Love Is Blind Essay Example
Love Is Blind Essay Example

Love Is Blind Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1012 words)
  • Published: November 28, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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Do you remember your first kiss? Did you keep your eyes open or closed? I bet you closed your eyes. Isn’t this the essence of “love is blind? ” You kiss them without fear, and without any sense of danger. You do not have to see the one you love to know you love them. You accept love on blind faith.

Love is blind and for a moment we use this phrase to justify the obvious flaws we do not recognize in the people. Lovers are oblivious to the truth and therefore unable to be clear-sighted. My perspective is that we are blinded by love and we act carelessly without assessing any of our actions, thus we have regret for any mistakes later on.My latest experience where love is blind has to do with a friend that I know for a little


over six months now, but I could say that I can feel her profound misery every time she spills her disappointment on her love matter with her long-distance boyfriend. He had to relocate to china because he received well-paid career there.

Sharon would spend hours talking to him online and via phone even in the early hour of morning. They have experienced love even before they have seen each other in person; it was about a year ago when they have met online and developed an exigent relationship.She would always cry all day and night because of a terrible fight. She attacks me with complaints every single day uttering in hatred of how selfish he is. I would ask her, “if that is the situation, why are you still with him”; and sh

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would mumble “I love him. ” On the tenth months of their relationship, they have decided to finally meet each other.

She flew to Singapore to meet him there. They spent about a week together and that one week is the happiest and the sweetest moment of her life as she described. The day they have parted, she gave him her gold necklace as a sign of her love and devotion for him.After their personal meeting and a very memorable week, I have hoped that somehow their relationship will be better. Much to my surprise, it have gotten worse than I could ever imagined.

Sharon is still in tears and one day she told me that they had a very huge fight. I remember, she once told me that before leaving China, just by the airport when she were about to take off. He told her “I have to tell you something really important that you deserve to know. ” Sharon was confused by his statement. After a year of having a rollercoaster and bittersweet relationship, it has turns out that he is married.He got married at an age of 22 to a girl whom was matched to him by his parents.

He decided to go to China for a job but the truth is he went there to fulfill his duty as a husband. He respects his marriage and does not tolerate to divorce. Indeed it is a heartbreaking new to Sharon. Days and nights she cried until her eyes dry out and her heart mourns for him. Each day, he calls Sharon and wants her forgiveness.

He says he missed her and wants

to spend the rest of his life with her. Sharon says she needs time to assess things. I spoke to her a month ago and she still does not know what to do.She is not angry at him or does not even feel betrayed of what he has done, rather, she is worried that her parents might come to know about it and they will force her to marry someone else. Sharon claims that he is the love of her life and does not mind that he is married. Therefore, love is blind because Sharon refuses to see the truth and only see what she wants to see.

She would rather endure the pain of hurting her selves, patiently cry, and accept what is there than opening her eyes into reality. People always question why women are beat today by boyfriends, parents, husbands, or even kids without assessing any action.People also wonder why they ended up loving that person, or how? Well it all boils down to one simple solution that is love is blind. “Love is blind it’ll take over your mind. What you think is love it’s truly not you need to elevate and find,” Spoken by the famous artist EVE. When I think of love is blind this lyric always pops into my head.

The music video is called “love is blind” by a famous artist named Eve. Eve dedicated this song to her best friend who lost her life from an abusive relationship. For those who have not yet seen the music video to this song, I strongly recommend seeing!After watching the video, you will tend to realize and understand there

certain situation that love is blind. The song is about a couple living together in a house; the woman (victim) loves this man who is physically abused her. In a drunken state or bad mood, he would beat her severely without a reason. Everyday she suffered verbal and emotional abuse by her boyfriend but yet she takes no action in correcting.

In the song, Eve was trying to save her from her abusive boyfriend, but she was blinded by love and refused to take her advice.At the end of the song, her best friend died because she was severely beaten by her boyfriend. Therefore, love makes people ignorant to reality and lose sight of their self-confidence and self-respect. Love has caused many people all over the world to be blind.

From having an affair with a married man to neglecting physical and emotional abuse from a loved one, love has shielded many people from making good judgments and decisions. In the end, love is a powerful emotion that can fool us all whether we are aware of it or not.

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