Siemens builds a strategy oriented hr system Essay Example
1. Know the international economic drivers that influence HRM strategies. 2. Understand the importance of HRM strategies in achieving employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration. 3. Understand the relationship between HRM and organisational performance. 4. Know global issues that influence the development and implementation of global HRM strategy.
Siemens is a 150-years – old German company, but it’s not the company it was even a few years ago. Until recently, siemens focused on producing electrical products. Today the firm has diversified into software, engineering, and services, and is also global, with over 400.000 employees working in 190 countries. In other words, Siemens became a world leader by pursuing a corporate strategy that emphasized diversifying into high tech products and services, and doing so on a global basis.
ign: justify">With a corporate strategy like that, human resources management plays a big role at Siemens .Sophisticated engineering and services require more focus on employee selection, training, and compensation than in the average firm, and globalization requires delivering these services globally. Siemens sums up the basic themes of its HR strategy in several points. These include:
1. A living Company is learning Company: The high tech nature of Siemens’s business means that employees must be able to learn on a continuing basis. Siemens uses its system of combined classroom and hands on apprenticeship training around the world to help facilitate this .It also offers employees extensive continuing education and management development.
2. Global teamwork is the key to developing and using all the potential of the firm’s human resources. Because it is so important for employees throughout siemens to fee
free to work together and interact, employees have to understand the whole process, not just bits and pieces. To support this .Siemens provides extensive training and development. It also ensures that all employees feel they’re part of a strong unifying corporate identity. For example, HR uses cross border, cross cultural experiences as prerequisites for career advances.
3. A climate of mutual respect is the basis of all relationships-within the company and with society. Siemens contends that the wealth of nationalities, cultures, languages, and outlooks represented by its employees is one of its most valuable assets .It therefore engages in numerous .HR activities aimed at building openness, transparency, and fairness, and supporting diversity.
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