When creating a syllabus for a general English language course in a public secondary school for Greek learners, it is important to carefully consider the steps involved. Factors such as the needs and proficiency level of the students must be taken into account during development. By thoroughly planning the syllabus, you can effectively teach the students while also benefiting yourself.
Lesson planning is the first step in the teaching process. It involves determining the content, language learning objectives, instructional approaches and procedures, materials needed, and assessment criteria for a specific lesson. It serves as a guide, similar to a map, helping teachers navigate through unfamiliar or familiar paths and places to achieve desired learning outcomes. Lesson planning is a problem-solving activity for teachers, aimed at finding the most effective methods to promote and achieve learn
...ing goals. It involves studying and preparing in advance to implement the curriculum objectives. Overall, lesson planning is necessary for providing direction, making students aware of the lesson objectives and tasks, managing the classroom, solving teaching problems in advance, and reducing anxiety for both the teacher and students.
Teaching approach is the second step. The five factors, which could be applied in the teaching approach of global English, are presented below:
A full lesson cycle includes three phases of duties on the part of the teacher. The lesson phases are the following:
- Pre teaching phase
The interactive phase takes place during the allocated lesson time; the pre teaching phase, usually, takes place before the lesson starts or /and at the beginning of the lesson. The post teaching phase follows the end of the interactive phase and, usually, post teaching duties are performed after allocated lesson time.
The pre teaching phase involves making decisions and taking actions before the interactive phase of a lesson. It occurs before the lesson or at its beginning. Pre teaching duties before the lesson include setting objectives, reviewing student data, selecting and organizing content, choosing teaching methods and activities, and preparing materials. It also includes evaluating student work and preparing for group work. At the beginning of the lesson, pre teaching duties include reporting on previous assignments, collecting and distributing student papers, and evaluating homework.
The interactive teaching phase is when the pre teaching phase is put into action during the regular English lesson time. This phase involves significant interactions between students and between teachers and students.
The planning phase is crucial, but it does not have any direct impact. The interactive teaching stage is where plans are put into action and language learning occurs. This stage includes seven steps: capturing students' attention, stating the lesson objective, recalling prior knowledge, presenting new content, guiding practice, reinforcing learning, and evaluating progress.
Post teaching tasks occur towards the end of the lesson, either after the final step of the interactive phase or when the
allocated time for the lesson has ended. These tasks include setting objectives for the next lesson, collecting written work, conducting tests, assigning homework, providing extra reading or writing assignments, engaging in English language learning activities such as singing or playing games, having students give reports, and assigning individualized tasks to students.
After the lesson is over, the post teaching duties include reporting on student previous assignments, collecting student work, distributing student papers, evaluating homework, evaluating student work, analyzing test results, and redirecting the objective(s) of the unit. The evaluation of the lesson plan is also a part of the post teaching duties. During this phase, the evaluation should focus on several areas such as how much progress has been made according to the plan, particularly good aspects of the work where students showed unusual interest or cooperation, useful materials or equipment, and outstandingly good work. Conversely, it should also consider particularly bad aspects of the work including lack of student interest, behavioral difficulties, inadequate provision of materials or equipment, unforeseen difficulties, outstandingly bad work, and a low level of student success. Additionally, it should assess the overall situation and provide suggestions for future work, follow up on good points, identify deficiencies, and propose modifications to the original program. Student testing is another important aspect to consider. Furthermore, the post teaching phase includes taking action soon after the interactive phase ends to further implement the instructional program.Some activities suitable for teaching include:
- Collecting student writing assignments
- Preparing students for the next lesson
- Grading student work
- Evaluating students
- Analyzing test data
- Meeting with students for classroom management or discipline issues
- Meeting
with students for additional work on the topic
- Meeting with students for remedial work
- Meeting with parents
- Assigning homework
- Returning teaching media to the proper place for future use
- Making a record of the content covered during the lesson.
In conclusion, lesson planning involves studying the teaching process in advance based on established objectives.
