Mob Mentality Essay Example
Mob Mentality Essay Example

Mob Mentality Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (348 words)
  • Published: October 15, 2016
  • Type: Paper
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The concept of mob mentality involves a group of people influencing each other's behaviors, whether they are positive or negative. When you are with others, they may try to pressure you into conforming. However, it is important to think for yourself and make decisions based on your own judgment. This allows you to consider the possible consequences and determine if they might result in unfavorable outcomes. Making independent choices requires careful thought.

There are advantages to thinking independently, as it enables individuals to make their own decisions without being swayed by others. However, when people are in a group, they tend to conform to the actions of the collective without fully considering the potential outcomes, regardless of whether they are beneficial or harmful. Regardless of whether decisions are made individually or collectivel


y, there comes a point where one must decide between what is morally right and wrong. The Crucible illustrates numerous examples of mob mentality, particularly among a small group of girls led by Abbey who unquestioningly follow her.

The group of girls always imitates and supports Abbey, whether she is honest or deceptive. If Abbey pretends to witness a supernatural entity, her followers mimic her actions and faint. This group mentality is also evident in court, where numerous individuals are being accused of witchcraft. If Abbey claims to have seen people dancing in the woods, the other girls suddenly agree with her. They do this to avoid being accused themselves, as they prefer to be seen as victims rather than perpetrators.

Mob mentality has occurred frequently in my life. For instance, at parties, when individuals begin consuming marijuana or

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alcohol, others follow suit in an attempt to fit in and appear cool. In doing so, they fail to consider the potential consequences and the trouble they may cause for themselves. The persisting issue of mob mentality leads to numerous conflicts, disputes, and individuals finding themselves in trouble. If we all refrain from succumbing to mob mentality, the world would undoubtedly be a much improved place; it is crucial for each individual to make their own decisions.

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