Framework for case analysis Essay Example
Framework for case analysis Essay Example

Framework for case analysis Essay Example

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  • Pages: 13 (3389 words)
  • Published: January 13, 2018
  • Type: Manual
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The first step is to conduct a situation analysis in order to evaluate the marketing challenges of an organization systematically. This step needs to be completed before solving the problem, even if it is not included in the written case brief.

Step 2:

After conducting a thorough situation analysis, it becomes possible to identify the issue(s) that the organization is facing.

Please exercise caution when assuming that the characters in the case are objective or accurate in their identification of the problem, or when hastily making judgments about the problem.

Step 3.

Determine possible alternatives. What are reasonable choices for addressing the Identified problem? While it is advisable to initially consider the options mentioned in the case, do not assume that they are the best or most appropriate alternatives, particularly if these options do


not align with the problem. Alternatives should be plausible and not dismissed as invalid in order to quickly pursue an obvious solution.

Step 4: Identify reasonable, common criteria to test the alternatives.

In order to objectively consider the alternatives, you need to identify common criteria that can be used to sort out the best choice. These criteria should include both quantitative and qualitative factors. For example, you might compare two different potential target markets in terms of arrest growth (quantitative) and competitive threat (qualitative, though it may be based on quantitative elements such as the number of competitors).

Step 5: Apply criteria to the alternatives.

Each alternative should be compared using the same criteria to determine the best choice for the organization.

Step 6.

A complete set of recommendations should be developed

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for the selected alternative. This includes objectives, strategies, tactics, budget, financial impact, etc. This is a chance to showcase creativity in the recommended plan.

Tips on Case Analysis

One important tip for case analysis is to plan ahead and allocate sufficient time for your initial presentation. This is essential because the process can be quite time-consuming.

Initially, students should dedicate 10-20 hours to efficiently complete their initial case report. As they gain more experience, less time and effort will be required as it becomes more manageable. It is recommended to initially scan the case briefly to understand its main problems and individuals involved. For subsequent cases, it is advised to thoroughly read the entire case from start to finish.

When reading the case for the third time, it is important to take notes and identify key information. Do not make hasty conclusions as what may appear to be a problem or alternative initially may not be so. Trust the facts provided in the case and avoid rushing through for closure.

3. It is not necessary to investigate the actual actions of the companies mentioned in the cases. While some companies may be real, their names could have been altered. The cases may take place in the past, making it seem like a journey back in time. However, it is vital to examine the circumstances and conditions of that specific time period.

It is important to not overlook important information in a case for several reasons. This may happen because students do not understand the information, lack analytical skills, or deliberately avoid certain topics. If you need help, please ask questions. Another problem arises when new information is used instead of

considering the provided case information.

For instance, instead of relying on the official costs provided in the case, you may generate cost figures from an external source for cost calculation. It is commendable to approach the problem from creative and diverse perspectives, but make sure to incorporate the suggested information and analyses from the case as a basis for comparison. Team Case Presentation 1. Although both oral presentation and written analysis involve the same background analysis process, they differ in terms of format.

In order to effectively reach a diverse audience, the organization and presentation of ideas must be engaging and suitable for a larger group. Simply reading a case analysis to the class, for instance, is tiresome and not an effective approach to presentation.

Each team is encouraged to create written handout material to accompany their oral presentations in order to make better use of class time. The handouts can include graphs, calculations, diagrams, outside data, outlines, etc. Each team will be given around 30-35 minutes to present their case.

The instructor will assess your presentations based on the criteria provided below. Additionally, each team member is required to evaluate their peers and submit these evaluations by Thursday, May 1 at noon. These evaluations will be taken into account when determining final grades and have the potential to greatly influence an individual student's grade in relation to the team grade.

Forms for this purpose can be accessed on the internet and are connected to the class syllabus document. In addition, team members who cause difficulties through their absences or lack of involvement in team activities will be given a failing grade, after consulting with other team members. Moreover, a

concise overview of the case presentation should be given to the instructor just before the presentation commences. This outline must clearly mention the names of team members and their assigned roles in the presentation. Furthermore, it would be highly appreciated if copies of the slides were submitted to the instructor as it aids in taking notes during the presentation.