Lesson planning has multiple purposes. It provides guidance and direction, enhances students' comprehension of the lesson objectives and activities, assists in managing the classroom, enables teachers to anticipate and address teaching issues, and reduces stress for both students and teachers.
Tips for Developing a Syllabus
Whether you are a full-time or part-time instructor, the syllabus is an essential instructional tool that should be included in your teaching resources. A well-crafted syllabus effectively communicates information to your students. When creating a new course, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your target audience.
It is important to have a general understanding of the following information about future participants in your course:
- Their average age.
- Their educational qualification.
- Their skill level.
- Their life/work experience.
- Their access to resources (including available time).
- The reasons for taking the course.
A syllabus plays a crucial role in a learning course. Essentially, it acts as a table of contents, providing an outline of what will be covered. When creating a syllabus, include basic information such as:
- The current year and semester.
In addition, indicate any course meetings that are not scheduled for the assigned room. It is also essential to list your:
a map if necessary),
Your office phone number (with indication of voicemail availability),
Email address,
Website URL,
Fax number, and
Office hours.
Include your office hours and specify whether students should make appointments in advance or can drop by without one. If you provide a home telephone number, mention any restrictions on its use (e.g., "Please avoid calling after 10 P.M."). Also, include the details of teaching or laboratory assistants, such as their names, offices, and phone numbers. Additionally, outline the prerequisites for the course to help students assess their readiness. Mention the required knowledge, skills, or experience that you expect from students or note any previous courses they should have completed. Lastly, offer suggestions on how students can review and strengthen their skills if they feel uncertain about their preparedness.
Firstly, providing an overview of the course's purpose is essential. This involves introducing the subject matter and explaining its relevance to the college or department curriculum. Additionally, highlighting the course's content and its appeal to students is crucial. It is also important to state the general learning goals or objectives of the course. These can be listed as three to five main objectives that all students should aim for. These objectives should demonstrate what knowledge or skills students will acquire upon completing the course and what competencies they will develop. Lastly, clarifying the conceptual structure used in organizing the course is necessary. This includes explaining why topics are arranged in a specific order and the logical basis behind selecting themes or concepts.
Additionally, provide information on the course format and activities. Inform students about any fieldwork, research projects, lectures, or discussions that may be part of the course. Clarify if any of
these activities are required or recommended.
Moreover, specify the textbook and readings by mentioning the authors and editions. Explain why these particular readings were chosen and how they relate to the course objectives. If you assign chapters from a textbook in a non-sequential order, demonstrate the connection between the readings and the objectives of the course.
Inform students whether they need to do the reading before each class. If they need to purchase books or course readers, provide prices and the names of local bookstores that carry the texts. If readings will be available in the library, you might include the call numbers. If you don't have access to the call numbers or if it makes the reading list too cluttered, assign students the task of finding the call numbers for the readings as their first assignment. Explain to students that this will make it easier for them to find the readings each week and will also give them practice using the library's electronic resources.
Provide a list of additional materials or equipment required for the course, such as lab or safety equipment, art supplies, calculators, computers, drafting materials. Additionally, include a list of assignments, term papers, and exams and specify their nature and format. Mention the expected length and deadlines for essays, as well as the examination dates and types of tests (multiple-choice, essay, short-answer, take-home tests). Explain how the assignments align with the course's learning objectives and state your expectations for written work. It is important to ensure a balanced workload throughout the term. Lastly, outline the evaluation process and grading system.
The purpose of this paragraph is to provide an overview of the grading procedures,
requirements, and policies for the course. Students will receive information about the components that contribute to their final grade and their corresponding weights. This information aims to assist students in effectively managing their time. Additionally, other course requirements such as attending office hours or forming study groups will be mentioned. The paragraph also emphasizes various course policies including class attendance, late work submissions, missing assignments or exams, make-up opportunities, extra credit possibilities, extension requests, reporting illnesses, cheating and plagiarism. Furthermore, the responsibilities of both students in the learning process and the professor and graduate student instructors will also be addressed.
