Education and Teaching Philosophy Essay Example
Education and Teaching Philosophy Essay Example

Education and Teaching Philosophy Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1098 words)
  • Published: January 25, 2022
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Education is referred as the profusion of knowledge that is acquired by an individual when or after studying specific subject matters or having an experience in life lessons that provides and understanding of a certain concept. It requires instructions from composed literature or an individual. Most familiar forms of education result from several years of schooling that integrates studies of various subjects. Education provides learners with knowledge about the globe. It enables the learners to acquire good career. It assists in building character of individuals. Education leads to enlightenment and lays a firm foundation of a strong country. It makes a human being to be complete. Philosophers urge that the fact that education enriches the individual’s understanding of themselves; it is also an investment and can have a huge impact on a nation’s development and gr


owth (Jackson , 2012). This paper in a wider view will analyze the concept of education following Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Joel Spring and Jane Martin’s The Educated Person perspectives. It will analyze the purpose of education according to these three sources.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed remains to be the widely known work of Paulo Freire. The books analyze the struggle for equity and justice within the educational system and it proposes a new pedagogy. In regard to education, Paulo Freire argues that words consists a radical interaction between actions and reflection. He insists that true words remains to be transformational. His work on philosophy of education makes him being among the leading authorities in relation to popular education. He believes that educations main purpose is to bring social change by overcoming social alienation and exploitation. Paulo claims tha

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by acquiring skills that are relevant to people’s harsh lives, they can be empowered to have a better society. Education should enhance reflection on the ideals and values people share and it should also motivate people to get involved in community service. According to Freire, traditional style of education tends to promote the status quo by having the people in power teaching the things they want others to learn (Freire , 2000). Clergy, capitalists and politicians in power manipulate the society via education to stay in power and more so to satisfy their greed. Therefore, education is needed to liberate the people from both internal and external ignorance. Education for liberation originates from the fact that the purpose of education is developing ontological vocation.

According to Joel spring book ‘History and philosophy of American Education‘, schools play an important role in a meritocracy as the institution that sorts and trains citizens and provides them with educational opportunities that are equal. American social thought have the idea that schooling provides the best form of identifying democratic leadership. There is also the belief that fairness guides the selection made by schools. Whenever fairness guides the process of decision-making, determinations are made upon talent rather than the social factors. Once meritocracy fails, the power of the privileged racial and economic groups is perpetuated. Horace mann feels that without the commonly held political beliefs, the society is doomed to political chaos and strife. He insists that schools are paramount in reforming the entire society. According to Mann, the most crucial idea was that all the children in the society attend the same type of school and they could get common

education. He believes that common schools could educate generally accepted principles of a republican government. According to joel .spring, education served a paramount role in colonial times (Spring , 2016). It was important especially the skills of writing and reading to maintain the authority of the government. The colonial education was also a means for enhancing social and material prosperity. With proper education, somebody could become a member of the Latin and Greek Social Elite group.

In the book ‘The educated person by Jane Ronal Martin’, peter distinguishes the broad sense of education and provides a basis distinction. He philosophically describes education as the processes which have their outcome as the development of a learned or educated person. He suggests that an educated person contains a body of knowledge. In addition, he also has some sort of conceptual scheme to raise the knowledge above the level of a combination of disjointed facts which implies some clear understanding of principles for assembling facts that answer the why and how questions. Moreover, the knowledge of an educated person is not inert: it characterizes the individuals’ way of looking at things and more so involves the commitment that comes from getting the interior of a form of awareness and thought. Education helps the person to care about the standards of evidence in science or the canons of proofs in mathematics. He also insists that an educated person always has a cognitive perspective (bama , 2016).

It is clear from these perspectives that education makes better citizens. It is education that teaches human being rules, manners and regulations of life. It also brings confidence to human. It brings self-confidence of doing

various things on oneself. This confidence assists an individual pass all difficulties that come on individuals’ way. The spreading of awareness is another important purpose of education. An educated person always tries to understand everything on their own instead of following anyone else. These principles results in spreading awareness to everyone. People who are educated reject misconceptions and also explain the login behind any occurrence. It is clear that education eliminates darkness with the intense light of knowledge (Meyers, 2015).


The role of education in enabling economic and social progress is well accepted in today’s world. The capability of a nation’s population to perform and learn in an environment where technological and scientific knowledge is changing largely is crucial for its growth. While the relevance of human capital and its enhancement for nation’s growth cannot be over-emphasized, the consequences also require to be acknowledged. Improvements in the analytical and functional ability of children and the youth via education open up opportunities leading to both group and individual entitlements. Improvements in education enhance efficiency and augment democratic participation. Moreover, education upgrades health and the quality of life. Educated people are more productive and they contribute more to the growth of any country’s economy. Lack of education robs the society and more so individual full life.


  1. (2016). Retrieved 4 May 2016, from
  2. Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed.
  3. Jackson, P. W. (2012). What is education?. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  4. Meyers, P. (2015). Educational research: The importance and effects of institutional spaces. Place of publication not identified: Springer.
  5. Spring, J. H. (2016). American education.
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