Your presentation feedback will be sent to you by email. It is crucial for you to introduce yourselves to the rest of the class before starting your presentation. The assessment of your oral presentation will focus on the following points, and feedback regarding these aspects will be given a few days after your presentation. Please remember that since this is a group assignment with no page limitations, your analysis and presentation should demonstrate greater depth and detail compared to an individual case brief.

1. The problem(s) are clearly stated and supported. Defining the problem is the first step in case analysis. It is important to distinguish the primary problem(s) from surface problems or explain why the problem presented is the main issue.

The proper utilization of information and implementation of analysis methods is vital. When analyzing the case scenario and coming to a decision, it is crucial to take into account different forms of evidence and apply logical reasoning. It is necessary to make use of the information provided in the case itself, along with conducting further actions like evaluating the product category, observing how the product is presented and priced at various retailers, and gathering additional data to estimate costs. Making reasonable assumptions that can be justified is acceptable. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that nearly all data

can be scrutinized for its flaws.

The crucial aspect is to recognize the worth in incomplete information instead of dismissing it. Utilize the given information in the scenario to evaluate its influence on your decision-making procedure. Moreover, ascertain the suitable analyses and tools required to comprehend the problem, assess financial consequences, and provide suggestions. For example, when contemplating introducing a new product into an existing line, compute its impact on sales and profits. When selecting a target market, employ a market-product grid to gauge the size of each segment.

The analysis and recommendations should be thorough, taking into account all the relevant areas and issues in the case. It is important to consider all APS and thoroughly evaluate environmental issues. Developing the skill to identify elements that require in-depth analysis and recommendations is crucial. Some elements may have higher priority and importance, while others may require less elaboration. A format for case analysis is provided below.

This is a proven framework for problem-solving. I will evaluate your presentation using these elements.

Case Analysis Formats

A. Problem identification: This step involves identifying the primary challenges that the organization is encountering and distinguishing between crucial and less significant issues.

This section focuses on conducting an environmental analysis, which encompasses the environment, market, consumers, and organization. It also takes into account trends and implications. The objective is to pinpoint the main problem and the most strategic issue that the organization is facing. In cases where there is no strategic problem, a tactical problem can be addressed instead. This section pertains specifically to oral presentations.

Utilize the framework for situation analysis to give context to the case and provide a detailed analysis. Identify feasible or plausible

alternatives that fit the key problem identified.

When identifying a problem, it is important to ensure that the alternatives considered are specific target markets rather than promotional tactics or pricing strategies. Evaluative criteria should be established to make decisions among the identified alternatives. These criteria may vary depending on the organization's goals, such as a 20% increase in sales, or they may be generally accepted criteria for decision-making, like profitability.

Evaluating and comparing alternative options require a thorough assessment based on defined evaluative criteria and taking into account their disadvantages. Merely relying on this approach is inadequate as it fails to guarantee a fair comparison between alternatives. It is important to differentiate between criteria that hold significant importance and those that are relatively less important when evaluating and comparing alternatives. The analysis should encompass both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Market and financial analyses are essential for evaluating alternatives successfully. This encompasses projecting profitability, sales, market share, costs, and more. Additionally, clear and logical recommendations with persuasive arguments should be presented, accompanied by specific details for implementing and evaluating these recommendations.

The recommended format for recommendations should include the following information:
- Recommended target market(s)
- Overall objectives, overall marketing strategy, and positioning
- Product/service objectives, strategy, and tactics
- Pricing objectives, strategy, and tactics
- Channel objectives, strategy, and tactics
- Promotion objectives, strategy, and tactics
- Budget and financial implications of the recommendation
- Plan for evaluating performance of the recommendations against objectives
- Usefulness and comprehensiveness of the results.
These cases should not be treated as mere academic exercises. Instead, they should be followed through to a logical and comprehensive conclusion. For example, if statistical measures are required,

they should be conducted. The text advises to avoid simply stating that research is needed on a problem. Instead, it suggests setting up the research process, including the design, sample, budget, questionnaires, etc.

