Appropriate Dressing in a Professional Setting Essay Example
Thesis: Appropriate dressing in a professional setting can determine the attitude an employer may develop when first meeting you. As you can see, I have two people standing here in both business attire, and formal wear. You’re probably thinking to yourself why are they dressed so differently? As people, it takes the average person seven seconds to judge an individual based off their appearance. Most times, we are constantly placed in setting were we are judged based off look, age, gender or race.
When you meet someone face-to-face, 93% of how you are judged is based on non-verbal data - your appearance and your body language. Appearance alone won't lead to success, but it plays a major contributing role. Appropriate dressing in a professional setting can determine the attitude an employer may develop when th
...ey first meet you. For two years now, I’ve watch how a certain appearance can grab the attention of a person, especially in a business environment. Following the tip I will soon share has better prepared me for what to expect in the business world. In this speech, I will explain: the importance of first impressions. Why you should dress for success. Ways you can properly dress in a work environment First I will explain the importance of first impressions.
In today’s society it’s hard to find jobs, especially in our age range. We tend to forget that people we least expect are watching our every moves the most. Sounds scary, in fact it is! When meeting someone important we feel that our personality can overpower anything, and that’s where we as young adults go wrong. How you appear can either intimidate
person, or make a person feel welcomed.
First Impressions are very important because it’s like you are selling yourself to reassure an employer that you can uphold the professional appearance, and two you are able to meet the qualifications the company has set. A bad first impression can basically ruin your chances of being successful in that establishment. Remember you never get a second chance to make a first impressions, so why not leave them with something great! Next I will talk to you about why it is important to dress for success. There is an old phrase that states a person should “dress for success. ” There is a very good likelihood that you have heard it.
Many individuals are urged to dress for success by their college professors, their parents, as well as their supervisors. Although it’s nice to hear that you should dress for success, you may be curious as to what the benefits of doing so are. One of those benefits is that you have the ability to improve your professionalism, both inside and outside of work. Dressing for success is often associated with professional clothes. Another one of the many important benefits to dressing for success is the ability to gain self-confidence and self-esteem. These are both important to your health and wellbeing.
It is a known fact that those who look good often feel good about themselves. This extra confidence is important when looking to dress for success, especially in instances where you may be attending a job interview or an important business meeting. In certain instances, such as these, this increased self-confidence can help you make a good impression. Dressing for
success indicates to others that you care about your perceived demeanor, that you care about your job and being professional at it, and that you have the drive, determination, and the right attitude for moving forward with confidence according to.
Now you know why it is important to dress for success, now I will explain ways you can dress properly dress in the work place. Dressing for the workplace can take some practice; however, first and foremost, no matter what you wear, your clothes should be neat and clean. Keep your shoes in good condition, your hair should be neatly styled, for women: makeup should be subtle. Nails should be clean and neat and of reasonable length. Dress for the job you want. If you aspire to be a manager, dress like managers in your company do.
Examples of what to wear in a professional environment, suit and tie or button down/sweater and khakis with dress shoes, for men and a nice conservative blouse for women with a knee length skirt or slacks, or a nice knee length dress accompanied with low heels or flats. Jewelry, cologne and perfume should be in good taste, with limited visible body piercing. Remember, that some employees are allergic to the chemicals in perfumes and cologne’s so wear these substances with restraint. Hats are not appropriate in the office. Head Covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed according to.
Now you know how to dress properly in the work place. Appropriate dressing in a professional setting can determine the attitude an employer may develop when they first meet you. In my speech I have informed
you on the importance of first impressions, why you should dress for success, ways you can properly dress in a work environment. Now when whatever the occasion may be, interview, formal speech, or at work you know how to dress, while feel confident, professional, and most importantly comfortable. I hope that you see the importance.
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