Hazards and Legislation health and social care Essay Example
The purpose of this assignment is to examine the potential hazards and risks in health and care environments, as well as explore the relationship between legislation, policies, and procedures and their influence on health, safety, and security within the health and social care sector. Furthermore, it will assess how these legislative measures contribute to the well-being, safety, and security of individuals in health and social care workplaces (P2 & M1). Ultimately, these measures are implemented to safeguard the public.
Legislation refers to laws created by the government with the purpose of protecting individuals' safety and rights, establishing a standard set of rules applicable to everyone. These laws serve as guidelines for distinguishing right from wrong and are constantly evolving through the creation of new ones. Breaching the law can result in various consequences including fines, job loss, imprisonment, and even the cl
...osure of establishments such as restaurants.
Laws play a crucial role in enabling individuals to assert their rights, address concerns, and ensure compliance with workplace safety regulations while safeguarding against abuse. They greatly contribute to promoting the well-being of people by ensuring their health, safety, and security. Employers carry the responsibility for maintaining the welfare of both employees and visitors present on their premises.
Employers have a legal obligation to perform a risk assessment before starting operations and update it daily. It is important for them to create a customized health and safety policy for their establishment and assign someone responsible for maintaining standards. They must keep records of accidents and incidents, which can help identify issues like loose flooring or the need for staircase repairs. Employers are also required to provide safety equipment, written information abou
health and safety, and training. Moreover, they must ensure that the workplace has liability insurance in case of business faults or accidents. The policies act as a document that outlines expected standards." (Health and social care 2010, Book 1 level 3 Edexcel, page 101)
"(Edexcel 2010, p.106) Most policies are often long and may contain formal legal terms. It is important to regularly follow these policies to ensure the safety of staff, guests, and service users. Procedures provide instructions for completing tasks. Read what is challenging behavior in health and social care. According to The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, all employers must have their own health and safety policies and procedures. This shows their compliance with the law. When developing policies
and procedures for their organization, managers and senior staff must understand the law themselves and ensure that staff members follow the procedures to avoid legal violations."
When beginning a new job, it is necessary for individuals to agree to a contract that includes various policies and procedures, such as fire evacuation, food safety, and safeguarding. It is extremely important for employees to follow these policies in order to ensure the well-being and security of everyone involved while also meeting legal requirements.
If the established policies are not followed, there may be consequences such as disciplinary action or termination. Managers have the responsibility of creating a safe environment for employees, users, and visitors.
In addition to having appropriate insurance coverage like employer's Compulsory Liability insurance, organizations should also be prepared to offer compensation if they are determined to be responsible for an accident.
Employers in the health
sector have a responsibility to assess risks and provide appropriate training for all staff members, including nurses, social workers, care assistants, and youth workers. It is crucial for these professionals to adhere to established policies and procedures in order to safeguard the well-being and safety of both their colleagues and the individuals they serve. This is especially important when working with vulnerable individuals who may not be able to express their concerns. In the field of health and social care, there are laws and regulations that govern policy implementation. For example, at James Lee Nursery, the Data Protection Act 1998 ensures confidentiality for both children and staff.
The nursery's policy ensures that personal information is handled in a lawful and correct manner, safeguarding it from unauthorized access. Both paper and electronic formats are encompassed by the Data Protection Act 1998, which serves as the basis for this policy. The nursery is obligated to gather and utilize specific types of information about its staff, students, and all individuals associated with the school. This collection and utilization of data is carried out for legitimate reasons in order to fulfill the legal obligations of Local Education Authorities, government agencies, and other organizations.
Personal data collected by the nursery pertaining to staff, students, or any other people in contact with the school will be stored on computers or in physical files. The Data Protection Act 1998 emphasizes that information should only be acquired for lawful purposes and must be accurate and up-to-date. Sharing information with unauthorized individuals is strictly prohibited.
The nursery ensures the collection of relevant personal data and informs individuals about its use and any possible disclosures. The data is
stored securely with password protection and firewall systems. When requested by telephone, the nursery verifies the identity of the caller. The data protection law maintains confidentiality to promote health, safety, and security of children and staff. Additionally, the law ensures the nursery's lawful and correct treatment of personal information. The policy for ward patient food is necessary to educate nurses on proper food handling as regulated by the Food Safety Act 1990 and Food Safety Regulations 1995 (The Northern health and social care Trust Ward Patient Food Regeneration & service Policy).
The policy, which is based on the food safety act 1990 and food regulations 1995, has the objective of preventing food poisoning and contamination. It includes the general food hygiene regulation from 1995. Compliance with this policy involves various necessary methods such as frequent hand washing, as specified in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust Ward Patient Food Regeneration & Service Policy. Hand washing should be done using liquid soap and hot water in designated basins only, not in sinks used for cleaning food or equipment. Hands must be washed upon entering the kitchen after visiting the toilet, coughing or sneezing, touching face or hair, handling cleaning chemicals and their containers, and having direct contact with a patient/client.
Additionally, cuts, burns, and sores must always be covered with blue waterproof dressing. The policy also requires any staff member to promptly report any illness to the manager. Illnesses that should be reported include vomiting, diarrhea, septic discharges from the ears, eyes or nose, and being a carrier of food poisoning illnesses.
