Mis Research Paper on Management Information Systems Essay Example
Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. In a recent survey article in The Economist, John Browning (1990) wrote: "Information technology is no longer a business resource; it is the business environment. " His statement is not far from truth.Ongoing advances in information technology (IT), along with increasing global competition, are adding complexity and uncertainty of several orders of magnitude to the organizational environment.
The recognition of the role managers play in shaping the ways in which the technology is designed and used has prompted a more optimistic assessment of the implications of IT for managers, seeing its use as requiring new skills, freeing up more time for other valued activities such as people-management, providing better quality and more timely information to aid the decision-making
An MIS provides the following advantages:
- It Facilitates planning: MIS improves the quality of plants by providing relevant information for sound decision – making. Due to increase in the size and complexity of organizations, managers have lost personal contact with the scene of operations.
- In Minimizes information overload: MIS change the larger amount of data in to summarized form and there by avoids the confusion which may arise when managers are flooded with detailed facts.
- MIS Encourages Decentralization: Decentralization of authority is possibly when there is a system for monitoring operations at lower levels.MIS is successfully used for measuring performance and making necessary change in the organizational plans and procedures.
- It brings co-ordination: MIS facilities integration of specialized activities by keeping each department aware of the problem and requirements of other departments.
It connects all decision centers in the organization.
Few finance professionals would deny that information technology is vital to executing strategy and delivering value. Often regarded as the “operational backbone,” reliance upon hardware, software, and networks is second nature in the modern business environment. Financial Management Information System (FMIS) Financial MIS Provides financial information to all financial managers within an organization.
It integrates financial & operational information from multiple sources.Financial MIS eases analysis by providing fast financial data. It enables financial analysis from different aspects; time, product, customer. With Financial MIS, one can analyze historical and current data. Also one can monitor use of funds. Few examples or functions of Financial MIS are Costing, P&L reporting, Auditing, Funds management, etc.
Overview of a Financial MIS Inputs to the Financial Information System: Strategic plan or corporate policies oContains major financial objectives and often projects financial needs. Transaction processing system (TPS) Important financial information collected from almost every TPS - payroll, inventory control, order processing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger. External sources oAnnual reports and financial statements of competitors and general news items. Financial MIS Subsystems and Outputs. Financial subsystems oProfit/loss and cost systems oAuditing oInternal auditing oExternal auditing oUses and management of funds.
CONCLUSION MIS personnel must be technically qualified to work with computer hardware, software, and computer information systems. Currently, colleges and universities cannot produce enough MIS personnel for business needs, and job opportunities are great. MIS managers,
once they have risen through their technical ranks of their organization to become managers, must remember that they are no longer doing the technical work. They must cross over from being technicians to become managers.
Their job changes from being technicians to being systems managers who manage other people's technical work. They must see themselves as needing to solve the business problems of the user, and not just of the data-processing department.
Hence, MIS is really about using information technology in a way that makes an organization more effective and efficient in its activities and decision making. Information technology if mismanaged or used without taking necessary security precautions can result in catastrophic difficulties.
Information technology has changed how we do business permanently and like any technology if it is properly executed and planned can benefit us exponentially.
- Management Information Systems http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Management_information_systems
- Role of Information Technology in managing Organizational Change and Organizational Interdependence. http://www. kmbook. com/change/intro. htm.
- Computer based Information Systems and Managers’ Work; by Kimble, Chris, University of York and McLaughlin, Kevin, University of Northumbria at Newcastle. http://www. chris-kimble. om/Publications/Documents/Kimble_1995. pdf
- Various Advantages of Information Management Systems http://www. management-hub. com/information-management-advantages. html
- IT’s Role in Finance System Implementation, by Harding, Paul http://www. b-eye-network. com/view/5722
- Ashwin Dedhia, http://blog. maia-intelligence. com/2008/04/24/financial-management-information-system-mis/
- Integrated Financial Management Information Systems http://pdf. usaid. gov/pdf_docs/PNADK595. pdf.
- Management Information Systems http://www. enotes. com/business-finance-encyclopedia/management-information-systems.
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