In addition, it is important to set clear guidelines regarding appropriate and inappropriate behavior in the classroom. For instance, it is kindly requested that students refrain from eating during class as it can be disruptive to both the teacher and their peers. It is also advisable to extend an invitation to students with special needs, encouraging them to reach out during designated office hours. Students should be informed that if they require any accommodations due to physical or learning disabilities, they should arrange a meeting with the teacher to discuss necessary adjustments. Additionally, make sure to provide a course calendar or schedule for reference.
It is important to have a schedule that includes the order of course topics, the required readings or preparations, and the deadlines for assignments. When listing the readings, be sure to include page numbers as well as chapter numbers. This will help students manage their time effectively. Exam dates should be set in stone, but dates for topics and activities can be marked as tentative. Be sure to provide an updated calendar when
Schedule time for obtaining feedback from students about the course. Choose a specific time during the term to collect their reactions. Also, include the important drop dates on the course calendar, such as the last day students can withdraw without facing any penalty. Additionally, estimate the workload for students to give them an understanding of the amount of preparation and work required for the course.
How much time should students allocate for reading assignments, problem sets, lab reports, or research in the course? It is recommended to provide supplementary materials to support student success, such as:
- Helpful hints on studying, note-taking, and performing well in class
- Glossary of technical terms used in the course
- References for further exploration of specific topics
- Bibliography of supplementary readings at different difficulty levels
- Previous exam copies for early understanding of expectations
- Information on availability of lecture videos
- List of campus resources for tutoring and academic support, including computer labs
- Calendar of campus events relevant to the course
- Online resources that may aid students
Additionally, leave space for students to provide names, phone numbers, and email addresses of classmates they can connect with for study purposes or in case they miss a session. In the context of Greek learners in a public secondary school, the syllabus should be tailored to their needs and demands.You should provide assistance to Greeks who are non-native speakers and face challenges in learning English.
The first step to achieve this is to give students a sense of direction and grab their attention. The syllabus is what students eagerly await on the first day; it is a record of the class and one of the only artifacts that
remain after the students move on. Your syllabus represents both an end and a beginning - it is a final product of your course planning and a valuable way to introduce yourself and the course to your students. Since your syllabus is one of the few formal, tangible links between you and your students, and it will be referred to throughout the semester, it is important to spend time and energy on constructing it. Research shows that excellent instruction and a detailed syllabus are directly linked. Students will appreciate and respond positively to a syllabus that shows it has been well planned.
The content you need to include in your syllabus may vary depending on the course or section you are teaching and your specific responsibilities. This means that the following description should be customized to suit your teaching duties. However, it is always a good idea to distribute a syllabus on the first day of all courses and sections. You can find examples of syllabi for different teaching responsibilities on the following pages. Treat the syllabus as a contract between you and your students, similar to a legal contract.
The text outlines the responsibilities of both the instructor and the students. Although it does not restrict the flexibility of the calendar or assignments, it suggests including precautions such as indicating that the calendar is subject to change. It emphasizes that both parties are agreeing to a specific course of action with certain expectations and are accountable for following through. It also advises against making major changes, such as altering the grading policy or adding assignments, as this is unfair to students and should be avoided.
When starting
to plan your syllabus, it can be beneficial to review others' syllabi. This includes past examples from the same course or section you will be teaching. By doing this, you can get an understanding of what has been expected in previous terms. This includes aspects such as the average amount of reading assigned per week, the types of texts used, the average length of papers, and the general policies for the course or section. Another valuable resource is reading the department's course description, which can usually be found on their website or in their office. Additionally, there are numerous online sources that provide guidance on syllabus planning, which can assist you in designing your own syllabus. Take the opportunity to explore different syllabi and do not hesitate to incorporate elements or language used by others.
Please remember that course material, including other academic writing, is considered intellectual property and should be properly credited to the original source. Additionally, take the opportunity to consider the tone you wish to establish in your syllabus. Typically, the syllabus is the initial document students receive from you and one that will be carefully analyzed and frequently referenced. Ensure that you communicate the significant standards you hold for your students. The tone maintained throughout your syllabus should mirror your unique teaching approach.
