean and is 42 years old. He has had a serious accident at work. He has several broken bones and internal bleeding, he needs extensive surgery. Doctors are unsure whether he will pull through. […]

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Health Major Depressive Disorder Psychological Trauma
Stephen Wraysford: A Mysterious Visitor in France
1192 words 5 pages

An initial response to the character of Stephen Wraysford is hard to develop since Stephen is thrown into family life with the Azaires in the opening pages of the novel. He is an English visitor gathering information on the textile industry in France. His French speaking is impeccable and he is extremely well mannered throughout […]

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Character Child Feeling Psychological Trauma
Interdisciplinary Holocaustic Trauma Research Sociology Essay Example
4202 words 16 pages

Abstraction Numerous studies have indicated that individuals who survive brutal wars resulting in cultural cleansing endure severe physical and mental damage (Fisher, 2010; Herman, 1992; Mertus, 2000; Rossi, 2002; Sjoo & Mor, 1992). However, there is a dearth of research on the victimization of women in these circumstances. The trauma suffered by women has significant […]

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Experience Holocaust Psychological Trauma Research Sociology
Medicinal Marijuana and Ptsd Essay Example
1833 words 7 pages

In this paper I intend to show you that the best treatment for PTSD is in fact medicinal marijuana, also known as cannabis. I will show past and present studies and research analysis that shows that properly used, cannabis can successfully treat PTSD . PTSD sufferers are among the highest users of cannabis. Research shows […]

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Anxiety Health Mental Disorder Psychological Trauma
Maus and the Psychological Effects of the Holocaust Essay Example
1680 words 7 pages

The Maus books are award-winning comics written by Art Spiegelman. They are the non-fictional stories of Art and his father, Vladek. In the book, Art Spiegelman is a writer, planning to portray Vladek’s life as a Jewish man during WWII Europe in comic book form. While Art gathers information for his story through visits to […]

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Anxiety Emotions Holocaust Psychological Trauma Psychology
Acquired Brain Injury NVQ Essay Example
1787 words 7 pages

An Acquired Brain Injury is sudden onset of brain damage that was sustained after birth. Acquired Brain Injury is not hereditary, cognetial or a genetic disorder. Acquired Brain Injury can result in physical, cognitive, behavioural and emotional changes, the symptoms can vary dependant on the extent and the locality of the trauma. These changes may […]

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Brain Health Psychological Trauma Traumatic Brain Injury
Self Analysis, Why is Counseling Important Essay Example
3038 words 12 pages

If there is one thing I have learned in my life, it is that struggle, pain, and misery are eventually overcome. Life, though full of turmoil and strife, is beautiful! There is so much to learn, give, and take from every person, situation, and surrounding. No matter the outcome there is always light and positivity […]

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Abuse Counseling Psychological Trauma Psychotherapy
Human Trafficking Analysis Essay Example
990 words 4 pages

Mandela asserts that depriving individuals of their human rights challenges their humanity. The United Nations, on the other hand, defines human rights as intrinsic to all people, irrespective of factors such as nationality, residence, sex, origin, color, religion, language or any other status. Sadly, victims of human trafficking are stripped of their basic rights – […]

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Human Human Trafficking Psychological Trauma Social Issues
The Thing in the Forest Essay Example
1214 words 5 pages

In A. S. Byatt’s The Thing in the Forest, it seems as though Primrose has moved on from the childhood trauma to which she and Penny were exposed. The two girls grow up in very dissimilar ways: Penny finding ways to mask her trauma, and Primrose extroverting herself to cope with it. The text suggests […]

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Child Forest Human Development Psychological Trauma
Effects of Downsizing on Employees Essay Example
1955 words 8 pages

Downsizing is a major problem faced by employees during tough times of recession. Apart from the economic reasons, they also have severe psychological effects on the employees. This project is about comprehending the effects of cut backs on employees. Employees suffer from severe self-esteem issues, due to which it’s very hard for them to jump […]

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Employee Feeling Psychological Trauma Self Esteem
Elizabeth Loftus and Repressed Memories Essay Example
1718 words 7 pages

Elizabeth (fondly known as Beth) Fishman Loftus’ parents met and married while stationed at Fort Ord, during World War II. Sidney Fishman, Elizabeth’s father, was an Army doctor and her mother, Rebecca was an army base librarian. Beth was the oldest of three children. In 1944, Elizabeth Fishman was born and then her two brothers […]

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Memories Psychological Trauma
Medical Ethics Dax Cowart Essay Example
1107 words 5 pages

The reactions of the body and mind under stress are significantly dissimilar compared to their reactions under normal conditions. Fundamentally, it can be perceived that the primary aim of the mind is to safeguard the body against injury or mitigate pain in its occurrence. Therefore, an individual undergoing intense pain or experiencing a life-changing trauma […]

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Ethics Mind Pain Psychological Trauma

Popular Questions About Psychological Trauma

What exactly is psychological trauma?
Psychological trauma is damage to a person's mind as a result of one or more events that cause overwhelming amounts of stress that exceed the person's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved, eventually leading to serious, long-term negative consequences. Trauma is not the same as mental distress.
What are the symptoms of psychological trauma?
Behavioural symptoms of psychological trauma are:Avoidance of places or activities that are reminders of the eventSocial withdrawal and isolationLoss of interest in normal activities
What does a psychological trauma does to the brain?
Any traumatic event can cause stress-induced changes in the structure and function of the brain. The four main areas of the brain that are affected due to trauma include the hippocampus, the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the brain stem. There are also changes in the memory function due to alterations in the hippocampus and amygdala.
How can I get Over my trauma?
Method 1 of 3: Practicing Emotional Self-CareAccept your emotions using mindfulness. Take 10 to 15 minutes each day to breathe deeply and passively observe your emotional experience.Learn to recognize your triggers. A trigger is something in your environment (a person, place, thing, or situation) that brings you back to the time of your trauma.Nurture your body and mind with yoga.
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