Written Language and Child Essay Example
Written Language and Child Essay Example

Written Language and Child Essay Example

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  • Pages: 17 (4598 words)
  • Published: May 25, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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Dr. Montessori explains that language development begins with infants' innate ability to absorb small pieces of speech, which lay the groundwork for further linguistic advancement.

The child initially learns that sounds have significance and later recognizes different parts of speech. While the child naturally develops oral skills, parents and teachers must offer opportunities for similar progress in written language. The language that men can speak flawlessly is the one they acquire during childhood, when they cannot be taught anything. (http//www. brainquotes)

According to Maria Montessori, the Practical Life and Sensorial materials provide valuable experiences that prepare children for reading and writing. In this process, children are introduced to phonetics, where they learn the sounds of letters. They also learn to recognize the shapes of letters through tracing, which helps in developing the necessary muscles for writi


ng. Once these foundations are laid, children are able to explore their interest in words and develop their writing skills at their own pace. Additionally, their vocabulary expands through activities like storytelling and conversation.

Dr. Montessori refers to the child's initiation into writing as an "explosion." The process leading up to this moment starts even before birth, as the child reacts to the sounds it hears while still in the womb.

Language success in children requires confidence, a desire for connection, real-life experiences, and physical abilities for reading and writing. To support this, it is important to communicate with the child respectfully and with a wide range of vocabulary from birth. Creating a stimulating environment with sensory-rich experiences and language is crucial, as language without a foundation in experience is meaningless. Acting as a role model and using precise language in everyday activities also

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helps the child. Sharing literature such as rhymes, songs, poetry, and stories fosters the child's love for language. In any effective language environment, the teacher ensures that experience comes before vocabulary and pictures of objects in various situations.

She will introduce actual vegetables before vegetable cards, real actions before verb cards, genuine music before composer picture and labels, genuine shells before shell cards, and so on. At home, parents can do the same thing—show kitchen objects, office or bathroom objects, and then allow the child to handle these objects and learn their names. This way, the child understands that language is connected to the real world. In the Montessori classroom, there are numerous vocabulary books and cards. It is natural for children to receive pictures of everything during this period of intense interest in words in order to practice and enhance their new skills.

Montessori wrote orders in a way that I might have conveyed orally, such as "open the window" and "come close to me" (The Secret of Childhood, p. NO).

When a child starts to recognize letter sounds and group them into words, they often do this silently in their mind. It can cause complications if they start saying the words aloud, especially if there is someone listening. That is why in the beginning, children are not expected to read aloud. To help them practice this new skill of reading single words, you can give them pictures and labels for objects that they already know the names of. They can read each label and match it to the corresponding picture. If the names of the objects are written on the back of the picture cards, the

child can turn them over to check if they have placed the labels correctly.

PRE-READING AND WRITING: There are three main areas where we can assist children in preparing for reading and writing. When the foundation is well established prior to attempting reading and writing, the acquisition of these skills becomes highly enjoyable. (1) Physical skills include balance, hand usage, eye-hand coordination, concentration and focus development, size and shape recognition, working with knobbed puzzles, crayons and pencils, and speech practice. (2) Mental skills encompass language absorption and utilization, learning the phonetic sounds of each letter (as opposed to the letter names), and engaging in word-breaking games, such as "I spy".

3) Social—living in homes where there is verbal communication at the table, where individuals sit together and engage in conversations, and where reading is prioritized over watching television or using a computer for language learning.
READING AND WRITING Children should not be forced to read and write at an early age. However, when introduced to the tools and shown how to use them, many children become ready and motivated to read. This stage of a child's life is crucial for gaining knowledge about various subjects, including letter sounds, as well as for tactile exploration. Therefore, we provide sandpaper letters that children can trace with their fingers while vocalizing the corresponding sound.

According to daily Montessori quotes, having language gives us the power to unlock numerous opportunities. Children often start writing spontaneously, even before they begin to read, in lower case letters. Starting with lowercase letters and sounds instead of letter names, like "a" and "b" instead of "A" and "B," will benefit the child. To satisfy

the child's need for tactile experiences and to learn the names of objects in their surroundings, we utilize sandpaper letters.

The child learns to hear and say the sounds by practicing them repeatedly. The sandpaper letters, which are often used in the 3-6 class, are long-lasting yet expensive. However, it is possible to make homemade versions or have the child trace letters in meal or sand. For children who cannot physically write with a pencil but are mentally ready, Dr. Montessori created movable letters for their activities. These movable alphabets continue to be used in schools today.

