Analysis of charity adverts Essay Example
Analysis of charity adverts Essay Example

Analysis of charity adverts Essay Example

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  • Pages: 6 (1459 words)
  • Published: September 11, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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In this assignment, we scrutinized a series of advertisements from the well-known charity, Barnardo's. Our goal was to categorize and dissect these ads for our case study while assessing their impact. For this purpose, we meticulously investigated the graphics, text content, and tactics utilized in these promotional materials.

Even though Barnardo's stopped managing orphanages more than thirty years ago, the organization continues to uphold its original principles established in 1866. Its services have and will continue to adapt over time, however, their main priority is still helping children and young people who are dealing with the most serious difficulties. Above all else, they prioritize the welfare and future opportunities of the kids of today.

As the top children's charity organization in the UK, Barnardo's is committed to assisting underprivileged children and youth in realizing their capabilities and changing their lives for the better. They extend support to 100,0


00 children along with their families by managing over 300 initiatives across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

They also champion a world in which children are not subjected to poverty, abuse, and prejudice.

When it comes to Barnardos, the common association is with orphanages and Dr. Barnardo. However, the organization aims to expand its perception beyond this. Barnardos no longer operates orphanages and focuses on supporting families, parents, and providing extensive assistance.

Barnardo's meticulously planned and devoted significant time to their advertisement campaign, which features children portrayed in adult scenarios. These scenarios include children engaging in drug use, experiencing homelessness, committing bank robberies, and contemplating suicide, similar to one depicted in my advertisement.

These positions feature adults rather than innocent children, highlighting the campaign's message that these issues begin during childhood and

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are the responsibility of parents. This theme is prevalent in their latest campaign, including the one we are examining. The core concept is growth, as individuals are shaped by their experiences. Barnardo's aims to assist children in growing beyond their difficult circumstances toward a better future.

The advertisement that my group was assigned to analyze features a child standing on a building's edge, contemplating jumping. The child is wearing vibrant clothes and is surrounded by gloomy, dilapidated buildings in a council estate with apartment blocks.

The visual images used in the advertisement feature a child dressed in bright colors amidst a dark and bleak background. These contrasting colors serve to make the child stand out and draw our attention towards him. It could be interpreted that the child's vibrant appearance symbolizes innocence and acts as a beacon of hope, like a light shining in the darkness. The dark background may indicate a grim future that pushes the child towards suicide, while his bright attire represents his joyful past and the potential to salvage it from a dismal future. This is the symbolism associated with the child's bright colors, in my opinion.

The use of a child in the advertisement serves as an emotional catalyst, evoking stronger feelings from viewers compared to a grown man contemplating suicide. This particularly impacts mothers, who may relate to the child and feel compelled to protect their own children from experiencing such distress. Consequently, mothers are likely to be emotionally affected to a greater degree. However, it is also important to consider the potential positive impact of these adverts on fathers, who may also be moved and influenced as a result.

The child represents innocence in life and suggests that something tragic happened to push a once happy and carefree child into death. The child is depicted in front of tall tower blocks, possibly symbolizing the isolation and insignificance felt by the person. Additionally, the fact that the child is black serves as a reminder that childhood trauma can affect anyone, regardless of their race or creed. This portrayal helps the audience understand that children can suffer internally, leading to long-term consequences and issues.

The child's presence is very impactful, capturing your attention and leaving you curious about what led them to consider suicide. This serves the purpose of capturing the audience's interest and encouraging them to learn more about Barnardos, thus creating a powerful and thought-provoking advertisement.

The camera angle employed in this advertisement is a high angled shot, specifically a long shot, which allows us to view the child from above. This particular shot is used to convey a sense of authority to the viewers. In this advertisement, I believe the camera angle is utilized to empower the audience to intervene in the depicted incident by supporting Barnardo's. Additionally, it may also serve to highlight the child's helplessness and innocence, emphasizing their vulnerability. I believe that the decision to use a long shot enables the audience to observe both the child and their surroundings, providing a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

The colors of the child's clothing also have connotations. Yellow, represented by the child's T-Shirt, conveys delicacy, brightness, and associations with flowers - evoking a sense of innocence. White, symbolized by the child's shorts, signifies innocence, purity, and fragility. On the other hand, the dark background

colors symbolize sorrow, evil, and isolation.

These visual elements effectively communicate the message through the use of pictures and images.

The text and the anchorage used on the advert provide support for the images.

The inclusion of the child/man's name, Martin Ward, adds a personal touch to the text, allowing the reader to connect with him on a deeper level. This humanizes the story and evokes emotions, as we can now associate a name with the individual in question.

We learn that the man is 29 years old, which can have a strong impact since it is considered a relatively young age. The fact that he is contemplating suicide may resonate with individuals in the same age group and cause them to reflect on the potential outcome. By providing a name and personalizing the advertisement, the initial text on the page adds an extra layer of authenticity, making it more potent. It becomes particularly effective as the person depicted could be someone we are familiar with or have encountered in public.

The advertisement showcases the narrative of a young boy called Martin who was made to feel insignificant in his early years. Such experiences convinced him that there were no alternatives to his adversities. Nonetheless, Barnardo's provides help to children like Martin, guaranteeing that a distressing childhood does not determine a despairing future. Even though they have ceased running orphanages, Barnardo's ongoing aid reaches out to numerous children and their families at home, in schools, and within their local communities. People can donate or get more details by dialling 0845 844 0180.

The usage of in the advertisement enhances its visual appeal and strengthens the narrative element by portraying

the person's past. This personal touch creates a connection with the audience.

The central theme of the advert and the entire campaign is the utilization of jarring visuals, with the aim to astound the audience and expose them to the harsh realities of life. Its intention is to evoke emotions, prompting the audience to pause, contemplate, and empathize with the hardships endured by others.

The campaign ignited a debate because of its employment of startling strategies, which some critics considered too radical or "horrifying" for exhibition or release. However, the aim was to amplify consciousness, and possibly such intensity of shock was required to fulfill this objective.

Initially, I found the advertisement featuring a 10-year-old child on the brink of suicide deeply unsettling. But when I examined it more closely, I recognized its potency in startling and educating its audience. Eventually, I gained an understanding of its indispensability and impressive implementation.

After thoroughly scrutinizing this promotional material and others like it, I am firmly convinced that this specific one successfully delivers its intended message. The use of disturbing and thought-provoking imagery deeply connects with the audience, provoking intense emotions. The idea of helping children who have had hard beginnings to prosper and break free from feelings of hate and isolation, ultimately enabling them to feel joy and affection, is accurately depicted in this ad. The depiction of dire outcomes such as suicide is indeed powerful since none of us want to see such a heartbreaking event, especially if it involves a child or an adult. In conclusion, I think this method effectively conveys the intended communication.

The advertisement effectively showcases Barnardo's efforts in supporting children across England and

preventing them from reaching a point of desperation. By witnessing Barnardo's interventions, the audience gains a deeper understanding of the organization's impact on the community and its commitment to improving the lives of disadvantaged children. This emotive advert prompts people to consider how they can assist those less fortunate than themselves.

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