Business Administration Level 2 Essay Example
Business Administration Level 2 Essay Example

Business Administration Level 2 Essay Example

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  • Pages: 13 (3414 words)
  • Published: May 1, 2017
  • Type: Tasks
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Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment.

  • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk
  • Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
  • When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
  • Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.

Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 7 Sections.

The text above provides instructions for completing the assessment for Unit one on


principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment. To begin, it advises saving a copy of the document onto a computer or disk. It then suggests working through the assessment while saving progress regularly. Once finished, it recommends printing out a copy for future reference. Finally, it instructs sending the completed assessment via to the tutor's My Study area while ensuring proper identification with name, course title, unit, and assessment number. It also notes that the assessment consists of eight pages divided into seven sections.

Name: Mirza Abdul Hameed
Section 1 – Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer
1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free t

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obscure any confidential information).
1. Health and Safety

Upon joining Primark Ltd, I received an employment agreement that was duly signed by both parties. This document contained vital details regarding my employment rights, salary and pension scheme, as well as measures taken to safeguard my personal data and ensure health and safety. Additionally, it outlined three crucial legislations that employers must adhere to in a business setting.

Three important pieces of legislation that impact employees in a business environment are the Health and Safety Act, Pay and Pensions, and Data Protection Act. Alongside these, Employment Rights and Responsibilities also play a crucial role for employees.

Pay and pensions 3. Data Protection Act. 3. Find multiple sources for individuals to access information on their rights and responsibilities at work, including two internal and two external sources.

Internal sources of information include:
1. Line managers
2. Staff association representatives
3. Trade union representatives

External sources of information include:
1. Citizen advice bureau

Library 3. ACAS 4. Equality and Human Rights Commission 4. One way that representative bodies can support employees is by providing information and guidance. According to ACAS, the UK has a balanced representation with 50% trade union representatives and 50% non-trade representatives.

Trade unions serve as advocates for their members and safeguard their rights, whether members share a profession or work in a particular industry. They provide support through representatives based at workplaces. Non-trade representatives, such as staff associations and trade associations, have a more limited role compared to trade unions, primarily focused on consultation.

Non-union representatives are entitled to receive paid time off to support employees in all aspects of their work, except for the fifth aspect which entails providing a brief explanation of

the employer and employee obligations for promoting equality and diversity within a business setting. It is expected that employers undertake at least two responsibilities in this regard, while employees are also expected to fulfill two responsibilities.

If possible, include relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to emphasize the relevant sections. Employer responsibilities in equality and diversity: 1. Ensure equal treatment of all staff members without any discrimination. 2. Safeguard the rights of all staff members equally. 3.

Having a diverse staff is crucial for organizations to showcase fairness and professionalism. The staff's responsibilities include:

  1. Treating colleagues without discrimination
  2. Supporting one another without discrimination

During my time at PRIMARK, I noticed that all senior staff members were adequately trained and educated on matters of equality and diversity. They consistently treated everyone fairly and impartially, assigning tasks based on individual abilities. Managers and supervisors upheld the principles of fair treatment towards the staff.

In a business setting like PRIMARK, supervisors step in to assist staff members who are unable to complete their tasks, ensuring a supportive and inclusive environment. This promotes equality and diversity within the diverse community at PRIMARK, where individuals are promoted based on their abilities. Adhering to equality and diversity procedures in a business setting has several advantages that should be explained.

Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee, and one benefit for the overall organization. Equality and diversity should be strictly followed in any organization. Implementing equality and diversity in the organization can increase business opportunities in different communities, leading to positive reputation-building. This

can result in several benefits for the employer.

By implementing equality and diversity, the organization can ensure that it attracts individuals with the best skills and knowledge from various communities. Additionally, the organization will create a positive work environment that encourages skilled and hardworking employees to remain and flourish within the company. Working in such an organization also offers numerous benefits to employees.

