Integrity Shown by Characters in to Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example
Integrity Is having a standard of morals and ethics, and living by them. It Is a willingness and ability to do the right thing even when It Is hard. The story To Kill a Mockingbird Is filled with Integrity. For example, many of the characters show different traits of Integrity through doing what Is right, and others show traits of integrity for doing what they believe in. Some of the characters portray no integrity at all. Tactics shows integrity through his consistent legal defense of Tom Robinson. In the era Tactics was living, it would have been strongly in his best interest to poorly fend Tom Robinson in court.
To defend a black man in a case as hideous as this one (the crime of a black m
...an raping and assaulting a white woman was about as bad as you could get) he was putting his own reputation and safety on the line for even taking the case. But he stayed loyal to Tom and went the extra mile as often as possible to try to prove his innocence. Tactics tries to explain to Scout why he's doing what he's doing In this case, "If you shouldn't be defend' him, then why are you doll' It? ", "For a number of reasons," said Tactics. The mall one is, If I didn't I couldn't hold up my head In town, I couldn't represent this county In the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Gem not to do something again". He does what he knows In his heart is the right decision and teaches his children to do the same, going against the cultural traditions
they experienced regularly. Tactics shows integrity by remaining faithful and moral as a lawyer and a parent, even when Just going with the crowd would be the easier and safer route. He sacrificed his reputation, and possibly even his safety and the safety of his children for no other reason that doing what he let was right.
Bob Lowell as a symbol of racial hatred and lack of moral integrity. Bob Lowell suffers no guilt for the lies he spreads due to his abusive behavior, disrespect for people and prejudiced outlook. When faced with the possibility of his daughter wanting a black man, Lowell beats her out of disgust towards the black race and blames the man for Ells own actions. Bob Ell's behavior Is displayed best when Miss Stephanie explains "this morning Mr.. Bob Lowell stopped Tactics on the post office corner, spat In his face, and told him he'd get him If It took the rest of his life'.
Ell's initial reaction to seeing Tactics is to disrespect him and spit on him. This reflects deeply on his character, as it shows that he is probably abusive and disrespectful to everyone no matter what their background is. Lowell demonstrates his immoral mindset when he attempts to kill Tactics' children to get revenge on Tactics for defending a black man, even though Lowell won the trial. Lowell lived without a conscience and made unethical decisions without a hint of guilt. Of every one of Ell's Vicious traits, his discriminative is his most predominant.
Lowell clearly states his racism when he says "He stood up and pointed his finger at Tom Robinson. 'l seen that
black negro yonder rutting' on my Male! ". In the story, Bob Lowell gets a man sentenced to prison/death not because of his wrongdoings, but because of his race. I believe that Bob Lowell Is morally wrong and this highlights his lack of Integrity. Male Lowell shows little integrity through telling the court that Tom Robinson, a She has no-one who ultimately cares for her, she is left to look after herself and her younger brothers and sisters.
Her father is a drunk, who takes pleasure in abusing and tormenting her, and she is ultimately afraid of him. All of these factors have hardened her and she trusts no-one, she is helpless and tries to improve her situation. The real tragedy for her is that she has never been treated with the care and respect that any normal person deserves. The author, Harper Lee, shows us that critical moment when Tom Robinson expresses his own sympathy for Male Lowell. He seals his fate at that moment as it is inexcusable for a black man to have pity for a white woman.
In to Kill a Mockingbird Male Lowell is taking the easy way out, she is lying about a crime to protect herself from her father. This shows that Male is a coward and has little sense of integrity, yet we still feel pity towards her. Mrs. Dubos displays integrity by standing up for her beliefs. Mrs. Dubos couldn't live with herself and silently watch the kids and Tactics throw away their lives "laying for naggers" or "waiting on tables. " These were all horrible things according to her values. She had enough integrity in
her to try and influence other people.
Whether she was right or not in doing so, she was true to her beliefs. Mrs. Dubos has integrity in that she looks out for other people. Sometimes she sets her feelings aside to help other people out. She endures vicious, false rumors and doesn't take them out on the kids. Even though she may holler at them as they walk by, it's all in her good intent. She would correct Gem every time he made a mistake. Gem would get so annoyed by her, but she would correct him anyway like a teacher corrects a student. She was looking out for him. Even though she seems like a strict, old lady, Mrs..
Dubos really does have good intentions in all of her actions. Mrs. Dubos displays integrity in her willpower to overcome her addiction. Earlier on in her life Mrs. Dubos had had an illness. She got put on morphine, a very powerful and addictive painkiller. She eventually became addicted to it, and it was her goal to get off the addiction before she died. She decides to improve her life so that she can die having lived life to the fullest. Mrs. Dubos, in all her integrity is a mystery and as Tactics once said "you ever really know a person until you consider things from their point of view...
Until you climb inside of their skin and walk around in it". In conclusion, Tactics shows integrity through fighting what he believes in and staying true to himself, Bob Lowell shows not integrity, is racist, abuses his children and lies, Male Lowell show little integrity because
she lies in court, and doesn't do what she believes is right, and Mrs. Dubos shows integrity and is more than what meets the eye, she has a meant temper but she still has good intentions for all of her actions.
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