Forgetting: Educational Psychology and Modern Man Remembers Essay Example
Robert Lynd is a witty writer who approaches the common topic of forgetting in a cheerful way. Initially, he addresses the things that humans don't forget. In the modern era, individuals recall their friends' telephone numbers and addresses effortlessly. Remembering lunch and dinner reservations is a given. It is astonishing how easily names of actors, actresses, cricketers, footballers, and murderers come to mind.
In the morning, men do not forget a single item of clothing while dressing, nor do they forget to shut the front door when leaving the house. However, when it comes to tasks such as taking medicine, posting letters, and ensuring all belongings are brought back after a journey, men tend to be forgetful. Commonly left behind in trains and taxis are books, walking sticks, and umbrellas. Additionally, it has been observed that younger individuals tend to forget more than ol
...der individuals, and sportsmen and anglers have worse memories compared to those who are more serious-minded.
A significant quantity of lost balls, cricket bats, and fishing rods found in trains serves as evidence of this phenomenon. Occasionally, even esteemed individuals such as Coleridge and Socrates may forget mundane tasks like mailing letters. Nevertheless, this does not imply that intelligent individuals possess poor memory. Frequently, strong memory is paired with intelligence. Remarkable authors and music composers often possess exceptional memory skills. The essay concludes by presenting an anecdote about a forgetful father who took his baby for a walk in a perambulator.
While stopping at a public house for a drink, the man absentmindedly left the perambulator outside. Unbeknownst to him, his wife passed by while shopping and took the baby along with the perambulator
She anticipated her husband returning with a pale face and an explanation for the baby's disappearance. Much to her surprise, her husband arrived and casually requested lunch, having completely forgotten that he had taken the baby with him. The author concludes that ordinary men are unlikely to reach such a level of absent-mindedness.
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