The process of language development in young children is a captivating phenomenon, as they acquire the skill to speak and comprehend spoken words. If a child is exposed to any form of language early on, it is highly probable that they will learn to communicate verbally. While the precise cause for this remains uncertain, it generally holds true unless there are particular complications. We can enhance this learning experience by exposing the child to a wide range of vocabulary and encouraging their active participation in improving their linguistic skills.

She must go through each of the following steps:
Step 1: Spoken Language: establishing a personal dictionary and practicing word usage.
Step 2: Phonetic Awareness: understanding the sounds within words and the sounds and symbols of our alphabet.
Step 3: Creating Words (Writing): combining sounds and symbols to form words.
Step 4: Reading: decoding sounds and symbols to comprehend words.

In Step 1, we prepare the environment for spoken language. We naturally focus on providing the child with immersive language experiences. We adjust the child's surroundings, trusting that with the right environment and structure, they

can develop a strong, logical, ordered, and graceful voice. Therefore, we mainly offer indirect support for the child's oral language development. This support begins by organizing and making the child's surroundings easily accessible, which is one of the most significant ways we can assist them.

To provide a suitable environment for the child, it is important to consider their size, abilities, interests, and schedule. This environment should allow them to meet their basic needs without any obstacles. There are several simple steps we can take to adapt ourselves to meet the child’s needs in this aspect. • Repeat recently introduced words (e.g., this is a spoon, a spoon) • Speak clearly and at a slow pace that matches the child's rhythm • Allow the child to feel your breath while speaking (i.

When working with young children, one important aspect is to involve their senses by allowing them to have a tactile experience. This can be achieved either by letting them touch objects or by having their face and hands close to your mouth so they can feel the airflow for different sounds.

A useful technique for teaching vocabulary is the 3-Period Lesson. In this method, real objects, photos/illustrations, and miniatures are used to directly teach specific words. For instance, while walking around the classroom with a 3-year-old child, in the first period we touch a pencil and say, "This is the pencil, pencil." Then we repeat the same process with a box saying, "This is the box, box."

"We connect with the tray by calling it the tray. In the second period, we encourage the child to recognize the items we mention. We might ask, 'Can you indicate

where the tray is? Can you display the pencil for me? Can you locate the box?' This is the phase where significant learning occurs, as it involves both physical and mental engagement. Therefore, it is important to dedicate ample time to this phase before progressing to Period 3."

In Period 3, we engage in a challenging activity where we point to each object and ask, "What is this?" This task becomes more difficult because the child must choose the correct word from a vast selection of words. In Step 2, we focus on developing phonetic awareness, which involves the child's understanding of sounds. To enhance this skill, we utilize various techniques such as speaking and pronouncing words clearly, repeating new words, singing songs, reading books, reciting poetry, and playing sound games like the "I Spy" game. Once children have familiarized themselves with object names through pictures, we can introduce them to the "I Spy" game.

We have the ability to grasp an item, specifically a ball. Let's announce "I spot something in my possession that starts with the sound 'b'." (The sound should be short, not the name of the letter 'b'). We can repeat this process with various items, possibly using the same ones for weeks. In due course, we can also incorporate visuals into this activity.

Later, we proceed to pronounce the ending sound as "Something that starts with p and ends with n" (pen), and eventually the entire word. This is comparable to spelling, except we articulate distinct sounds rather than letters. Lamb would be pronounced as l-a-m. Our objective is not to instruct spelling or reading, but rather to foster the child's awareness of

phonetic sounds and to make learning language enjoyable, which are both crucial aspects of the learning process.

In Montessori classrooms, there are two primary pedagogical materials used to teach children the sounds that each letter makes and how they can combine those letters/sounds to form words. One of these materials is the sandpaper letters, which provide a tactile experience for children as they trace the shape of each letter while saying its sound. The other material is the movable alphabet, which allows children to construct their own words and comprehend multiple languages by hearing them spoken around them. This game serves as preparation for children to later decode words and demonstrate their ability. Maria Montessori mentions this in her book "The Absorbent Mind" on page 119.

The movable alphabet allows them to combine symbols/sounds and create words, even if they cannot yet hold a pencil. Step 3: word creation (writing) involves more than just pen and paper. Before being able to physically write, one must possess the ability to mentally construct words.

