Muscle and Biceps Essay Example
Muscle and Biceps Essay Example

Muscle and Biceps Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (542 words)
  • Published: March 16, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Today I am going to tell you a very important topic or atleast topic that most people would consider important in their own fitness program. And that is the question about how to build big and strong arms. It is not secret that virtually every lifter out there at the gym wants to build big muscular arms and they usually place arms training as one of the main focuses in the workout plan.

The funny thing is that despite being at the top of most poeples list of priorities at the gym, the vast mojority of trainees actually have a very poor understanding of what it takes to stimulate mazimum arm growth. The realty it is actually pretty simple. I'm not saying it is easy, but fundamentally it is very straight forward. In order to lay the ground work, let me establish 3 main tricks for you when it comes to s


timulate arm growth.

  1. Relatively speaking, biceps and triceps are small muscle gourps
  2. Your biceps are heavily stimualted every time you perform a basic pulling movement for your back
  3. Your triceps are heavily stimulated every time you rperform a basic pressing movememnt for your chest or for your shoulders

So keeping this in mind the most important thing to realize when it comes to stimulating maximim arm growth is that your biceps and triceps only required a very small amount of direct stimulation.

So if you want to achieve some real biceps and triceps growth, simplify your workouts cut back onyour training voulume, reduce your frequency and stick to all of the most basic exercises. Trust me you don't need any fancy techniques in order to properly buil

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your arms. In terms of specific volume and frequencies, I am going to strongly recommend that you only directly train your biceps and triceps once a week. And you perform no more than four total sets per workout. So, that is four sets for biceps and four sets for triceps once a week.

And remember that it is four sets per work out not per exercise. As long as you focus basic exercise and perform every set with full intensity and effort, I can't see any reason whey anybody would need to perform more than four sets for the biceps or triceps in a single workout. And as you get more advanced you can perform even less than that. In terms of actual specific excercises let us keep it very simple. For biceps focus on the straight barbell curls or a dumbbell curl either standing or seted and for triceps focus on close grip bench presses. arrow grip dips, cable push downs or line trackup extensions using a dumpel or an easy bar.

Perform every sets and you can't execute any further reps and proper forms despite your best efforts and focus on progression by writing down every workout you perform and continuely striving for progression and weight interepts from week to week. And that is really all there is to you guys, get back to basics, cut down your volume and frequency focus on basic exercises, increase your intensity level and focus on progression. If you want to build big biceps and big triceps that is really aldreims to it.

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