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Page 116: Los mandatos
1.Corre (run)
2.Pon (put)
3.Haz (make/ do)
4.come (eat)
5.habla ( talk)
6.lee (read)
7.limpia (clean) (see)
9.corta (cut)
10. abre (open)
11. escribe (write)
1.Lava el coche. (Wash the car)
2.Da de comer al perro. (Feed the dog)
3.Lava los platos (Do the dishes)
4.Saca la basura del garaje. (Take out the trash from the garage)
5.Lava la camisa. (Wash the shirt)
6.Haz la cena. (Make the dinner)
7.Limpia el baño. (Clean the bathroom)
8.Pasa la aspiradora en la sala. (Vacuum the living room)
1.Corre (run)
2.Pon (put)
3.Haz (make/ do)
4.come (eat)
5.habla ( talk)
6.lee (read)
7.limpia (clean) (see)
9.corta (cut)
10. abre (open)
11. escribe (write)
1.Lava el coche. (Wash the car)
2.Da de comer al perro. (Feed the dog)
3.Lava los platos (Do the dishes)
4.Saca la basura del garaje. (Take out the trash from the garage)
5.Lava la camisa. (Wash the shirt)
6.Haz la cena. (Make the dinner)
7.Limpia el baño. (Clean the bathroom)
8.Pasa la aspiradora en la sala. (Vacuum the living room)