Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana Essay Example
Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana Essay Example

Legalization and Decriminalization of Marijuana Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1186 words)
  • Published: November 17, 2021
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Decriminalization of marijuana in U.S.A has been an undergoing process since the 1970's. Decriminalization of the marijuana can be defined as the removal or the reduction of the criminal classification on the use of cannabis. The views of people of marijuana have liberalized; more than a half of the states in the country have approved it for medical purposes. Also decriminalizing it for enjoyment and recreational purposes, or wholly accepted and legalized it for sale. Cannabis can be said to be the mostly taken form of the drug compared to other types of drugs in the United States. This has been proved by around 18 million citizens from the research that has been carried out.

The use of marijuana has become an important topic in the public dialogue in U.S.A, while the greatest is accustomed to the discussions; it has become very


hard to find most recent, research which is based on marijuana and its health effects (Single 1989). People are also neither familiar with the federal law or state law about the use of marijuana. The confusing messages displayed by different media and different cultures concerning the use of the drug, as well as the legalization campaign brings out a false concept that marijuana is safe.

The Administration unwaveringly contest against legalization of marijuana and other types of drugs because it will act as a way of increasing use of drugs while will pose health problems to their users as well as jeopardizing American citizens safety (Malloff et al. 1981). The public health effects that follow with the extensive decriminalization are commencing to appear as state health departments, and research facilities are trying to stay clos

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with the tendency.

According to recent reports from FBI in the year 2012, 42.4 percent of arrests were for people found in possession of cannabis. The report also showed that 5.9 percent of arrests were made to culprits found either selling the drug or manufacturing it, thus totaling the percentage to 48.4. When looked keenly this means every 20 seconds a person is arrested. The Uniform Crime report also showed that more arrests were made due to the use of Heroine which leads to deaths due to over-dosage. According to the report done by some people arrested, due to use o or possessing marijuana is greater than that of other crimes such as rape and theft. If the administration may legalize the utilization of this drug, the law enforces agencies may refocus their goals and concentrate on building a proper nation.

The results on the criminal justice of the legalization of marijuana ownership offenses are perceived to be positive economically. According to reports in the year 1989 showed that marijuana offences reduced to 36% in state of California, 41%in Denver Colorado and 43% in the state of Minnesota. This has led to the reduction in using of funds in regulating possession of marijuana. This also resulted in few cases being brought up in courts which have reduced the cost on cases. According to Erickson (1980) showed that most of the cases in courts were majorly due to the use or being in possession of marijuana.

Decriminalization has been reinforced by many health equity activists because of differences in law enforcement and the jailing for cannabis possession amid the America population (Thies et al. 1993). According to Kathleen Hoke,

director of Network for Public Health Law stated that the unequal arrest has a lot of negative repercussions to those taken to the criminal justice system as it’s hard for them to get jobs and health insurances.

Use of marijuana has its benefits on medical treatment as per the research that was carried out at the University Of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research. Supporters have agreed that use of bhang needs to be decriminalized. This is because after the research was done, there was a conclusion that cannabis reduces the nerve pain of the sick people who have cancer, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes. The study also shows that Multiple Sclerosis patients who have been smoking cannabis experiences little pain. Due to this most U.S states and international health organizations encourages people to use marijuana for medical purpose.

Cannabis decriminalization is believed to reduce the prison population. By doing so, the government will be in a position to save the money that it spends in enforcing rules against cannabis. Since the year 1972, more than 16.5 million Americans were arrested for violating laws against marijuana and more than 80% of the arresting was due to minor ownership charges. U.S has roughly spent more than 20 billion dollars in the enforcement of cannabis laws and a lot of dollars yearly while incarcerating those who go against the rules (Mills and J.M, 2015).By decriminalizing the use of marijuana, the money used on this can be used better on other projects.
Use of cannabis is said to be much safer than alcohol and tobacco. This because around 50,000 citizens die each year due to alcohol poisoning and smoking causes more deaths too(Neills

et al. 2015).Besides, one cannot die due to over-dose of marijuana neither it is toxic. But still, the supporters wonder why it cannot be legalized like tobacco.

Legalization of use of weed can boost revenue. As the government is struggling with the decreased revenues and the rising of the economy, it should look for better ways of raising money for projects (Wang et al. 2014). Some people claim that legalization of use cannabis could be a good way in a generation of revenue this is due to the form of taxes that should be applied to its sale and distribution. Taxation of this drug could raise millions of dollars yearly once legalized.
Decriminalization of the weed increases personal freedom. Despite the fact that drug is shown to have harmful side effects, it is good for a person to decide what harmful or not. Use of the cannabis is said to be victimless of crime since the user is the one who will experience its effects. But morality is not supposed to be legislated when people disagree with what is considered to be moral.

In conclusion, the use of marijuana has both its side effects and its benefits thus it should not be miss-used but used responsibly in a beneficial way but not in a destructive way. Thus the jail sentence to marijuana users should be changed


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  • Single, E. W. (1989). The impact of marijuana decriminalization: an update. Journal of public health policy, 10(4), 456-466.
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  • Thies, C. F., & Register, C. A. (1993). Decriminalization of marijuana and the demand for alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. The Social Science Journal, 30(4), 385-399.
  • Wang, G. S., Roosevelt, G., Le Lait, M. C., Martinez, E. M., Bucher-Bartelson, B., Bronstein, A. C., & Heard, K. (2014). Association of unintentional pediatric exposures with decriminalization of marijuana in the United States. Annals of emergency medicine, 63(6), 684-689.
  • Neill, K. A., & Martin, W. (2015). Marijuana Reform: Fears and Facts. Issue Brief, (02.04. 15).
  • Mills, J. M. (2015). The Decriminalization of Marijuana: Ignoring Federal Laws.
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