1. The employee's progression in the company is a result of their dedication and expertise.
2. Fair treatment and opportunities for advancement are based on the employee's skills and suitability.

Section 2 - Recognize the significance of health, safety, and security measures in a business setting.
1. Identify the obligations of employers and employees regarding health, safety, and security.
(if applicable) Include pertinent health, safety, and security policies/documents from your workplace (or place of study) to back up your answer.

According to the 1974 Act, employers have a legal obligation to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of both their employees and those affected by their work. Employers must take reasonable actions to ensure the well-being of everyone. It is the duty of employees to inform the appropriate person about any health issues in their workplace. Furthermore, workers are responsible for preventing harm and working together with employers to fulfill their legal duties. The Act also forbids employees from misusing resources that are provided for their health and safety.

PRIMARK has implemented a policy to prioritize the safety and security of its premises and staff. Each employee is assigned specific responsibilities and must not engage in any activities that may endanger others. Disciplinary measures will be taken by the authorities for any unauthorized actions. The job description clearly states permissible

tasks while highlighting the significance of avoiding interference in unauthorized activities, thus reducing potential hazards.

In a business environment, it is crucial to establish and follow health, safety, and security procedures as they serve as protection for the staff and minimize potential risks. If employees are harmed due to inadequate working conditions provided by their employer, they have the right to file a claim for compensation. Furthermore, maintaining an unhealthy, unsafe, or insecure working environment goes against the law.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in the organization facing significant fines or being instructed by authorities to cease operations due to safety concerns. It is essential for employees and employers to agree in writing if they want to exceed the maximum 48-hour weekly working time within a seven-day period. Furthermore, night shifts should not surpass 8 hours within a 24-hour span to prioritize worker well-being. Regularly monitoring work patterns is crucial for ensuring the protection of workers' health and safety, including providing sufficient rest breaks for employees engaged in repetitive tasks. Ultimately, the objective is to establish a healthy, secure, and safe environment where both staff members and customers can fulfill their responsibilities without any apprehension.

There are three ways to ensure a safe and secure business environment:

  1. Restricting access to only authorized personnel.
  2. Safeguarding employees against possible attacks or assault.
  3. Complying with legal obligations related to Health and Safety, which involves following regulations and guidelines.

Section 3 of the Data Protection Act highlights the significance of effective communication. It comprises two objectives:

  1. Fill out the table provided below, providing descriptions for various communication methods.
  2. Provide two examples that exemplify selecting the most suitable method of

communication to fulfill your own and others' requirements.

Face-to-face communication is the most effective and efficient way to communicate needs and understand them. It allows for quick comprehension and immediate action. Additionally, it is the most suitable method for delivering services. Director communication can be done over the phone or in person, as it is important to convey messages to relevant individuals.

To achieve efficient and speedy results, it is crucial to directly send the message to the intended recipient. Moreover, active listening can be improved by implementing two techniques.

It is important to listen carefully and attentively, without any distractions. In Section 4, we learn about working with and supporting colleagues. One aspect of this is understanding the importance of agreeing on standards for our own work. There are at least two reasons why this is necessary.

By establishing work standards, individuals can understand their own responsibilities and those of their colleagues, enabling them to collaborate more efficiently. It is crucial to be aware of the specific work standards expected of you. 1. Without clear work standards, it becomes challenging to determine tasks and deadlines. The absence of standards hinders an employee's ability to effectively measure their own performance.

Examples: i. Quality ii. Quantity iii. Time frame iv.

Wastage...etc. 2. Monitoring progress and performance is possible when work standards are set and known. This allows for a clear understanding of expected outputs. Conversely, in the absence of precise work standards, personal interpretation can arise and result in conflicts.

The significance of embracing new challenges and being adaptable to change in the workplace is rooted in the necessity for organizations to frequently undergo changes. This can be attributed to the continuous evolution

of customers' needs, as they constantly seek novel products and services in the market. In order to retain customers and boost business growth, organizations must embrace innovative styles and introduce new products.

