Guest of the Nation by Frank O’ Connor Essay Example
Guest of the Nation by Frank O’ Connor Essay Example

Guest of the Nation by Frank O’ Connor Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (526 words)
  • Published: November 19, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Frank O' Connor's short story, "Guest of the Nation", exemplifies an effective plot as all good writing does through the utilization of rising and falling action. With the implementation of the major components integrated to form the plot, O'Connor is able to construct an alurring and exciting series of situations for his readers to enjoy. In essense,"Guest of the Nation" stays true to the conventions of a cogent plot as we as readers are able to experience every second of this unfolding story.O' Connor begins his story with the exposition to slowing introduce the readers to the events at hand and helps us to get situated into the early stages of the story. In the beginning of story, O' Connor places us in a casual situation, over a poker table.

"... the little Englishman, Hawkins, would light the lamp and bri


ng out the cards" (O' Connor 27).

As the situation unfolds, we soon learn about the setting and all of the characters through the narration of Bonaparte, the main protagonist.It is from his perspective and thoughts that helps us understand what is happening before us. With the progression of the plot, we encounter complications that drives the plot through a series of rising action. "'The enemy have prisoners belonging to us..

. If they shoot our prisoners, we'll shoot theirs'" (O' Connor 29). This introduction of complications helps keep the readers awake and alert to the cues the author places for them in order to help them progress along the plot smoothly.This also helps to stir up interest within the reader to keep them involved with the story.

With the tension building from the complications, th

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plot finally hits its peak and we are pulled into the climax of the story, "Hawkins had begun to say something else when Donovan fired... " (O' Connor 33). This quote signifies the peak of the tesion. At this point of the story, the readers are finally released from all the complications and all of their presumptions and are exposed to the cold hard reality, the Englishmen have met their end.

From the climax, the story undergoes its falling action as we are nearing the end of the story. "I don't remember much about the burying, but that it was worse than all rest, because we had to carry them to the grave" (O' Connor 34). With the burial of the two Englishmen, O' Connor lets us simmer and process the earlier events of the story. Moreover with the newly established dilatory pace, the tone of the story becomes more sober and dark.The falling action provides the readers wants and needs for a conclusion and resolution from the chaos of the plot.

With the action progressing more slowly, we finally reach the denouement of the story. "And anything that happened to me afterwards, I never felt the same about again" (O' Connor 34). It is obvious that Bonaparte has been deeply effected by the traumatising events and no longer is able to cope with the pain of losing a friend. O' Connor leaves us with this disposition of tragedy as Bonaparte continues to grief for what he has lost.

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