Cellphone Addiction Case Study Essay Example
Cellphone Addiction Case Study Essay Example

Cellphone Addiction Case Study Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (587 words)
  • Published: February 5, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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As we all know there has been a great development in technology. This has resulted in invention of many gadgets and cell phone is one of them. Cell phones are considered as an essential item, an integral tool necessary for communicating and connecting to families, friends, and work or even used for emergencies.

Based from a research conducted in China on 2009, nearly one third of the students there have shown signs of addiction as they felt uneasy and displayed abnormal behavior in case their cell phone went missing. The rest two third also consider their cell phone to be a very essential item for them.

Despite its usefulness, excessive use of this device has various negative impacts. A person suffering from such a phenomenon is referred to as a cell phone addi


ct. He relies over his cell phone for all the various day to day activities not concentrating on anyone else near him. A person is suffering from this form of addiction can be predicted by the cell phone bills and the abrupt behavior in case the cell phone is missing.

Most these days, the primary people who are mostly affected by this kind of problem are the teenagers. The teenagers who are suffering by this kind of addiction become really obsessed with the device and the usefulness it provides most especially in texting. Some teens tend to ignore other important activities such as studies and sports. This leads to poor performance and depletion of their health. Excessive cell phone usage also increases problems on an interpersonal level.

Statement of the Problem This paper aims to prove tha

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many teenagers have a problem in cell phone addiction especially when it comes to their studies and their relationship to others. Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following questions:

1.What could be some reasons for this 2.Why do other teenagers become addicted to cell phone while others are not?

Significance of the Study This study is significant to: Teachers: It will help them to understand why teenagers’ school performances are affected. They can also guide the teenagers on how to concentrate more on their studies than other unimportant things. Parents: It will give them information if their children were already addicted to cell phones. If they found out that their children are already cell phone addicts, the study aims to provide them ways on how to discipline them. Teenagers: It will help them to be aware of the different effects of cell phone addiction to them, as well as, the disadvantages of using it. Later on, the study aims to give them realizations about doing more important things or by prioritizing them.

Scope & Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on the problems that arise affecting the teenagers because of being addicted to cell phones. Some teenagers become a cell phone addict because of the excessive cell phone usage of its features primarily through texting. The study also focuses on how to overcome this kind of problem through some important tips on how to control it.

This study may help them to realize what more important things can be done or can be prioritized than only focusing to their cell phones. It may also help them to discover activities

that they can do which are more enjoyable and recreational.

Finally, the study would also focus to the people that may help them to control this addiction but will not delve deeper on them since the primary people who are much affected by this problem are the Teenagers.

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