Penn Foster Exam Medical Transcription Essay Example
Penn Foster Exam Medical Transcription Essay Example

Penn Foster Exam Medical Transcription Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 1 (206 words)
  • Published: September 14, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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As the office manager for DMD Medical Supplies, I have a crucial role in ensuring efficient use of company resources by my employees. Currently, the company incurs $200 in overtime costs per month due to ineffective time management within my team. However, I can only address the time management of two specific employees, as they are under my supervision.

To minimize or completely eliminate overtime, it is necessary to redistribute the workload between Ruth Disselkoen and Jack Snyder more evenly. Jack will have fewer opportunities for longer breaks and arriving late for work, while Ruth will have sufficient time for their allocated breaks and to effectivel


y complete her daily workload. To ensure Ruth and Jack are held responsible for overall enhanced productivity, I will request the executives to assess their work quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.

The objective of these assessments is to acknowledge efficiency on a quarterly basis. The aim is to inspire staff members to enhance their performance without imposing additional expenses on the company. Establishing targets for employees will provide them with an incentive and alleviate the tedium of their regular duties. As the manager, I will guarantee that tasks are completed by implementing measures for a more efficient workplace and reducing or eliminating overtime.

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