Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Violence.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Violence. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Violence on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Violence, and much more. Keep on reading!

Toy Guns College Essay Example
567 words 3 pages

Should Kids Have Toy Guns Michael Golden and Robert Shaffer both write articles on whether or not they want their kids to have toy guns. They both have different opinions on the issue and very good arguments to back up their reasons. Golden writes an article entitled “Why I Bought My Son a Toy Gun” […]

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College Reason Violence
Research Paper Analysis Essay Example
3265 words 12 pages

Final Draft 5th Period Media Violence affecting children Children who are exposed to media violence have a higher chance of becoming violent and aggressive. Throughout the years, many still questions, “Can media violence make a child violent? ” Media companies target children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. Although adults and elder people can view any […]

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Child Music video Research Violence
Negative Effects of Tv on Family Life Essay Example
1122 words 5 pages

Negative Effects of TV The television has many effects on family life and the individual, causing family bonds to unravel and the individual to become naive of their surroundings. The TV keeps one hooked for hours on end, causing family relationships to diminish and personal relationships to weaken. Not only does the TV seem to […]

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Addiction Child Life Violence
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Essay Example
521 words 2 pages

We always felt that these terror attacks were only in tribal ,rural areas or on borders touching the lives of only the poor peasants,villagers and soldiers on the borders. this year they the Mumbai terror attacks touched the lives of the well to do Indian who felt safe in the posh areas of the urban […]

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Government Power Terrorism Violence
Witness: Western Culture and Rachel Essay Example
1311 words 5 pages

Peter Weir’s film Witness explores the contrast between the two worlds by contrasting the Amish culture with a modern Westernized society. Weir presents many themes and issues in his film. Through his use of film techniques like long shots and close-ups make the film more enjoyable. These themes include clash of two cultures/different worlds, Peace […]

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Child Soldiers Essay Example
3299 words 12 pages

Analysis of Child Soldiers in Liberia and their Impact on Armed Conflict This critical analysis examines the utilization of child soldiers in Liberia and their contribution to the escalation of armed conflict. The study also considers similar conflicts in Africa, including those in the Democratic Republic of Congo where child soldiers are employed. In Liberia, […]

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Child Soldiers Violence
A Tale Of Two Citiestopics Persuasive Essay Example
372 words 2 pages

Dickens demonstrates the theme of the consequences of one’s actions through the contrasting characters of Dr. Manette and Madame DeFarge. The young Evremonde brothers’ cruel actions lead to Dr. Manette’s 18-year imprisonment in the Bastille. Despite initially condemning the family, the doctor is able to forgive them and even treats one of their members as […]

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A Tale Of Two Cities French Revolution Violence
Cyber Bullying Free Essay Example
223 words 1 page

Though the use of sexual remarks and threats are sometimes present in cyber-bullying, it is not the same as sexual harassment and does not necessarily involve sexual predators. [edit] Cyber-bullying vs. cyber-stalking The practice of cyberbullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition in adults, the distinction […]

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Abuse Cyber Bullying Violence
Violence in Public School Essay Example
3254 words 12 pages

Your Name Instructor/Professor’s Name Course Date Violence In Public Schools Perhaps, one of the most pressing concerns affecting not only the educational sector, but the entire society, is the rising violence in schools. Indeed, there’s no question that school-related violence is one of the gravest threats that any government will have to face. In fact, […]

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Bullying Crime Public School Violence
Charlotte Dymond Newspaper Article Narrative Essay Example
371 words 2 pages

A young farmhand, Matthew Weeks, was declared guilty yesterday and is due to be hung for a merciless, heartless, pitiless murder. To express the enlivenment roused by this trial would be nonsensical. People turned up in excess to observe the trial and seemed to have come from far and wide. Throughout the day the court […]

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Crime Newspaper Violence
Aggression and Sport: An Inseparable Bond
2276 words 9 pages

Throughout history, aggression and sport have been closely connected, impacting players, parents, coaches, and spectators. Violence is the act of physically attacking someone without concern for their well-being or with the intention to harm them (2. Coakley). On the other hand, intimidation seeks to create psychological effects that enable one person to dominate or manipulate […]

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Aggression Anger Behavior People Sports Violence
Analysis of “Parents should be able to control what kid watch” by Leland Y Essay Example
1059 words 4 pages

Historical Background In December 2010, the San Diego Union-Tribune published an article titled “Parents should be able to control what kids watch.” The article presented arguments by Leland Yee, a child psychologist and sponsor of a California law in 2005 that aimed to prevent the sale of violent video games to minors. However, this law […]

