Gaston the Lonely Bug Essay Example
Gaston the Lonely Bug Essay Example

Gaston the Lonely Bug Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (757 words)
  • Published: January 1, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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They sat around the table to eat some peaches, after the daughters nap. One of the peaches had a bug in it, which is Gaston. The daughter wanted to kill Gaston, but the father changed her mind by convincing her that Gaston is like them. She liked Gaston in the beginning, until she talked with her mother, who told her that Gaston is only a bug, and it isn't like them. She also convinced her to go back home. Therefore, the daughter killed Gaston.

At the end of the story, the daughter lessoned to her mother and left her father feeling like Gaston.

The father and Gaston are alike for several reasons that include, they both lost their home, they both are facing a new life on their own, and they both feel pa


in and are alone after loosing everything. The first reason why the father and Gaston are alike Is that they both lost their homes. According to Sarong, the father said "well, he used to live in this peach seed, but now that the peach has been harvested and sold, and I have eaten half of it, it looks as if he's out of house and home" (3).

The father is explaining his feelings through Gaston, and how he once had home and lived with his wife and daughter, but as problems took over it broke up the family and separated them from each other.

As how Gaston had a home, which is the peach, but with all the different steps of the life of the peach, his home was destroyed. In addition, Sarong writes that the father said, "Well he's a

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little confused. Now, inside that house of his he had everything In order. Bed here, porch there, and so forth"(3).

Here the father Is tilling his daughter that Gaston Is confused, because his home was In order but not any more. This explains how the father feels bout his home.

Because when he was married and living with his family he had everything in order, but after the divorce everything feel apart and he is confused. The second reason why the father and Gaston are alike is that they both are facing a new life on their own. According to Sarong, the father said Gaston is out in the world and on his own now"(3).

After destroying Gaston home, Gaston is left to face the world on his own. In the peach, Gaston was protected and had no worries from what is out side in the world.

This is smellier to the fathers case. Because after the divorce the father was out of his home, facing the world on his own. He had no one to care of him. As well, Sarong writes that " Gaston wandered around the plate, but everything seemed wrong and he didn't know what to do or where to SGF'(4).

Here the Author Is explaining that after Gaston lost his home, and was placed on the plate, he felt lost and TLD know where to go, where he belongs, and what should he do. Which Is alike the father, after his divorce.

He and Gaston are alike is that they both feel pain and are alone after losing everything. According to Sarong, "He watched the huge car drive off, and

then he went around the corner where he took hid coffee every morning, feeling a little, he thought, like Gaston on the white plate"(6).

The alike between the father and Gaston in this case is that Gaston ends up alone in unsafe surroundings all by him self. The father was alone as well, after losing his family.

Now his house is empty and his daughter has left him all alone, feeling sad and lonely not knowing when he ever see her again. In conclusion, losing their home, facing a new life on their own, and feeling pain and Ewing all alone after losing everything, is why the father and Gaston are alike.

After reading this short story, it seems to me that the author is talking about his personal life. I think him and his wife broke up and he wrote this short story to express how he feels sad and lonely. It was entertaining how the author used the bug Gaston to grab the readers attention.

This short story has many sentimental values and teaches the reader how parents should love one another. Parents should always try to fix things between them for the sake of keeping the family together and live happily ever after.

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