Effects of Water Pollution Essay Example
Effects of Water Pollution Essay Example

Effects of Water Pollution Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2019 words)
  • Published: January 19, 2022
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Water pollution is the contamination of various water bodies, such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater. It occurs when harmful substances are introduced into these bodies without proper treatment, either directly or indirectly. This problem presents a major ecological challenge worldwide and has negative impacts on the entire biosphere, including individual species and natural biological communities.

Water pollution is primarily determined by quantities. The immediate impact of releasing a small amount of toxic substance into a large water body may be negligible. However, continuous disposal of the same toxic substance into the water body over time will result in pollution. Similarly, increasing the amount of the toxic substance can also lead to pollution (Woodford, 2016).

The paper will analyze water pollution, examining its causes, effects, and preventive measures. Human activities are the main contributors to water pollution. Industrialization is particula


rly responsible for this issue as industries consistently release waste materials into waterways (Agarwal, 2012).

The discharge of waste into water bodies results in the transportation of these materials to lakes, oceans, and seas. In earlier times, prior to the industrial revolution of the 19th century, individuals maintained a more harmonious connection with their surroundings due to lower population levels and lesser resource demands. However, as time has progressed, population growth has surged along with intensified industrialization, exerting greater strain (Woodford, 2016). Additionally, inappropriate farming techniques and excessive cultivation further contribute to water contamination.

When farmers apply fertilizers to plants, the chemical components of the fertilizers are diluted by rainwater and transported to water bodies like rivers, eventually reaching the ocean (Calhoun & Seideman, 2015). The combination of sewage and fertilizers can result in a notable rise in algae an

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plankton populations. This excessive proliferation of algae and plankton is referred to as harmful algal bloom and can rapidly expand over extensive stretches of water in rivers, lakes, or oceans. Consequently, oxygen levels within the water decrease substantially, leading to the death of aquatic organisms.

The Gulf of Mexico has been impacted by this situation (Calhoun & Seideman, 2015). Improper sewage disposal is also a contributing factor to water pollution and is a significant issue due to the global population distribution. It is estimated that 11 percent of the world's population does not have access to safe drinking water, with 40 percent lacking proper sanitation (Goel, 2012). The direct consequence of sewage disposal on the environment can result in waterborne illnesses like diarrhea (Goel, 2012).

Untreated sewage is occasionally discharged directly into the sea, as stated by the UK government’s Department for the Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs. This occurs when Britain's sewers release around 11 billion liters of wastewater daily without undergoing any treatment process. The sewage comprises chemicals from pharmaceutical drugs, plastics, and waste disposed of in toilets. Additionally, it carries viruses from individuals who are suffering from diseases. Consequently, these viruses can be transmitted into the environment through sewage, presenting a risk of virus transmission. Diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis can be contracted through this method (Calhoun & Seideman, 2015).

The primary reason for water pollution is the release of contaminated water into bodies of water, such as chemicals that are washed down drains from factories (Goel, 2012). Approximately 50 percent of all ocean pollution is attributed to wastewater and sewage. In the United States, around 400,000 factories discharge polluted water back into

the rivers they initially sourced clean water from. Furthermore, non-point sources contribute to individual pollution of water.

Pollutants that cause water pollution can consist of detergents used in washing machines, dishwashing detergents, pesticides from gardens, fuels, and brake fluids or highway runoffs (Harrison, 2011). These substances can reach water bodies through direct pouring or by being washed away by rainwater. Toxic wastes like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are chemical wastes discovered in Arctic birds and fish.

Transporting harmful substances through the oceans is a potential cause for this phenomenon. These substances, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium (Harrison, 2011), can be detrimental to ecosystems. An example of heavy metal contamination took place in 1938 when a Japanese factory discharged a large amount of mercury into Minamata Bay. Consequently, the fish living in the bay became contaminated, leading to poisoning among individuals who consumed them.

The poisoning resulted in fatalities and disabilities among the local population (Harrison, 2011). Radioactive waste, when discharged into water, leads to the contamination of the water body. This waste then spreads throughout the water body, such as an ocean, through currents. The primary contributors to radioactive pollution are two European factories that recycle waste fuel from nuclear power plants (Calhoun & Seideman, 2015).

Sellafield and Cap Da Hague are two plants that release radioactive waste into the sea, which then spreads worldwide through ocean currents. Oil spills are another source of water pollution, significantly contributing to the overall pollution levels in seawater.

Oil spills occur mostly from tanker accidents, routine shipping, and intentional pouring of oil on land. Conversely, water pollution is mainly caused by plastics. The excessive use of plastic results in an abundance of waste

material. Plastics are easily transported over long distances in a short time due to their lightweight. Moreover, plastics do not naturally decompose, leading to their persistence in the marine environment for extended durations. For instance, a plastic bottle can remain whole for up to 450 years.

According to Goel (2012), the presence of plastic in water bodies can be detrimental to various marine creatures, such as seabirds and fish, when they consume it. Plastic materials pose a threat to these organisms.

In regions where the invasive species known as water hyacinth is present, it significantly contributes to water pollution. These species are originally from one region but have been introduced into a different ecosystem where they were not naturally found. In their new environment, they cause overcrowding and exert pressure on existing plants or animals.

Making matters worse, controlling their population growth becomes challenging due to the absence of natural predators. Consequently, their numbers tend to increase rapidly.