You have the freedom to choose your teaching style when creating a syllabus. Whether you prefer an informal or formal approach, you can adapt it to create a pleasant learning experience for your students. Start by providing an overview of the course's purpose so that students are aware of what they will be learning. This will make it easier for
them to absorb the knowledge you are about to impart.
Finding out if there are any weaker students would be wise. This way, a revision before starting the new course would benefit all students. It is also important to clearly explain the evaluation and grading process. Providing your contact information, such as telephone number, fax, or e-mail, will be helpful in case students need assistance. Keep in mind that some students may not feel comfortable asking questions in front of the whole class. While homework assignments can be beneficial, prioritize in-class work.
Collaborating and revising together can be incredibly beneficial. Providing students with notes and past papers will ensure they know what they will be tested on. Online resources for individual study are also highly valuable. Additionally, introducing each lesson in a pleasant manner can be achieved through the use of CDs, videotapes, or DVDs on the topic.
Furthermore, it is advisable to encourage students to collaborate in groups and utilize computer labs whenever feasible. Instead of translating entire texts, it is preferable to elucidate vocabulary and idioms encountered. Translation can be tedious and time-consuming. Students can engage in more innovative activities through more imaginative approaches. It is essential to prioritize grammar and syntax in your teaching methodology.
Make sure to prepare the students for the upcoming lesson, as this will save you time. Additionally, you can also meet with students who need extra work or assistance with the course. A course syllabus serves as an important tool for organization, communication, and learning. Its content and format may vary based on factors such as the instructor's beliefs, course characteristics, student level, and institutional policies. Typically, faculty members make all
the decisions regarding the course and syllabus before the start of class. Alternatively, some classes allow students to contribute to the syllabus during the initial days of the course, while key information and non-negotiable requirements or policies are already established.
A third possibility, in certain cases, is to create a syllabus that is mostly finished except for one part of the course or one significant assignment that accounts for a specific percentage of the overall grade. In such situations, students would work with the professor to establish "individual learning contracts" in order to fulfill those particular sections of the syllabus. The following is a checklist of potential components to be incorporated in a course syllabus. Your syllabus serves as an extension of your teaching persona and encompasses more than just a compilation of facts.
Creating an engaging and personalized webpage can help generate excitement and interest among students for the upcoming semester and the class. Adding quotes, interesting facts, cartoons, and other graphics related to the subject being studied can make it more appealing. If you have a syllabus, consider putting it on your webpage or posting it outside your office. By using your syllabus as a learning tool, you can provide students with new opportunities to explore and reflect on the subject matter and their learning experience in your class. Additionally, your syllabus serves as a reflection of your teaching style.
Keeping a teaching portfolio is important as it serves as a documentation of your learning strategy. It is advised to include your syllabus along with additional materials such as assignments, sample exams, student papers, and handouts when you enter the job market. It is recommended to
start gathering these materials early in your teaching career. In conclusion, developing a syllabus for a group of non-native students can be challenging, but with careful planning, it can yield significant outcomes.
Your syllabus is more than just a routine handout; it serves as a critical management tool.
- Altman, H.B., ; Cashin, W.E. (1992). Writing a syllabus. Exchange, September, unpaginated. Grunert, J. (1997). The course syllabus: A learning-centered approach. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co., Inc.
- The Center for Teaching and Learning.
(1991). Teaching at Carolina: A handbook for instructors. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
Athens: Gregory Publications in Greek.
In the Handbook of Research on Teaching (Third Edition) edited by M.C. Wittrock, New York: Macmillan.
The text below lists several sources related to assessment and education:
Title: Assessment: What's in it for schools?
Publication: London: Routledge / Falmer. -
Title: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment
Publication: Council of Europe and Cambridge University Press, 2001. - Website: http://www.ccri.edu/pers/Adjunct_HB/syllabus.shtml
- Website: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/syllabus.html
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