Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Hurricane.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Hurricane. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Hurricane on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Hurricane, and much more. Keep on reading!

Hurricane Ike Recovery Response Essay Example
823 words 3 pages

Austin in shelters FEMA insisted apartments was available in the Houston/Galveston area. The few apartment vacancies in existence were too expensive for people to pay. The majority of the homeless left in these shelter were elderly people, women, and children having only a fixed or limited income. Galveston Mayor, Lyda Ann Thomas, pleaded with FEMA [

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Homelessness Hurricane Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane hits England/Hurricane comparison Essay Example
734 words 3 pages

‘Hurricane hits England’ by Grace Nichols centres around the ‘Great Storm’ that hit England in the 1980s. It revives memories of a difficult transition from her Caribbean home to Sussex on the coast of England. ‘Hurricane’ by James Berry also concerns a hurricane, however it is set in the Caribbean where such events are more [

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Hurricane Poetry Wind
The Storm Story Essay Example
730 words 3 pages

A beautiful Sunday morning with clear sky and sun shining at its peak. People are enjoying their weekends with their families and so is the case with Jones. Jones is sitting with his two sisters, a brother and his parents at the breakfast table. Television is on and his father is changing the channels, finally [

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Business Children City Construction Hurricane Meteorological Disaster Science Sibling Wind
Project: First Aid Kit Essay Example
519 words 2 pages

First assistance kit was invented by Johnson in the late 1890’s. First aid kit got its name is by Johnson’s foremost aid kit. The first assistance kit formed in the eleventh century. to assist the pilgrims and knights and besides train the other knights and pilgrims to assist bring around the injured people. So that’s [

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Emergency Management Health Care Hurricane Meteorological Disaster Safety Science
Hr After a Disaster Essay Example
477 words 2 pages

After Hurricane Rita struck Lake Charles, in southwest Louisiana, on September 24, 2005, many businesses wondered if they would ever return to their former selves. Massive destruction was everywhere. Lake Charles, know for its large and beautiful oak and pine trees, now had the job of removing those downed trees from homes, businesses, and lots. [

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Biology Hurricane Hurricane Katrina Meteorological Disaster Minimum Wage Salary Society Wage
The Lonely Crossing of Juan Cabrera Timeline Essay Example
262 words 1 page

The men on the ship shoot Andres in the head, causing fear in Juan and Raul. The following day, Juan wakes up to find heavy rain. They find themselves trapped in a hurricane but manage to survive by tethering themselves to the rafts. Following the initial hurricane onslaught, a period of tranquility ensues. Nonetheless, they [

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Hurricane Meteorological Disaster Science Society
Analysis of “Isaac’s Storm” Essay Example
1019 words 4 pages

This is a book report of Isaac’s Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erick Larson. The book has 336 pages and first published on the 11th July, 2000 by the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. It received The Book Sense Book of the Year Book for Adult Award. It describes [

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Hurricane Meteorological Disaster Science Tropics
Approaches To Disaster Management Essay Example
643 words 3 pages

Emergency management being a management function seeks to promote safety through creating frameworks within which societies reduce vulnerability to hazards and thus control the disaster. Disasters are usually devastating accidental, natural or human-induced events that lead to severe social and economic consequences to the people they affect. Disaster consequences include loss of life and property, [

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Disaster Management Emergency Management Hurricane Tornado

Popular Questions About Hurricane

What is the most dangerous hurricane?
The most dangerous part of a hurricane is called the “eye wall.” This area, just outside the center of the storm, usually has the strongest winds. When the storm is over the ocean, low pressure in the eye lifts up the water.
What Hurricane has the strongest winds?
The eyewall is generally the part of the hurricane that has the strongest winds. By contrast, the center of the hurricane, also known as the eye, has relatively light winds. In a mature hurricane, the stronger surface winds tend to move inside the center of the storm, forming a circular column around the storm's eye that is known as the eyewall.
What are the seven characteristics of a hurricane?
Eye - At the center of the hurricane is the eye. Eye wall - Around the outside of the eye is a wall made up of very heavy clouds. Rainbands - Hurricanes have large spirally bands of rain called rainbands. Diameter - Hurricanes can become huge storms. Height - The storm clouds that power hurricanes can become very tall.
What was the most powerful hurricane in history?
Hurricane Patricia, the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the western hemisphere, hit the Pacific coast of Mexico Friday evening. Patricia exploded from a tropical storm on Wednesday evening to a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale within 24 hours.
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