Introduction To The Focal Points Of Ventures Commerce Essay Example
Employee motivation is crucial in any business venture. It is essential for success. The writer has not only read about cases where lack of motivation has resulted in brain drain or high turnover rate, but has also personally witnessed situations where lack of motivation has caused not only operational employees to quit their jobs, but also management level employees to leave and join another organization.
Motivating employees has become increasingly difficult due to extreme measures implemented by many organizations to care for their employees, resulting in organizations falling behind and losing valuable employees and knowledge. Administrations must understand the importance of motivating employees in order for them to do what is desired. Motivation involves more than just providing benefits; it also requires understanding individual problems and assisting with personal and professional obstacles. The author discusses the challenges organizations face in motivating employees and highlights the steps they are taki
...ng that exceed expectations.
An organization's policies are heavily influenced by the economic and institutional environment, making it crucial to align human resource policies with strategy and technology. Management should consistently promote motivating policies, especially regarding salary and working conditions, to minimize employee dissatisfaction in the workplace.
Human Resource Management is the function or structure within an organization that focuses on the recruitment, management, and guidance of employees. It deals with various aspects related to people, such as compensation, hiring, performance management, development, safety, health, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. (source: www.humanresources.about.com)
Motivation, according to Allen Buchanan (1985), is the decision-making process in which an individual chooses desired outcomes and initiates the appropriate behavior to achieve them. It is the internal drive within a perso
that prompts them to take action. People generally act with the goal of reaching an objective. Therefore, motivation is a goal-oriented force.
Previously, it was believed that organizations could motivate employees by offering a sufficient salary to meet their needs. However, there is now a new understanding that administrations must provide additional benefits in order to motivate employees. According to Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Theory of Motivation, individuals are motivated to work in order to fulfill their basic human needs, such as food and self-esteem. Maslow introduced the concept of a "Hierarchy of Needs" to explain human motivation. He argues that an employee is not motivated by a need that has already been met. For example, if a student already has enough food to eat, they will not be solely motivated by food. On the other hand, someone with an unmet need can be incentivized to work towards fulfilling that specific need.
According to Maslow's hierarchy, the most essential needs for survival are hunger and the search for nourishment. These needs encompass water, air, food, and shelter. Until these physiological necessities are met, all other needs are deemed less significant. Safety and security needs also fall into this category but to a lesser degree than physiological needs. For instance, individuals may view stable employment and health insurance as basic requirements; they may also aspire to have safer communities and be shielded from environmental elements.
According to Maslow, there are certain needs that individuals have which are less fundamental than physiological and security needs. These include the need for personal belongings, love, and affection. In order to fulfill this need for companionship and acceptance, people form relationships such as friendships,
romantic attachments, and family bonds. They may also engage in social, community, or religious groups.
Once a person's physiological and security needs have been met, esteem becomes extremely important. This refers to the need for things that contribute to self-esteem, personal worth, growth, social recognition, and achievement. Esteem is considered the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Self-realization in ego means that individuals are self-conscious, focused on personal growth, and less or not concerned with the feelings of others around them. They are interested in reaching their own potential.
Is it a good idea for management to introduce employees to ethical issues?
It is indeed a fantastic idea to introduce employees to ethical issues. These options not only enhance employee work engagement, but also generate better results for organizations. It has always been difficult to find good help, and if found, organizations should always take extra steps to keep them happy. Employees are valuable assets (paid ones, of course) who are recruited after understanding the needs of the position and going through a thorough selection process, which is time-consuming and costly. So why not make some extra effort to retain them in the organization by compensating them for their work? For example, the writer worked at a contact center in Asia where they were given free medical insurance, travel insurance, and a monthly bonus based on performance.
In Gwalior City, India, the Pension and Revenue Enhancement Office provides a complimentary creche for its employees. This convenient facility allows them to conveniently monitor their young children while at work, resulting in heightened motivation and improved productivity among the workforce. It is crucial for managers to have access to compensation
details of their staff members. This way, they can offer suitable recommendations tailored to individual or team achievements.
There should be a system in place for higher level directors to approve or reject the detailed recommendations of lower level directors. These lower level directors should also undergo critical evaluations. Additionally, Type X employees should receive training to enhance their performance and motivation to become Type Y employees through performance-based compensation.
The author suggests that organizations should implement a salary raise system based on seniority and consistently reward high-performing individuals with higher wages. They should also provide real-life examples as motivation for underperforming employees. The author also believes that consistent poor performance can have a negative impact on the entire workforce and recommends removing such individuals if training fails to improve their performance. Money is not the sole source of motivation; management should find personal and emotional ways to inspire employees. Organizations can offer their own services, such as 15 free personal counseling sessions or subsidized groceries, to support employees.
Aside from that, the writer believes that regular incentives are effective methods to motivate employees. Providing a small bonus or organizing a company party based on performance each quarter can contribute to employee motivation. In the case of organizations wanting to implement merit-based compensation, it is important to conduct comprehensive performance reviews. Additionally, it should be ensured that progress towards the goals or opportunities set in performance appraisals are accurately tracked to allow for a fair process of merit-based compensation.
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