The intellectual aspect of writing is the ability to form words by combining letters, even if there is no physical control over the hands. This cognitive skill can develop before the child is capable of holding a pencil. Our initial focus in helping children learn writing is to mentally prepare them for the task. To create words in their mind, children need the following:

Self confidence, an organized mind (to express oneself logically), knowledge of words to form complete sentences, phonetic awareness, and the desire to write are all essential skills for a child. Once these needs for verbal language, phonetic awareness, and writing have been fulfilled,

there is a transformative and magical event.

Just as we cannot force an infant to take their first steps, we cannot force a child to read their first word as adults. This discovery will happen naturally, according to its own timeframe and for unknown reasons. Our role is to prepare the child for this discovery in every possible way. Once the preparation is completed, our task is to keep engaging them with the language in exciting ways. For most children who have been prepared according to the guidelines mentioned here, reading typically begins between the ages of 4 and 6. Once they read their first words, they usually develop a strong interest in reading and don't want to stop! To nurture their growing confidence, we provide them with more and more phonetic words to read.

Then, we gradually expand our focus to phonetic words that contain phonograms/digraphs, matching the pace of the child. From there, we progress to non-phonetic words and ultimately to first-reader books. As the child becomes more confident with individual words, we introduce phrases. These lessons incorporate phrases to help facilitate the child's understanding of the more intricate aspects of reading analysis. The language materials are specifically designed to teach the child the shapes and phonic sounds of letters independently from their development of fine motor skills necessary for controlled writing. Simultaneously, separate materials are utilized to foster pencil control.

The child eventually discovers that by using both skills, he is able to create written words with a pencil. Dr. Montessori referred to this as the "explosion into writing." The Montessori Language materials are vast and thorough.

They lead towards writing - or the construction of

words - first with equipment such as the Large Movable Alphabet. Reading naturally follows the word-building exercises. The exercises to work with Montessori language materials include Inserts, Sandpaper letters, and the Large Movable Alphabet. These exercises are categorized into different series:

  • Pink Series - 3 letters phonic words, objects and pictures with LMA, and early grammar
  • Blue Series - Longer phonic words containing consonants blends, objects with LMA and words, and early grammar (phonetic grammar)
  • Green Series - Introduction to consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs, and other phonograms. This includes the use of a Phonogram box, Small Movable Alphabet, Sentence Strip, and Phonogram Reading Book
  • Later Grammar (non-phonetic grammar) - Noun Boxes, Adjective Boxes, Verb Boxes, Singular/Plural Boxes, and Preposition Box

Dr. Montessori designed the metal insets to provide appealing opportunities for young children to practice the component strokes of letters.

Dr. Montessori was shocked by the monotonous task in the early 20th century where children had to draw straight and curved lines in rows. To offer a more fulfilling alternative, she proposed tracing complete shapes, which would not only enhance pencil control but also delight young children. As a result, children in the 1990s frequently create numerous booklets filled with ovals, pentagons, quatrefoils, and trapezoids.

By tracing the frame of shapes and free-standing metal shapes, children as young as three and four are developing fine motor control. The purpose of providing these opportunities is to strengthen hand control in preparation for writing. Montessori disagreed with the notion that this is too young of an age to start developing writing skills, as well as the belief that children learn to read before they learn to write. She observed children in the slums

of early twentieth-century Rome who were writing on various surfaces such as floors, chairs, and tables. Instead of viewing this behavior as misbehavior, Montessori understood it as a genuine interest in writing.

Montessori challenged the traditional approach of teaching reading before writing by giving children meaningful chances to write. She introduced the use of Sandpaper Letters and the Movable Alphabet much earlier than other early childhood educators adopted the idea of multi-sensory learning. Montessori understood that young children acquire knowledge by engaging their senses through touch, hearing, and sight. She believed that when children trace a sandpaper letter, hear its sound, and observe its visual representation at the same time, they have several opportunities to grasp both the auditory and visual aspects of each letter.

Once children learned to associate sounds and forms of letters, Montessori wanted to find a way for them to create words. She created metal insets to help children develop fine muscle control and sandpaper letters to associate the sounds and forms of letters. Montessori anticipated difficulties with writing on pencil and paper, so she gave children various sets of cut-out letters kept in a specific box. This way, children could choose individual letters to construct any words they wanted.

Typically, when children use the movable alphabet to compose words, they are encoding (writing) print without decoding (reading). Montessori recognized that writing involves sharing one's own thoughts, while reading is the more challenging process of interpreting the thoughts of others. Dr. Montessori divides the process of writing into two parts: developing muscular control to write and acquiring the intellect to know what to write. The classroom is designed to meet these needs through indirect

and direct preparation. Indirect preparation focuses on preparing the child to hold a pencil using a pincer grip.

