Pro-Choice Feminism in the Twentieth Century Essay Example
Opponents of abortions often criticize the use of tax money for this purpose, leading to the implementation of the Hyde Act that prohibited using tax dollars for abortions. However, evidence suggests that women will resort to alternative and often dangerous methods to obtain illegal abortions. These women are in desperate situations and are determined to avoid motherhood at any cost, even if it means risking their lives.
Tragically, Rosie lost her life while seeking a better future for herself and her daughter, leaving the child without a mother. If the United States allowed abortions and provided funding for impoverished women to access them, this woman would still be alive, and her five-year-old daughter would still have a mother. Sadly, Rosie was not the sole victim of an illegal abortion; she was simply the first casualty occurring just two months
...after the adoption of the Hyde Act.
Many women have suffered serious consequences and even death due to unsafe abortions, which could have been prevented. It is important for supporters of the Hyde Act to understand that when women are forced to undergo illegal procedures, their tax money will be used to pay for expensive medical costs resulting from complications. When performed correctly by a skilled doctor, abortions can greatly improve the lives of women.
Steinem's latest book is a tribute to the anonymous doctor who performed her illegal abortion. The book acknowledges and praises "Dr. John Sharpe of London, who in 1957 courageously referred a twenty-two-year-old American on her way to India for an abortion. This act occurred during a time when English physicians were not legally allowed to perform abortions unless it was necessary for the woman'
health, which wouldn't become permissible until ten years later. Despite the dangers associated with this procedure, Dr. Sharpe selflessly provided assistance and made only one request: that the woman promise to keep his identity confidential."
Moreover, when it comes to life decisions, Steinem highlights her determination to pursue her own aspirations. She gives credit to Dr. Sharpe for recognizing the unjust nature of the law and expresses appreciation for his understanding: 'Dear Dr. Sharpe, I believe you, who knew the law was unjust, would not mind if I say this so long after your death: I’ve done the best I could with my life. This book is for you.' It is important to mention that Steinem's recent public confession regarding her illegal abortion may have strengthened her unwavering dedication to advocating for a woman’s right to choose.
The abortion she underwent was a significant milestone in her life, giving her the freedom to live on her own terms and empowering her to choose motherhood. Her objective was for all women to have equal opportunities. Supported by a doctor who shared her opposition to unjust abortion laws, Steinem traveled worldwide and played a pivotal role in the feminist movement. The passion in her voice demonstrates the profound impact this man had on her. She didn't have to face a risky back-alley abortion or travel abroad for more affordable alternatives. Luckily, she maintained good health after the procedure, which wasn't always guaranteed during that era.
Dr. Sharpe enabled Steinem to travel and make a global impact, fulfilling his desires for her life. She concealed his identity until he passed away, aiming to safeguard him while emphasizing the significant role he
played in her life - even if it was solely during one medical procedure. In accordance with his wish, she embraced a fulfilling life characterized by traveling and giving speeches, with one particular address being analyzed.
Gloria Steinem gave a commencement speech on May 31 to the 1970 graduating class of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. In her speech, she stressed the importance of "un-learning" gender roles given to individuals at birth. Steinem identified several deeply rooted notions that we hold, including the idea that patriotism means obedience and that age signifies wisdom. She also discussed societal expectations placed on women in relation to motherhood. According to Steinem, these commonly accepted ideas or "myths" may not be recognized due to their prevalence in our society.
Gloria Steinem argues that the issue of women being forced into motherhood without any reproductive choices has been widely ignored. She believes that this is detrimental to society and hinders progress in adapting to a new reality. In her speech, Steinem takes on a more inclusive feminist viewpoint and addresses the difficulties faced by marginalized groups such as black women. She emphasizes the importance of discussing the wider impacts of what is commonly referred to as "feminism," but should actually be called humanism. This movement plays a crucial role in protecting our nation from elitism, racism, and violence.
