Lord Of The Rings Leadership Style Theology Religion Essay Example
Gandalf, a transformational leader, provides an incredible and uplifting experience. They invest passion and energy into everything they do. They genuinely care about their followers, desiring their success and constantly motivating and inspiring them. The goal of a Transformational Leader is to instill and reinforce a strong commitment to their vision in their followers (Bass, B.M, 1985, Leadership and Performance, N.Y. Free Press). The extent of a leader's transformational abilities can be measured by their influence on their followers.
In the movie Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Ring), Gandalf takes a bold risk by confronting Balrog, a dragon made of fire. He battles the dragon until its defeat.Prior to the fight, Gandalf advises Aragon, Gimli, and Legolas to save themselves,demonstrating his courage.Aragon possesses a leadership style rooted in his lineage as adescendantof kings.These inherent leadershipqualitiesdefine him asaleader.Outstandingleaderspossess therightqualities or personality forthei
rposition,suggesting that inherenttraitsmake theseindividuals effective leaders.Spencer statedthatthese exceptional individuals areproducts of theirsocietiesand thattheir actions would not be possible withoutthe socialconditions established prior totheir lifetimes(Carneiro,
1981). In themovie,
when Gandalf was absent,Aragonled Gimliand Lagolasin searchof hobbitsPipinand MerryGimli and Legolas, without hesitation, followed Aragon due to his family history of kingship and expertise in tracking and combat skills. The effectiveness of the leaders in the movie can be seen through their abilities. Gandalf's advanced age and vast knowledge are evident as he is able to speak different languages and think differently from others. Aragon, also a proficient leader, comes from a lineage of kings, assumes leadership in Gandalf's absence, and displays proficiency in tracking and sword fighting. The power held by these leaders can be categorized as expert power for Gandalf based on his knowledge, experience, and achievements
In addition to this expertise, Gandalf also possesses referent power as his followers admire and respect him for his vast knowledge. He holds legitimate power as a member of the Isatari group and being second only to Sauramon. Known as Gandalf the Grey, he leads his followers to Mordo relying on his superior knowledge and experience. Throughout their journey through Moira, Gandalf's followers obediently follow his orders even when facing known dangers such as battling a Balrog. On the other hand, Aragon possesses referent power along with magnetic power due to his decision-making skills that motivate and appeal to his followers.In the movie, when it is believed that Gandalf has died after battling the dragon, Aragorn assumes leadership. Using his quick decision-making skills and persuasive speaking, he gains the trust of the people and guides them in the right direction. One instance that highlights Gandalf's leadership style is when he fights Saruman, despite knowing he is weaker. He does so to protect Frodo and ensure the completion of his quest to destroy the ring. As a transformational leader, Gandalf prioritizes others' well-being over himself and uses his abilities to combat evil for people's safety from Sauron. Similarly, Aragorn exhibits transformational leadership qualities by selflessly saving Frodo from a monstrous attack at personal risk. His goal is to protect Frodo in order to save the world by destroying the ring.
The Fellowship of the Ring is formed at Rivendell with nine members assigned with destroying the ring in Mount Doom. The Fellowship includes Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Legolas, Gimli, Pippin,Merry,and Boromir.When Gandalf is absent,Aragorn assumes leadership withinthe Fellowship groupGandalf, known for his extensive knowledge and experience gained
from traveling the world, is considered the leader of the group. He holds the highest seniority within the group. According to the Blake Mouton Managerial grid, leaders can be categorized as either people-oriented or task-oriented (Mind Tools Limited 2013). Gandalf falls into the category of a people-oriented leader who genuinely cares about others' well-being. Aragon, on the other hand, possesses leadership abilities due to his lineage of male monarchs. In the film, Aragon assumes leadership when Gandalf is absent. Within the Isatari, Gandalf holds second place in rank after Saruman misused his power. However, unlike Saruman, Gandalf uses his powers for the benefit of others and strives to help Frodo destroy the ring.
Aragon leads not only because it is in his blood but also because he lived a secret life as a Rivendell Texas Ranger. Leadership theories suggest that leaders can focus on consideration by taking into account their followers' thoughts and feelings. Studies have shown that individuals can exhibit both people-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles simultaneously. In this movie, both Gandalf and Aragon serve as leaders who attentively listen to their followers' thoughts and experiences.
They share a common goal of destroying the ring and saving their world. In one scene, Aragon makes a sacrifice by allowing Frodo to travel alone to destroy the ring while still leading his followers effectively and ensuring their safetyIn the movie "The Whale Rider," Koro is depicted as an autocratic leader who makes decisions independently, disregarding input from others, including his wife. He maintains complete control over his followers. In contrast, Pai exemplifies a servant leader by prioritizing the needs of her followers and achieving results through their whole-hearted
attention. Larry Spears outlined ten characteristics of a servant leader which include empathy, listening, consciousness, healing, persuasion, foresight, conceptualization, stewardship, commitment to the growth of others, and building community.
Throughout the film, Pai - a young girl - strives to keep everyone contented with a particular emphasis on satisfying her grandfather. When assistance was needed to move the giant offshore for safety reasons, Pai rode on its back to ensure its welfare.