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Child Parents Video Game Violence
Desensitization to Violence Essay Example
611 words 3 pages

In the article of Harding (2009) that appeared in the CNN, Dr. L. Rowell Huesmann argued that when a person was exposed to a lot of violence, the fear of violence in such a person was reduced by a certain percentage, depending on the content and level of violence. In other words, a person was […]

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Crime Video Game Violence
Why They Kill Essay Example
2993 words 11 pages

Why do some men, women and even children assault, batter, rape, mutilate and murder? In his stunning new book, the Pulitzer Prize-winner Richard Rhodes provides a startling and persuasive answer. Why They Kill explores the discoveries of a maverick American criminologist, Dr. Lonnie Athens – himself the child of a violent family – which challenge […]

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Criminology Kill Violence
Department for Children Families Essay Example
7505 words 28 pages

The article outlines the nature and development of the debate about deviance and violence in schools in England. It explains disciplinary differences in the use of terminology. The focus is on summarising the most recent evidence about the nature and extent of these issues. Policy and practice developments targeted at reducing problem behaviour in and […]

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Bullying Children Research Violence
Violence in Yeats’s ‘Leda and the Swan’ Essay Example
839 words 4 pages

The poem Leda and the Swan was inspired by the Greek myth, in which Leda is seduced and raped by Zeus in the guise of a sawn. In his poem, Yeats explores the idea of a single action unfolding into violence and destruction. This could be seen as a metaphor for Yeats’s frustration with the […]

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Poetry Rape Sonnet Violence
United States Homicide Rate Essay Example
4432 words 17 pages

Despite the criminal homicide rate in the United States reaching its lowest point in forty years, with 6.3 incidents per 100,000 people recorded in 1998 (Bureau of Justice Statistics), the media and entertainment sectors persistently depict homicide as a prevalent issue. For the past three decades, there has been significant fascination with serial murder – […]

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College Murder Serial Killer Violence
An Electronic Fog Essay Example
571 words 3 pages

Harley Hoffmann Foster I have to agree to disagree with the article “An Electronic Fog Has Settled over America. ” The article states that television makes children “dumber. ” In my pollen this statement can be true or false. If children watch educational shows or movies instead of the non-educational I think that they would […]

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Child Electronics Social Psychology Violence
Violence in Electronic Media Essay Example
3766 words 14 pages

There are many positive effects of the media too, but the ratio of the negative effect is more. We need to find ways to optimize the role of media in our society and also need to understand how to reverse the negative effects into positive ones. Keywords: Media, Children, aggression, India. Introduction One of the […]

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Aggression Child Electronics Violence
Teenagers and the Use of Internet Essay Example
548 words 2 pages

Should ten’s internet time be limited? As a teen, I am on the internet about two hours a day and I have experienced many dangers online. The internet does not Just include your laptop but it also includes your phone, and all other devices of that sort. Just because you can use the internet for […]

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Adolescence Internet Teenagers Violence
Racial Profiling Then and Now Essay Example
895 words 4 pages

Trayvon Martin, a young African American boy, would have celebrated his 24th birthday on February 5, 2019. Unfortunately, he suffered a tragic death as a result of racial profiling. When Martin was only 17 years old in 2012, he visited his father who lived in the gated community known as the Retreat at Twin Lakes. […]

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Criminology Race Racial Profiling Racism Violence
Police Brutality: A Growing Problem Essay Example
1364 words 5 pages

Police Brutality has become something of a concern in the eye of the public. It seems as though we see a story about police brutality and issues with the police killing people approximately every month now. Many people are afraid to be pulled over by police, stopped by them, followed, questioned or approached. This is […]

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Police Police Brutality Violence

Popular Questions About Violence

What are the five types of violence?
There are five different types of violence and abuse: physical, emotional, economic, spiritual, and sexual. Abuse and battering is about the need for power and control.
What are some examples of violence?
A perpetrator of violence will often use a number of tactics to control and intimidate someone. Here are some examples (it's important to remember that violence can take other forms as well; these are just a few examples): Physical e.g. slapping, hitting, choking, stabbing.
What are the causes and effects of violence?
The effects of school violence can lead to division and severe mental and physical trauma for both perpetrators and victims alike. The main cause of school violence is a combination of weak community relations and a lack of a firm hand within both schools and communities.
What is the definition of violence?
Definition of violence. 1a : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. b : an instance of violent treatment or procedure. 2 : injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage.
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