Provide a demonstration of how the data will be utilized, ensuring that each presentation is relevant to the identified problem and aligns with the organization's objectives. Avoid concluding a presentation by shifting responsibility to others; instead, generate well-supported recommendations that are coherent and justified. Offer explicit and precise recommendations, taking into account any limitations and the unique attributes of the individuals involved in the scenario.

  • One recommendation is to engage in role-playing as individuals involved in the case or those directly relevant to the case situation. Immersing oneself in the case rather than observing it from a distance is more impactful.
  • Ensure a well-structured presentation that demonstrates thorough preparation. Before presenting, practice beforehand to ensure success within the given time frame of 30-35 minutes.
  • Utilize visual aids such as boards, prepared charts, and graphs.
  • Avoid solely reading off numerical figures without displaying them for the audience to see. It is crucial not only to have effective visuals but also to explain their implications clearly. Practicing beforehand can assist with this. Hand-outs may be helpful for demonstrating complex calculations that are difficult to read on a PowerPoint slide.

Do not overload a slide with excessive information or use hard-to-read fonts.

  • Be creative and encourage class participation. Use this opportunity to experiment with innovative ideas in presentations or
  • engage the class in a professional manner. Consider involving the class in your presentation through interactive activities, discussion, or distribution of materials.

    Make written case analysis interesting and fun by following the same elements outlined for oral team case presentations. Written case briefs should cover the problem, alternatives, analysis of alternatives, and recommendations as mentioned earlier. A successful case brief requires a situation analysis but it is not included in the written brief. The main difference between oral and written case presentations is that the brief is a three-page memo addressed to your boss (me).

    Depending on the situation, you have the option to assign me as either one of the main characters or as the leader of a consulting group called upon to assist with the case. It is crucial that you are merciless in editing and focusing on the essential and most significant issues. The brief is also intended to help you understand and analyze the presented case, as well as provide you with ideas and comments for the presenting team and case discussion.

  • Format: The document should not exceed 3 typed pages (single spacing is permissible as long as it remains legible), excluding tables, exhibits, or appendices.
  • To effectively communicate your analysis and recommendations, it is important to focus on key elements and not waste space on background information or case reviews. Instead, jump right into the problem definition. Use subheadings or bullets to organize your thoughts, but ensure that enough detail is provided to adequately explain your analysis and recommendations. Quantitative analysis should be included as well.

    You need to include tables or appendices with calculations in each written analysis for market share, projected

    profitability, and break-even. Simply inserting numbers into the report without a typed schedule of calculations will not earn credit.

  • Substantial Analysis. There is a significant difference between briefly mentioning a subject ("we suggest print advertising") and conducting a thorough analysis with valuable recommendations.
  • One important skill to develop in the case analysis method is the ability to identify areas that require in-depth analysis and recommendations - those that are crucial and essential - and areas that have lower priority and need less elaboration. Writing style.

    If you have poor grammar and spelling errors, your score will be lowered and it will be difficult to convey your ideas effectively. The same applies to a paper that is poorly organized. If you need assistance with this, please come and talk to me. Here are the formats for written case briefs:

    A. Problem identification and Justification.

    B. Another way of identifying alternatives is by considering feasible or plausible options. These options can be categorized into two groups: 'strategic' and 'tactical' alternatives.

    The selection of strategic alternatives should come before the selection of tactical alternatives. Evaluative criteria are important in making a decision among the different alternatives. These criteria can be specific to the organization's circumstances, such as goals for sales growth, or they can be general criteria for decision-making, like profitability.

    The text discusses alternative evaluation by comparing and evaluating each option based on shared evaluative criteria. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between important and unimportant criteria used for evaluating and comparing alternatives.

    A critical analysis is crucial for successful evaluation of alternatives, which includes projections relating to profitability, sales, market share, costs, and more. Additionally, it should also provide recommendations.