According to this policy derived from the 1995 food safety regulations individuals experiencing infections like vomiting
and diarrhoea are prohibited from participating in food preparation. Furthermore it mandates weekly ward kitchen inspections with participation from ward managers whenever possible.The inspection team aims to promptly take any required remedial action through these inspections.
Under the food safety act of 1990, food establishments can be inspected by environmental health inspectors. Failure to meet food hygiene standards will result in a notice of improvement being issued. The regulations outlined in the food act aim to promote the health, safety, and security of individuals in the trust ward by emphasizing the importance of maintaining hygiene. According to the food act, cleanliness must be upheld in all food areas and a high level of hygiene should be maintained. To ensure this, it is mandatory for staff to wear green disposable protective aprons while serving meals and beverages.
Food regulations can be encouraged by implementing daily checks for refrigerated food and appropriate disposal of expired food items. Additionally, a fire and emergency evacuation policy for the nursery has been developed to ensure the safety of staff and children. This policy complies with the fire precautions regulation 1997, which mandates the maintenance and annual inspection of fire equipment and alarm systems. Certificates of these inspections should be displayed on main notice boards to demonstrate compliance. As per the fire precaution regulation 1997, premises should always have fire fighting equipment, fire detectors, alarms, and emergency lighting.
The policy requires regular checks, in which the Fire Marshall must test all smoke detectors and fire alarms weekly. These tests must be recorded in the fire log, and any necessary battery replacements must be made immediately. The policy also includes a section on fire and
emergency evacuation practices. It states that these practices should occur every half term and when new staff members join. The Fire Marshall is responsible for scheduling these practices in the nursery diary and conducting alarm drills at different times during the nursery day. The policy emphasizes the importance of carefully recording fire drills, including details and comments, in both the fire safety log and the nursery diary. According to the fire precaution regulation 1997, staff should have knowledge of risks and receive training on fire prevention and emergency procedures.
Lastly, the policy discusses emergency evacuation procedures. It states that class registers must be completed daily and kept in wall pockets at all times. This is to ensure that they are instantly available during emergency evacuation practices or in the event of a real fire. In case of an alert, the Fire Marshall should contact the deputy and retrieve the nursery registration file from the main house. Extra staff should be called upon to assist with the evacuation. Each room leader must take their register and lead the children out of the nursery to the nearest exit. Class groups will meet at the assembly point, ensuring that gates are closed for safety purposes. Room assistants are responsible for checking their rooms and toilet areas to ensure that all children have left the building safely. The Fire Marshall should conduct a final check of the building, ensuring that everyone has evacuated. According to the fire regulation 1997, there should be clear signed routes of escape, planned emergency procedures, and nominated fire officers. The fire and emergency evacuation policy is essential in promoting the health, safety, and security of
individuals in the nursery as it ensures that staff and Fire Marshall understand how to respond in these situations.
The policy ensures regular safety checks, providing fire equipment and alarms for awareness. Emergency evacuation practices are also implemented to ensure people know where to go in real-life situations. The Fire Marshall ensures everyone's safe exit. The Manual Handling Operation Regulation 1992 is applicable to those working in manual handling jobs, such as hospitals, and states that employees should avoid risky manual handling operations that could cause injury.
To reduce the risk of injuries during unavoidable operations, measures should be taken. Employees should be encouraged to prioritize safety in every possible way. In hospitals, lifting aids should be used when individuals are unable to move independently, ensuring that all lifting is as safe as possible. According to the manual handling operation regulation, certain precautions should be taken when lifting: avoiding body twisting, lifting from the floor, keeping the load close to the body, and minimizing repetitive lifts. The manual handling regulation plays a crucial role in promoting the health, safety, and security of individuals in healthcare settings by preventing injuries to employees. It also provides employees with training opportunities before handling any tasks, instilling confidence and encouragement.
Lastly, the manual handling regulation contributes to the promotion of health, safety, and security by instilling in employees the importance of avoiding heavy lifting and using lifting aids when they are unable to move objects independently. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002 regulation is designed for employees who work with hazardous substances. It ensures that staff members receive proper training and supervision. Moreover, if employees are exposed to harmful
substances during their work, the regulation requires health surveillance to be conducted. Additionally, the Control of Substances regulation ensures that employees assess the risks associated with hazardous substances, including body fluids and sharp objects.
The regulation has implemented measures to prevent exposure to hazardous substances and also establishes protocols for handling accidents, incidents, or emergencies. It ensures that all procedures are followed. The control of substances is crucial in promoting the health, safety, and security of individuals in the health and social care sector, as professionals in this field may encounter dangerous substances. By familiarizing themselves with COSHH, they acquire knowledge on how to prevent or manage exposure. Additionally, COSHH aids in early detection of disease symptoms, further contributing to the promotion of health and safety.
Lastly, promoting the safety of others in health and social settings involves employers preparing plans to address accidents, incidents, and emergencies. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) 1995 is a written regulation for local councils to understand the occurrence of risks and investigate serious accidents and near accidents. This regulation requires reporting the following to the local council or health and safety executive: death or major injuries, incidents leading to three or more days of work absence, reportable diseases, and dangerous occurrences like fires, electrical short circuits, and needle stick injuries. Reporting these injuries helps promote the health, safety, and security of others as it allows for investigations of serious and near accidents by local councils. It also enables the council to provide advice on injury prevention and reduction. Furthermore, it helps the local council determine the reasons, locations, and methods of risk occurrence.
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