Garage Sales Essay Example
Garage Sales Essay Example

Garage Sales Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (251 words)
  • Published: October 6, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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have you ever been to a garage sale? did you find something you loved or couldn't live with out? or were you just out for a fun day of "treasure" hunting? For what ever reason garage sales are a most interesting way to spend time searching for treasures on a Saturday morning.

"others junk is another persons treasure. " is the quote my mother told me when i was little. every weekend during the summer she would wake me up bright and early and we would head off on our treasure hunt.I find that quote true every time i am at a garage sale. during the week i search out garage sales of all sorts we have the estate sale where people are selling their home and need a quick way


to get rid of their home appliances. I find these sales have the best furniture and housewares appliances.

Then we have the fund raising sale, for example, churches will host garage sales to raise money for youth group. hese sales have a lot of clothing and older items due to the congregation just collects stuff and throws it all together. you will also have the multiple family sale, here you will find clothing, toys, housewares, furniture,and so on. basically everything you can think of. last but not least you have the basic garage sale.

this sale also has many other names like yard sale, tag sale, and junk sale. most items here will very from family to family.

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