Guy Fawkes Essay Example
Guy Fawkes Essay Example

Guy Fawkes Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (492 words)
  • Published: May 14, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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Guy Fawkes Guy Fawkes, also known as Guido, was born on April 13,1570 in Stonegate York. He was the only son of Edward Fawkes and Edith Blake, they had two more daughters. Fawkes was taught at at Saint Peters in York. In Fawkes teen years, his father died and his mother remarried a man of catholic back round. Later, Fawkes joined the Spanish army and held a post when the Spaniard's took Calais in 1596. Fawkes was also an adventurer and a politician who became involved in the famous Gunpowder Plot.

The Gunpowder Plot was intended to overthrow the government and kill King James and as many members of Parliament as possible, by blowing up the Houses of Parliament. The small group (12 men), that Fawkes was in charge of, wanted to destroy their government because their government was passing unf


air laws that imposed heavy fines on people who did not attend Protestant Church Services. Catholics had to practice their religion in secret and many laws were passed against them. They believed that “people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people”.

Fawkes and the group of others stored 36 barrels of gun powder under the house of lords where Parliament would be. Fawkes was caught in the cellar with the gunpowder the day before Parliament was to open. Fawkes was tortured and questioned about his group members and finally executed on January 31, 1606, when he didn't talk. On November 5 instead of Parliament being blown up, a bonfire was held to celebrate the safety of the king. In 1606, Parliament agreed to make 5th November a day of public

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thanksgiving and ever since then the day has been celebrated with fireworks and bonfires.

Guy Fawkes is still known for the gun powder plot of 1606. Every year on November 5 they have bonfires in the U. K where they burn effigies of Guy where they remember the story and celebrate. Guy Fawkes would be known today as a extremest or even a terrorist. A movie was made based on the story of the gun powder plot call V For Vendetta. Now Fawkes face is widely known across many countries. In the movie a man named V knows the government is doing wrong and plans to blow up Parliament as Fawkes planned to do. There s now a mask of Guy’s face, or V’s, and there are very frequently used in protest. It may be a symbol as to how Guy Fawkes was trying to protest his own government. After the Gunpowder Plot, the house of Parliament is searched before they are to open. Fawkes is also one of the role models for a group called Anonymous. They protest our government and are a Resistance group. They are almost the equivalent to guy Fawkes group of the 1606. " Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. ”

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