    The presentation should include a

    clear and persuasive argument for the recommendations, along with the specifics for implementing and evaluating them. It should also mention the recommended target market(s). The Marketing Management and Strategy course is an important course for marketing majors as it serves as the capstone marketing course and a key problem-solving course. The objectives of this course are to apply marketing concepts and philosophy in a problem-solving framework, as well as to understand the strategic marketing planning process and marketing strategy development.

    The purpose of this course is to understand the impact of marketing decisions on an organization's performance and to develop and utilize skills in analysis, problem solving, decision making, and communication. The course will use the case method of analysis, focusing on both consumer and business-to-business products and services. The cases cover various marketing problems and issues, providing an opportunity to practice analytical and decision making skills. Additionally, there will be a team case presentation.

    Each person will give one oral team case presentation. Ensure that your laptop is compatible and connected before your presentation by checking at least one day in advance. If your computer is being repaired or experiencing hardware issues, you may be able to borrow a computer from the ELSE Technology Office on the first floor. It is important to have a backup plan in case of technology failure. Additionally, upload your PowerPoint slides to Turbulent. We will also be doing several in-class exercises to reinforce concepts and ideas from the reading material.

    Expect to be called on if you don't volunteer. You must use a name card to identify yourself and you will be asked to sign an attendance sheet at the end

    of the class period. I will be prepared to share your work using the document camera or white board. This means that you should have completed the work before coming up to the board. Contribution and comments.

    By contributing valuable comments and insights, you can enhance the classroom environment. You can provide additional analysis to the presentation, which would further enhance understanding of the case or assist the presenting group in analyzing it more effectively. For instance, if the presenting team did not cover promotional recommendations, you could discuss various promotional strategies, objectives, tactics, and budget ideas. This would offer a fresh perspective for the case and serve as an example of how to thoroughly present promotional recommendations. Other ways to add value include conducting a detailed financial analysis, exploring pricing formulas and models, examining buyer behavior, evaluating product introduction strategies, or presenting alternative interpretations of case information.

    You may question the reason for not utilizing a different approach, analysis, or idea, based on your analysis and interpretation of the case. It is important to maintain a constructive mindset. Your comments should aim at emphasizing significant issues and enhancing comprehension of the case or future presentations. Focus on addressing the issues themselves and not the individuals who deliver the presentation.

    Show professionalism and tact when conducting a written situation analysis with a partner. Additionally, create two individual case briefs. However, remember not to write a case rife for the case you present verbally as a team.

    For a schedule of your assigned cases, refer to the Case Briefs Write Up Schedule. The case brief should be written as a memo to me, your boss. The main body

    of the brief should consist of no more than three single-spaced pages, but you can utilize additional pages for appendices, tables, calculations, or supplementary material. Employ subheadings to clearly distinguish sections within the brief. For further guidance, consult A Framework for Case Analysis. During case discussion following the presentation, you can refer to your brief, but it must be submitted promptly after this discussion.

    All cases must be submitted to Turbulent. In addition, a hard copy of the case must be presented to the instructor in class by the due date. Your case assignments should include your name, case title, date, and Turbulent receipt number. Please note that late briefs or briefs without the Turbulent receipt will not be accepted.

    To receive credit, your case assignments and presentation slides must have a receipt number or be untapped briefs. To upload them, follow these steps: Visit wry.Turning.

    To sign up for our Marketing Management and Strategy class for Spring 2014, go to Click on "create a user profile" and select the student option if you are new to Turbulent. Our class ID is 7536438 and the password is "Northern" (case sensitive). Make sure to register for our class by January 31. Remember to upload your assignment no later than 11 p.m., 48 hours before the deadline.

    On the day that the case is due, you will need to submit it through Turbulent using your user profile number and our class ID. The submission must be made by midnight on the due date, and there will be no chance to send it in later. Furthermore, you are required to provide a hard copy of the case assignment with a

    cover sheet. The cover sheet should include the Turbulent receipt number, case title, section number, your name, and the date of the class.

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