Steinem promotes the idea of the feminist movement being viewed as a "humanist" movement, emphasizing its dedication to fundamental human rights. She advocates for the inclusion of intersectionality in this movement, addressing not only feminism but also issues regarding race, class, and more. Steinem argues that society must liberate itself from outdated customs and
patterns. Throughout her discussions on these subjects, she stresses the significance of all minority groups, particularly women. She asserts that Women's Studies holds equal importance to Black Studies since many individuals have been taught that political power and scientific discoveries are exclusive to white men alone. Steinem underscores the necessity of prioritizing the concerns of all non-white male groups.
Throughout history, marginalized groups such as women and blacks have experienced marginalization due to white supremacy. As a result, their contributions during events like the Civil War have been overlooked or devalued based on their gender and race. It is crucial for society to recognize and appreciate individuals from diverse backgrounds, rather than solely prioritizing white men. This will help foster a more inclusive and equitable society.
In her argument, Steinem highlights the importance of addressing the issue surrounding motherhood. She asserts that women should not be solely defined by their role as mothers and fathers should not be disconnected from their children. She challenges the misconception that children require full-time mothers and suggests that liberated women can still be effective mothers. In reality, many American children suffer due to an imbalance in parental presence, with excessive focus on maternal attention and insufficient paternal involvement. However, through laws promoting gender equality in employment and wages, men can be relieved from the sole burden of being the breadwinner and a stranger to their own kids. The opponents of women's liberation fail to acknowledge its benefits for men as well, such as allowing them to establish connections with their children. This is particularly crucial for boys who need a father figure to learn about positive masculine qualities. They require a
role model and sufficient time to develop a genuine bond with their fathers.
Young girls benefit from having their father in their life to understand how they should be treated by men. Although mothers can impart this knowledge, it's different when it comes from their fathers. Steinem's statement discusses the misconception that empowered women cannot be good mothers, which is proven wrong in today's society.
According to the speech, during that time, not many women were fully liberated as mothers. However, Steinem and other feminists ardently desired liberation for all women. Steinem emphasized the importance of marriage being a partnership where both individuals are strong, rather than one being the primary breadwinner. She proposed alternative models such as colleague marriages, where both partners pursue educational or professional endeavors together, allowing for shared experiences beyond just domestic life. Steinem also acknowledged the prevalence of women accepting their second-class status and questioned why they have endured such humiliations for so long and sometimes even deny their lower societal standing.
The reason for this lies in the psychology of feeling inferior, as with any marginalized group. We tend to internalize society's perceptions of us. Many women accept predetermined roles and consider it normal to solely be a mother without utilizing their talents in other professional fields. A woman may have a passion for writing but only pursues it during her free time when she isn't occupied with cooking, cleaning, or taking care of her child. However, societal beliefs that discourage women from being part of the workforce hinder her from further pursuing her passion. Steinem identifies this as a problematic issue.
According to her, the treatment of women by society is "humiliating".
Steinem is troubled by the fact that women accept this treatment due to the psychological impact of gender roles. This leads to Internalized Aggression, a psychological phenomenon where women belittle other women who defy stereotypical roles in order to establish their own worth as women. By criticizing non-conformist sisters in a conformist manner, they are essentially saying, "Look how much of a true woman I am", hoping to gain approval and favors from the ruling class. This desperate need to prove themselves as "real women" only reinforces the stereotype that women are mere possessions of men, existing solely to please them.
The passage discusses the self-doubt experienced by women due to various factors. It mentions that in the past, women were confined to suburban homes and lacked intellectual companionship, only interacting with their three-year-olds. They also had undesirable jobs while witnessing less deserving men being promoted above them. Additionally, they were trapped in poverty as a system that solely recognized them as mothers. These circumstances made women feel grateful for even small acts of kindness.
Nowadays, present-day women find it difficult to imagine being restricted to their homes and only engaging with their three-year-old child. The progress made by women today can be attributed to trailblazers like Gloria Steinem, who bravely spoke out against such injustices. Steinem acknowledges that it is not surprising for women to settle into these roles but finds excitement in even the smallest victories for their gender.