Regarding leadership effectiveness in the movie portrayal,Koro is shown as effective due to his wisdom and age. He possesses extensive knowledge about Maori culture and makes final decisions that everyone must adhere to even if they disagree.However,his downfall lies in his reluctance to consider different ideas or perspectives illustrated by his dismissal of Pai's ability to ride the giant.Koro's power can be categorized as expert power since he holds expertise in Maori culture.He trains boys in ancient Maori battle chants and self-defense techniques within the community setting.Koro, the leader in The Whale Rider, displays authoritarian traits by mistreating his granddaughter due to his belief that girls cannot be leaders. In contrast, Pai demonstrates referent leadership through her influential words and bravery during difficult times. Despite Koro's beliefs, Pai aims to lead her tribe successfully in the future, utilizing her motivating leadership style and chiefly background. Koro also exhibits coercive power by using punishment as a means of control, refusing to accept societal changes such as allowing Pai to attend a meeting at the beach simply because she is a girl. However, Pai earns the admiration of others through her determination to learn Maori defensive art and exemplifies referent leadership. This leadership situation takes place in
Whangere, New Zealand, where Paikea (the whale rider) is a descendant of this small town's people.Koro, the leader of the town, comes from a long line of chiefs, including Paikea who arrived on the island many centuries ago. Koro is highly respected and knowledgeable about their culture. However, he holds the belief that only men can be leaders and warriors and does not see Pai as a potential leader. Koro's leadership style is bureaucratic, insisting on strict adherence to procedure and policy. Many people do not appreciate his leadership style, which prompts him to consider making changes.
Despite not fitting into the hierarchy due to her grandfather wanting a grandson and considering Pai bad luck, she remains resilient and vocal. Both Koro and Pai express their Maori traditions through activities like retelling Paikea's story and engaging in chants. In the film "Whale Rider," Pai exemplifies trait theory as a leader with her chiefly lineage influencing her leadership qualities.
The protagonist in this film gains knowledge about her civilization from her grandfather whom she highly values and respects along with her culture and people reciprocating that respect by supporting and obeying her. Despite defeating Hemi in a Taiaha battle, she remains a charismatic leader as he continues to offer assistance and support. Her bravery becomes evident when she fearlessly jumps into the sea to retrieve her grandpa's whale tooth, highlighting qualities of courage and determination.The film concludes with Koro accepting Pai as a wise leader, with the people and a giant following her commands. In the movie "In Good Company," Dan Foreman, an executive in his company, discovers that the company is being demoted. He is a charismatic
leader who has the ability to motivate and influence people, gaining their respect and likability. These leaders are primarily known for their ethical and people-oriented leadership styles. On the other hand, Carter takes over the advertising department and causes Dan's demotion. Carter demonstrates transformational leadership by bringing about significant changes in employees and the organization. The company believed that Carter was best suited to bring about these changes. Additionally, Carter also displays transactional leadership by firing employees when downsizing was necessary.
Effectiveness of the leader
Dan is a determined and effective leader who has the ability to influence and inspire people. He is well-liked and respected by his employees, appreciating his leadership qualities despite being demoted for a younger individual. Dan remains loyal to the company, working hard while remaining dedicated to his job and team. In contrast, Carter is also an effective leader with authority and power due to his knowledge and unique ideas for promoting and advertising themAlthough not universally popular, Dan Forman's position as department head grants him influence and followers. He possesses referent power due to his likable nature and the support of his department. This was evident when he was demoted and received sympathy from his employees, demonstrating his referent power. Additionally, Dan also has charisma power as he can effectively speak and motivate workers. His referent power further strengthens his influence over others.
On the other hand, Carter Duryea holds legitimate power as Chief of Marketing in Sports America, despite lacking experience with magazines. His previous job involved selling mobile phones to children. However, Carter misuses his power by reducing expenses through employee terminations. In the film, he attempts to
fire long-standing employees but is opposed by Dan who recognizes their significant contributions to their jobs, highlighting Dan's concern for his workers.
Both Dan Forman and Carter Duryea work for the sports magazine Sports America. Carter holds a senior role in the marketing department while Dan works under him. Due to Carter's legitimate power, people are obligated to listen to him. Dan Forman was demoted from his previous role and became Carter's assistantDespite not being able to make employees or customers heed his authority, Dan Forman still possesses referent power due to his extensive knowledge in his department. This leads people to pay attention to him.
Dan Forman, 51 years old with traditional values and a balanced life with family responsibilities, is married with two children. Although he was demoted, he strives to regain his position as the marketing head. He treats all individuals with respect and has earned a favorable reputation within the company. As a result, he becomes a mentor for Carter.
On the other hand, Carter represents the younger generation at 26 years old. He is looking for a successful role model but lacks a personal life due to the failure of his marriage. Unlike Dan Forman, Carter does not believe in traditional ideas.
Carter did not enjoy the work but was motivated by money.
In terms of leadership theories depicted in this film, it exemplifies the great man theory which aimed to identify inherited traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. This theory suggests that some individuals are born with qualities that make them natural leaders.
Therefore, according to the great man theory, Dan embodies these qualities and proves himself as an exemplary leader throughout the movie.
In the end, Carter realizes that Dan is indeed the type of leader everyone desired and acknowledges that he has learned a lot from him.
Meanwhile, Dan is able to regain his position while Carter takes the opportunity to learn what he lacks and acknowledges that he could never surpass Dan.
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