The importance of developing fine motor skills in practical life, sensorial, and geography lessons is emphasized. Lessons on touch, including touch boards and temperature, enhance a child's sensitivity to tactile impressions, enabling them to hold a pencil lightly for writing. Additionally, practical life lessons aid in developing fine motor skills and control, as described by Dr. Montessori as having "a firm hand." One method of direct preparation for muscular control involves using two materials: metal insets and sandpaper letters. Metal insets are geometric 2D shapes made of metal and inserted into a square outer piece.

The child uses boundaries to practice using the pencil with control. Initially, the child draws without precision, resulting in lines that extend beyond the edges. However, with practice, the child starts to draw parallel lines that stay within the designated boundary. These exercises aim to develop control of the writing tool in preparation for writing. The Sandpaper letters consist of tablets featuring letters made from sandpaper that are affixed to them. The child tactually explores the letter's shape by running two fingers over it in the same direction as they would write it.

He does this while saying out the sound, providing a visual, tactile, and auditory experience of the sound in preparation for writing. Next, comes the development of intellectual power to understand what to write. Dr Montessori created the moveable alphabet for this purpose. The moveable alphabet consists of wooden or plastic alphabet letters, with vowels and consonants in different colors. The child is prompted to listen to the sounds that

make up a specific word. Once the child recognizes some letters using sandpaper letters, they are taught how to construct words using the moveable alphabet.

Usually, once a child understands how to hear sounds, they become greatly interested in constructing and analyzing words. The act of writing often occurs naturally for the child - it's important to note that after properly preparing the child as mentioned earlier, they will frequently begin writing independently without the help of a teacher. Additionally, it's common for the child to start writing before they learn how to read. Reading, according to Dr. Montessori, is defined as "the interpretation of an idea using visual symbols". Therefore, a child can only truly read when they are able to comprehend ideas from written words. In contrast to writing, reading is purely a mental process (which may explain why it often develops after writing).

In a Montessori classroom, the child begins by learning sounds and then progresses to recognizing the alphabet. They then use a moveable alphabet to build words and eventually move on to language lessons focused on developing reading skills. It is common for a child to start reading spontaneously when their mind is ready, even without formal reading instruction. The preparation for reading is thorough, similar to other subjects. This includes extensive training in left-to-right and top-to-bottom orientation.

Lessons in practical life and sensorial, as well as lessons in language, emphasize this orientation. Examples of activities that utilize this orientation include matching pictures, opposites, classification cards, and vocabulary enrichment cards. Another aspect of preparation is developing general concentration and control skills.

While it may not be immediately apparent, it is crucial for children to

be calm and deeply interested in the subject they are reading about. The lessons of practical life are instrumental in promoting this engagement. For instance, when a child learns how to wash a table, they become absorbed in the circular motions of scrubbing, fascinated by the bubbles, and ultimately must maintain focus to remember the lengthy process required to complete the cleaning.

The primary focus of preparing for reading is to learn sounds and construct words. The sounds are acquired by using sandpaper letters, which the child touches while vocalizing the sound. This provides the child with a visual, auditory, and tactile experience. The moveable alphabet serves as a tool for the child to practice phonetic word formation, even before they can write. Another important aspect is language development.

In the Montessori classroom, children develop a diverse vocabulary through spoken language and the use of classification/enrichment cards. Circle time, singing, and group conversations also contribute to their grammar skills and comprehension of spoken language. As we help children reach their full potential, we also discover our own capabilities. Language is like a city with every person contributing a stone to its construction. (http://thinkexist)

According to Dr. Montessori at maria_montessori/2.html, preparing the child in various ways can often lead to spontaneous reading. However, in some cases, the teacher may also directly teach reading. Dr. Montessori believes that before reading sentences, composition should come first, just as writing should precede reading words. Additionally, reading that conveys ideas should be done mentally rather than vocally. The goal of this work is to help children become proficient in both spoken and written language.

Montessori referred to this approach as Total Reading, which encompasses

more than just teaching children to read and comprehend text. The goal is to empower children to find their own voice, trust in it, and use it as a benchmark for evaluating other information. It goes beyond teaching the mechanics of letters and phrases. BIBLIOGARPHY |S.