Water pollution has a variety of negative effects on humans, animals, plants, and the environment in general. When sewage is released into water sources that people have access to, it can lead to waterborne diseases. Consuming contaminated water can also make humans sick. Similarly, fish can be harmed by sewage and if people eat these polluted fish, they can also become poisoned (Goel, 2012). Water pollution further damages aquatic life by destroying their habitats. For example, oil spills and the presence of water hyacinth block oxygen from reaching fish and other aquatic creatures.

Water pollution has two primary consequences. One is the death of aquatic animals, which greatly contributes to their decline. The other is the destruction of the ecosystem, particularly affecting

vegetation in nearby areas.

When vegetation is destroyed, it has a significant impact on the plants and animals that depend on it. Water pollution often leads to environmental destruction, which in turn destroys life. Therefore, it is up to individuals to take responsibility for reducing pollution (Woodford, 2016).

Methods of Preventing Water Pollution

Given the importance of water in our lives, it is crucial to take steps to prevent water pollution. Consequently, there are various preventive measures that can be put into place.

The first step in preventing water pollution is to raise awareness about its importance. Educating people about this issue helps address it more effectively. It is crucial to provide comprehensive education to the public regarding the causes and dangers of water pollution, as well as prevention methods. Various entities such as social work groups, volunteers, government agents, and school teachers can contribute to educating individuals on the significance of protecting water from pollution (Woodford, 2016). This approach proves highly effective in preventing water pollution by ensuring that people understand the vital role clean water plays in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

The second method involves the formulation and enforcement of laws and standards to prevent water pollution. Industrial effluents are a major cause of water pollution, as industries often exploit loopholes in existing laws to discharge waste products into water bodies (Woodford, 2016). It is essential to develop and implement stringent laws that aim to reduce water pollution. Governments should collaborate to ensure strict compliance with these laws, thus achieving the objective of curbing water pollution. This is particularly important because large bodies of water, such as seas and oceans, span multiple countries.

It is crucial to have environmental

laws that discourage industries from disposing waste into waterways because pollution in one country can impact others through the flow of rivers and seas across continents. As a part of these efforts, over 120 nations signed the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 (Woodford, 2016). Additionally, the European Union has implemented strict regulations that apply to all member states in order to protect water bodies against pollution.

Implementing the 'polluter pays principle' in Europe has successfully reduced water pollution. Experts consider this economic strategy highly effective in addressing contamination by holding responsible parties accountable for polluting water. The main objective is to discourage harmful practices and encourage environmentally conscious behavior.

It is advisable for oil tanker owners to obtain insurance coverage for the expenses related to oil spill cleanup due to the likelihood of frequent accidents. Similarly, shoppers should be charged for plastic shopping bags as a means of promoting recycling and waste reduction. In specific cases, factories that use rivers should position their water inlet pipes downstream from their effluent outflow pipes so that any pollution released directly affects the factories (Harrison, 2011). Another effective approach to preventing water pollution involves implementing appropriate agricultural techniques. Since the utilization of chemicals in farming significantly contributes to water pollution, it is essential to educate farmers about effective practices that can help address this problem. Farmers should be encouraged not to use fertilizers and pesticides in their farming methods.

In addition to avoiding cultivating in riverbanks, farmers should implement proper agricultural methods to minimize water pollution caused by soil erosion.

The Future for a Clean Environment

Taking preventive measures can improve the situation for

present and future generations by avoiding practices that contribute to water pollution. Collaborating to maintain a clean environment is crucial for preserving the lives of humans, animals, and plants that rely on the same ecosystem. Additionally, using environmentally friendly products, such as non-toxic detergents, can help prevent harm to organic life (Agarwal, 2012). Other measures include avoiding oil spills in water sources, reducing pesticide and farm chemical use, and promoting cultivation techniques that prevent downstream soil erosion.

According to Agarwal (2012), it is recommended that governments work together to establish and pass legislation with the aim of protecting water bodies and the environment as a whole. The enforcement of these laws on a global scale is crucial, considering environmental preservation is a worldwide concern. By preventing pollution practices, these laws will effectively safeguard the environment and contribute to improving the world (Agarwal, 2012).


The aforementioned explanation clearly demonstrates that water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies. Various factors including industrialization, farming, sewage, chemicals, oil spills, and plastics all play a role in contributing to water pollution.

Water pollution not only harms aquatic animals, like fish, but also affects humans who consume them. It can also contribute to the spread of waterborne diseases. To combat this issue, it is vital to enforce strict regulations that prevent industries from dumping waste into rivers and other water sources. Additionally, educating farmers on sustainable farming methods that reduce water pollution is crucial.

It is important to adhere to necessary measures in order to prevent water pollution, although complete elimination is not possible. Thus, the responsibility of preventing water pollution lies with everyone.


  1. Agarwal, S. K. (2012).

Water pollution. New Delhi: A.P.H. Pub. Corp.

  • Calhoun, Y., & Seideman, D. (2015). Water pollution. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers.
  • Goel, P.
  • K. (2012). Water pollution: Causes, effects and control. New Delhi: New Age International.

    Harrison, R. M., & Royal Society of Chemistry.

    (2011). Pollution: Causes, effects and control. Cambridge: Royal Soc. of Chemistry. Woodford, C. (2016). Water pollution: An introduction to causes, effects, solutions.

    The source of the information is "Explain that Stuff" and it was retrieved on 1 December 2016 from the website http://www.explainthatstuff.com/waterpollution.html.

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