Advancements in technology and changes in working patterns have facilitated the introduction of a new telephone exchange on the reception. This upgraded exchange offers improved functionalities like live call handling and message recording capabilities. Additionally, legal and social developments have led to the enforcement of new laws within business premises. The government introduces these legislations to safeguard the welfare of the public, employees, and employers alike. An example of such legislation is the implementation of health and safety regulations in workplaces.

The office has a new manager who wants to make changes in the work environment. The manager has different ideas, such as redistributing responsibilities among the staff. They believe that if employees are capable of doing all tasks, they can help each other improve productivity and teamwork. These changes will bring challenges and motivations for change within the organization.

The importance of treating others with honesty and consideration lies in the establishment of trust and maintenance of positive relationships. By treating people honestly and considerately, they are more likely to trust your actions and have belief in you. This trust is crucial as it fosters cooperation and assistance from others. Consequently, treating others with honesty and consideration plays a pivotal role in building strong connections and attaining mutual support.

Being labeled as dishonest and untrustworthy can have severe consequences, damaging your professional reputation and hindering collaboration with clients or colleagues. Your integrity is relied upon by others when deciding whether to work with you, making it

crucial to consider their needs. This consideration fosters productive relationships and a positive working atmosphere within the team. It is important to reciprocate support from others and demonstrate empathy, highlighting that meeting deadlines or achieving goals should not be the sole focus but ensuring the entire team reaches its targets.

Understanding the significance of work planning and accountability is crucial in a business environment. Meeting work standards and deadlines plays a vital role in the success of any organization. It enables businesses to compete, retain customers, and attract new ones. By upholding standards and meeting deadlines, businesses ensure that their products or services are available when needed by customers. Failing to fulfill this responsibility may cause customers to turn to other alternatives.

If a business fails to deliver products of good quality and on time, customers will seek alternatives elsewhere. That is why maintaining work standards and meeting deadlines are crucial for successful business operations. The purpose of adhering to these standards is to ensure that products are prepared with high quality and within the designated timeframe, enabling them to be delivered to the market on time. This approach ensures that consumers are satisfied when they require the product. However, if an organization neglects work standards and fails to meet deadlines, it will result in negative consequences.

In a business environment, there are two methods for planning work. It is widely believed that without proper planning, optimal productivity and results cannot be achieved. One method involves using a daily diary to track tasks and prioritize them. This allows individuals to determine their morning tasks and identify the most important ones. The other method involves setting computer alarms as

reminders for task deadlines or new project schedules.

By planning your work at the start of the day, you can enhance productivity and work efficiency. Additionally, you will have a checklist of tasks for the day that can be checked off as completed, providing a clear overview and helping to track progress. In a business setting, it is important to consider deadlines and assess the required time and assistance to successfully complete tasks.

2. The task needs to be assessed to determine if it is urgent and how quickly it needs to be completed. It should be determined if the task can be postponed or if it should be started immediately. If the task is urgent, the necessary help and information required to complete it should be identified.

3. Discuss different methods for communicating progress and evaluate their effectiveness. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method. One way to keep others informed about your progress is by discussing your tasks with colleagues and friends, letting them know that you are occupied. From a business administration perspective, it is crucial to keep people updated on your progress, as it enables them to effectively plan and prioritize their own workloads in coordination with yours.

If you require assistance, your colleagues will be capable of offering help as they are already aware of your work plan and tasks. It is crucial to keep individuals informed of your whereabouts if someone relies on your work to accomplish their own tasks. By doing so, you can also gather information regarding timeframes for completing this work. In the event that you are unable to meet the requested deadline, others will need to adjust

their own workloads to accommodate you. By consistently updating people on your progress, you demonstrate that you are on track with your work. Discussing your tasks with colleagues may yield valuable ideas or information. If you need assistance, they will likely be willing to help as you have exhibited confidence and trust in them.