No. |Author |Name of the Book |Publication and Year of Publication |
|1 |Montessori , Maria |The absorbent mind |Kalashetra Publication, 11th edition, 2006. |
|2 |Montessori , Maria |The secret of Childhood |Orient Blackswan Private Limited, Second edition, 1998 |
|3 |http://www. brainquote.

The following and their contents remain the same:

com/quote/maria_montessori. tml | |4 |http://www. dailymontessori. com/maria-montessori-quotes/ | |5 |http://thinkexist. com/quote/maria_montessori/2.

html | .EXPLORING LANGUAGE Children have a great affinity for grammar. It's fascinating for them to discover that words written on a piece of paper can convey instructions or indicate action, like "smile," "hop," or "sit." They enjoy acting out these words and guessing their meaning. To ensure our children's language development, we should assist them in getting their bodies and hands ready, attentively listen to their conversations, set a good example by enjoying reading ourselves, and approach the teaching of language with the same playful attitude we have when playing games. By doing these things, we are effectively equipping our children to succeed in reading and writing throughout their lives. . LANGUAGE OF THE CHILD'S WORLD Among the most crucial vocabulary words for children are the names of familiar objects found in their homes, such as clothing, kitchen utensils, tools, toys, and so on.

By using the correct names and language for everyday objects and activities in the presence of the child, they will become familiar with and able to

use these names correctly. As the child joins us more in conversation, they will naturally incorporate the words of their environment into their vocabulary. It is important to allow the child to have firsthand experiences.


Children can learn a rich and enjoyable vocabulary from poems, finger plays, songs, fables, stories, and great literature. These materials can also provide an interesting introduction to the structure of English. During the limited time we have to read to children, it is important to choose high-quality literature and nonfiction. Even at a young age, we can give children language alongside the objects and activities that form the foundation for future academic studies. Within the pages of Child of the World, there are numerous opportunities for children to have enriching experiences and expand their vocabulary. We can teach the correct names for toys, colors and shapes of blocks, parts of household objects like brooms and mops, and various activities such as washing, sweeping, pounding, and pouring. In the Earth section, children can learn about planets, rocks, continents, and parts of an electric circuit. The Plant and Animal sections introduce them to flowers, fruits, vegetables, colors of leaves in the fall, shells, fossils, animals of different types, and dinosaur models. In the People section, children can learn about flags, coins, vehicles, famous individuals, countries, and states. The Music and Art sections include names of musical instruments from around the world, famous paintings, artists, and musicians.The following text discusses various topics within the field of mathematics, such as plane and solid shapes, counting systems in different languages, and measurement terms. The text includes and their contents.


this is only the start. Take a look at your own home and classroom to discover the elements that make your environments special, and find the objects, activities, and words that you can share with children. Most importantly, this work should be presented with a sense of pleasure and not forced upon them. Adults must set aside the boring process they may have experienced while learning to read, and approach it with a sense of enjoyment and simplicity.

The purpose of the Montessori language curriculum teaching guide book is to aid in the development of a child's communication skills. Maria Montessori once stated, "The only language men ever speak perfectly is the one they learn in babyhood, when no one can teach them anything!" (source: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/maria_montessori.html#ixzz1i2ZKlVJD). Additionally, Crystal David emphasizes the importance of language by saying, "Once we have language at our disposal, we have a key which will unlock many doors" (source: Listen to Your Child).

Language is the crucial factor that sets humans apart from all other species as it is the foundation of civilization and the vehicle for collective thought, expanding in tandem with human intellect.

Hence, language can be considered as the manifestation of a form of exceptional intelligence. According to Maria Montessori in her book "The Absorbent Mind," language materials aim to enhance speaking, listening, writing, and reading abilities.

Everyday activities for developing oral language skills include games like I Spy and Listen and Do, as well as engaging with poetry, literature, and sharing true stories. The alphabet is introduced to the child one letter at a time, allowing them to learn the sound and formation of each through the use of sandpaper letters,

phonetic objects, and related materials. Reading naturally follows as the child constructs words using individual sounds with the moveable alphabet. These activities help children reach their full potential while also allowing us to realize our own potential along the way.

Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. [pic] Language Lessons | |Language is a crucial skill and our Montessori classroom has a great range of material for your child. In our classroom, the child first develops a love for stories and then uses the material to spontaneously burst into writing and reading. Often when you ask a Montessori child who taught him writing or reading, he will reply "I taught myself".

| | | | |. "The Discovery of the Child, page 239.

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