Despite progress, gender discrimination remains prevalent in the workplace, leading to women being denied promotions due to taking maternity leave. Additionally, some individuals even harass and belittle women, reducing their worth to just motherhood. Although challenges persist
for women in modern society, the situation was far more dire when Steinem delivered her commencement speech. The objective of Steinem's address, as made clear by its title, is to inspire women and all individuals to actively engage in a revolution that rejects traditional roles and disrupts the prevailing social structure.
By refusing to participate in war and upholding traditional gender roles, men faced ridicule and suppression, similar to the challenges women may encounter. However, these refusals signify a collective hope for peace. Women actively participate in the revolution by defying traditional gender roles and rejecting the notion of being solely mothers while demanding reproductive rights. These actions showcase their dedication to the revolution. Moreover, women refuse to let anyone, including men, dictate their ability to have an abortion or use birth control – a definitive embodiment of the revolution. Steinem envisions complete freedom for women that encompasses decision-making power over their own reproductive systems and motherhood.
Critics have expressed concerns that Steinem's ideology may result in the breakdown of families. They contend that if women are not fully committed to being stay-at-home mothers and constantly available for their children, they might be less inclined to start a family and instead prioritize their careers. However, Steinem counters this argument by asserting that women's liberation does not aim to dismantle the traditional American family structure; rather, it aims to establish a more compassionate and understanding alternative. By giving women the choice of whether or not to become mothers, society will benefit as women are likely to be more dedicated and caring parents. As a result, families will experience increased happiness with less resentment and more joy.
In her speech,
Steinem debunks the notion that women possess greater moral integrity in comparison to men. She asserts that this belief is unfounded and underscores the lack of equal opportunities for women to wield power. Women aspire to live lives where they can pursue their professional passions without shouldering the exclusive responsibility of providing for their families, as men traditionally do. They have never occupied CEO roles, campaigned for higher political positions, or encountered equitable prospects.
Gloria Steinem argues that women need access to high-power positions in order to fully comprehend how their morality is shaped within these roles. She emphasizes that this is not about asserting the superiority of one gender over another, as doing so would only repeat a previous mistake made by men.
We are uncertain about the extent to which our differences are influenced by biology or society. The idea of women claiming superiority over men and deserving more would perpetuate their long-experienced oppression. It is unclear if disparities between men and women are innate or a result of societal lessons and gender roles since birth, due to the lack of equal opportunities. Only time can provide a definitive answer. Regardless, Steinem urges feminists to strive for equality with men instead of proving women's superiority or entitlement to more.
In her concluding remarks during a commencement speech, Steinem states, "The challenge for all of us, both male and female graduates, is to live a revolution rather than dying for one." This statement allows multiple interpretations but suggests that oppressed and minority groups should embrace their freedom and live their own revolution without sacrificing themselves while conforming to traditional roles. Instead, they should lead lives they desire
and foster societal change towards complete equality among all groups.
During the Second Wave of Feminism, influential women like Margaret Sanger, Betty Friedan, and Gloria Steinem played a crucial role in shaping women's rights today. Thanks to their efforts, women now have access to reproductive rights that may not have been possible otherwise. While contraception is easily accessible for both genders nowadays, controversy persists regarding abortion rights. Thankfully, the landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade ensures that women can legally undergo an abortion in all states.
State governments impose obstacles to abortion access by severely limiting the number of clinics available. In certain states, just one clinic serves the entire population, making it particularly challenging for individuals who lack financial resources to undergo this medical procedure. Pro-life demonstrations occur annually. Moreover, the recent statements made by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh have instilled fear among feminists that the landmark case of Roe v. Wade could be overturned. This would enable individual states to determine the legality of abortions, heightening concerns. In the event that such a scenario unfolds, it is hoped that states will not repeat past errors by coercing women into resorting to unsafe and illegal alternatives.
Hopefully, the dedication and strength of these three women, along with numerous others who support pro-choice, will remain unwavering in today's society, preventing such circumstances. Only time will determine the outcome.
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