Your communication and discussion are crucial in gaining each other's confidence and trust. When the need arises, your colleagues will be ready to support and help you in meeting your targets. However, there are also drawbacks. If your colleagues are aware of your work plan and projects, they may become jealous. In such cases, they may try to convince others that if you succeed in this project, you will receive promotions or more benefits, which could make them unwilling to assist you. Moreover, they may attempt to hinder your progress and discourage you if you openly discuss your tasks with them. Nonetheless, open communication about progress leads to better working relationships and more effective work practices.

Section 6 - Understand the purpose of improving own performance in a business environment and how to do so.
1. Explain the purpose of continuously improving your performance in a business environment.
It is evident that being an effective individual in a business environment entails more than just possessing technical or professional expertise. When an individual's performance aligns with the company's standards, it benefits both the company and the employee. Improving one's work performance allows for surpassing limitations and achieving personal goals. Moreover, it enables the delivery of high-quality work, thus enabling the company to meet its standards and deadlines.

Continuously improving one's work can make a positive impression on

corporate officials, potentially leading to promotion and a salary increase. For example, in a garment factory where employees are paid per piece, improving and working faster can result in the ability to produce more pieces and earn higher pay. This can enhance self-motivation and job satisfaction.

There are a couple of ways to enhance your performance at work. It is important to be open to learning new techniques and technologies. Additionally, showing an interest in learning new methods and being adaptable in your work can be beneficial. For instance, while working at PRIMARK, my supervisors asked if I would be willing to document damaged items for return.

The computer software was unfamiliar to me, but my supervisor spent thirty minutes teaching me how to use it. Once I understood, I began recording data with the system under their guidance. Now I feel confident and capable of operating the system whenever necessary. As a result, my manager and supervisor are pleased with my progress and have entrusted me with new tasks, specifically in managing that particular section.

It is important to learn and understand the needs of the business and gain knowledge about new products. It is necessary to stay updated with new items and technology that are being introduced in the business for sale. If a customer asks for assistance with a product, one should be able to demonstrate its quality and benefits. Failure to explain the qualities of a product can harm the reputation of the company and its business.

In order to stay well-informed about new product benefits and qualities, it is important to offer assistance to colleagues and show genuine interest. This can contribute to increased

confidence, honesty, and consideration. By asking for help when needed, colleagues will be willing to assist, allowing goals to be met. This promotes confidence, honesty, and teamwork, resulting in the production of high-quality work.

3. There are two main career pathways that I am interested in pursuing. The first is the role of Supervisor, which I had the opportunity to experience while working at Primark Ltd. This position sparked my interest in taking on higher levels of responsibility, which is why I have decided to pursue a Business and Administration course. Unfortunately, I was not selected for the Supervisor role due to my lack of formal qualifications.

I aspire to progress my career into a supervisory and assistant manager role. With the completion of this course, I am confident that I will acquire the necessary skills to qualify for these positions. Furthermore, I possess IT proficiency and have the opportunity to pursue a career in the computer field. By obtaining a Business Administration qualification, I will enhance my prospects of securing a suitable position in the IT industry. This is because proficiency in IT alone is insufficient for performing general administration tasks.

This qualification will assist me in bridging the educational gap necessary to apply for IT administration positions in the job market. In Section 7, I will gain an understanding of the various issues that can arise in a business environment and learn appropriate strategies to address them. Specifically, I will learn to identify at least two distinct types of problems that may occur. These problems can range from minor issues such as a malfunctioning cash register or a computer shutdown. In such cases, employees are

encouraged to take initiative and attempt to resolve the problem themselves, provided they possess the necessary knowledge about the equipment they utilize.

Sometimes, employees may need to report to their supervisor or manager for any work-related issues. Major problems, such as late deliveries or a colleague's absence hindering task completion, should be immediately communicated to the supervisor or manager. This is because the employee may not be authorized to take further action, and it can be unsafe and harmful if an unauthorized person assumes responsibility.

Various issues can arise in a business setting.

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